suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.

  • Its been over EIGHT months since it was promised. many updates have passed including a hard shift towards the streamer community , but adventure mode cross play opt out seems to have been quietly dropped - personally I'm not buying the "technical issues" argument any more. Are Xbox players now mainly to act as cannon fodder for streamers and toxic PC players. This is a feature that should have been in the game at launch (along with private crews which did eventually arrive).

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  • I do no believe they ever promised opt out for Adventure, I believe the goal was only Arena Opt out Preference. That goal has been met a patch or two ago.

  • My name is gator and I'm a toxic PC gamer. :-(

    How does a player know another player is on PC? I mean, I get smoked so often it's just second nature and I never give it a thought. Is it just assumed or am I running around in game with like a gold star next to my name.....?

  • @gatorwocky
    So apparently, this happened a many patches ago, that if you look at their name through recent players or something, it will state PC or Xbox. However, this is only for Xbox Console, not for the garbage PC app available on PC.

  • Xbox players owe more to pc players in SoT than they can imagine.
    Ever notice how awesome your game settings can be tweaked?
    Ever wonder why other console only games have a lot less settings?

    That's Rare making their first pc game in lockstep with xbox for a groundbreaking new game experience.
    If they made SoT a pc exclusive, it would be all glory and accolades, this would not be an issue. Same if Rare made SoT an xbox exclusive.

    But that is not what Rare wanted, they wanted to bring players together.

    Seems so long ago now.
    Instead of moving forward, many players can only regress.

  • Oh look, a crossplay thread!

    btw, you mixed some things up, OP. The toxic players are console players in most cases.

  • @gatorwocky

    The trained eye will know if you are using a controller or M&K without even having to look into the recent players list to show your platform.
    That is because there is a disparity between the two and it is that noticeable.
    People will dispute this. But I know what I see. And a quick check now and then just confirms what I thought. Yet to have been wrong when I have looked, and yes, I get beat by controller players too, but I can tell they were using one.

    Not everyone will have a problem with crossplay, and some might.

    Optional opt out would not harm the game in my opinion.
    We shall have to wait to see what happens regarding it.

  • @nabberwar said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    So apparently, this happened a many patches ago, that if you look at their name through recent players or something, it will state PC or Xbox. However, this is only for Xbox Console, not for the garbage PC app available on PC.

    Someone mentioned in one of the other million crossplay threads that people on console using M&K will also show up as "PC" but I don't know if that was ever confirmed.

  • I've heard that every time another happy play opt out thread pops up, it gets delayed a couple of hours; don't hold your breath for getting it this year ;).

  • Noobs will always be fodder to higher skill players regardless what platform thet play on. The fact is that more PC players are tryhards and usually more skilled than console players due to the console community being watered down by little kids who just arent good at games yet. While M&K does give advantages in hand to hand combat it doesnt help if you simply watch your ladders and know how to outsail someone.

    Maybe instead of begging to have a higher chance at fighting noobs you relish in the challenge and strive to get better. Most experienced players put themselves in impossible situations simply to see what they can pull off and get better.

  • Black screens and loading times. M&k but there are no advantages over other players not as balanced as rare thinks.. I have pretty much only run into PC players these days and some are really bad.. but I put that down to lack of experience.. but you get a gally with 4 PC players that are descent at the game you have no chance if on a smaller ship... As those ones tell me "get good" more like "get a PC" they even recognized I was on console.. if it's not a thing why would they mention I'm on console??

  • @masterbetty89 If they have 4 pc decent players and you are on an xbox sloop you can easily get away unscathed. When you see them on the horizon run into the wind.

  • @jofjjay said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    @masterbetty89 If they have 4 pc decent players and you are on an xbox sloop you can easily get away unscathed. When you see them on the horizon run into the wind.

    I understand this I'm no noob.... this is more in regards to Fotd where interactions are encouraged and I want that bad boy.. So I just end up endlessly harassing them just to make it that extra bit harder. Still fun "yes" even losing but balanced with no advantages "no" btw im not solo duo.. then there are different skill lvl for PC just as Console.. I've played since launch and have seen some crazy skilled PC players both on my crew and not.. but never crazy skilled console players compared to PC

  • @lem0n-curry
    That was in a developer stream actually, they claimed to delay updates (one of which was Christmas) every time they were mentioned. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if some try that with the crossplay threads, it's been discussed to death and back to life and to death once more.

  • @masterbetty89 said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    Black screens and loading times. M&k but there are no advantages over other players not as balanced as rare thinks.. I have pretty much only run into PC players these days and some are really bad.. but I put that down to lack of experience.. but you get a gally with 4 PC players that are descent at the game you have no chance if on a smaller ship... As those ones tell me "get good" more like "get a PC" they even recognized I was on console.. if it's not a thing why would they mention I'm on console??

    Speak for yourself. Im on xbox. I usually only duo sloop and pvp. Droppin 4 man galleons is easy if you know how to use a sloop. Pc players sink the same as everyone else. Its all about tactics and personal skill.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    @masterbetty89 said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    Black screens and loading times. M&k but there are no advantages over other players not as balanced as rare thinks.. I have pretty much only run into PC players these days and some are really bad.. but I put that down to lack of experience.. but you get a gally with 4 PC players that are descent at the game you have no chance if on a smaller ship... As those ones tell me "get good" more like "get a PC" they even recognized I was on console.. if it's not a thing why would they mention I'm on console??

    Speak for yourself. Im on xbox. I usually only duo sloop and pvp. Droppin 4 man galleons is easy if you know how to use a sloop. Pc players sink the same as everyone else. Its all about tactics and personal skill.

    Did I say i was speaking for anyone else? Obviously this is all from my own experiences. Before this game came out it was the same.. did you just come here to argue.. hope I run into on the sea some time and you can show me how good you really are.. rodl o

  • Outside of some issues with melee combat, I'm actually quite happy with the way things are. Just yesterday, my crew and I were bested by what we thought were surely PC players and/or cheaters - they almost never missed a shot, and seemingly were shooting through cover and were reloading faster than we could recover and/or eat, but after watching multiple recorded clips of the encounter, and checking on our opponent's profiles, it showed that we were legitimately outplayed by an entire crew of Xbox players. I quickly learned that we were bested because our galleon took a defensive position and relied on 2 allied sloops to maneuver around the enemy ship. Because we weren't moving, we were easy to board and overtake - our own cannonfire masked the splashing water of them boarding, because nobody was watching ladders like I thought they were. Watching the clips showed us missing sword swipes, shots, and bumping into our ship's furniture and walls, clearly in the open, and giving them time to shoot us to death with their double-guns. They seemingly reloaded faster than we could eat because most of the time, they did it from behind cover while we were retreating with our backs turned to them.

    Overall, a bad, but legit, experience that was only tempered because we had a massive payout prior to the attack.

    If you feel like you're being cheated, take my advice - record some clips and analyze them; you may quickly learn a few things:

    1. What you did wrong.
    2. What they did right.
    3. Whether or not they were cheating.
    4. If they were cheating, you also learn their names, for reporting - with evidence.

    You'll find that, in most cases, you really were just outplayed - but at least you can learn from it; and if they were cheating, you're all set to report them to Rare. In any case, there's always going to be a bigger fish - so don't feel so bad if it's not you during a particular session.

  • @galactic-geek

    nO tHeY cLeArLy ChEaTeD yOu SeE hOw ThAt ShOt HiT tHe GaMe DoEsNt LeT tHaT hApPeN nOrMaLlY iM a pVp gOd I sWeAr

  • Console players should realize that Adventure in SoT is essentially a pc game they get to play, despite being the larger playerbase.

    Rare and MS are dedicated to the improvement of crossplay.
    Don't hold your breath waiting for an opt out option.

    I would suggest upgrading your hardware if you expect to play SoT long term.

  • Basically if we got opt out there wouldn't be people pointing out the adv dis adv over and over again. Like old mate said if you plan on playing sot for the long run upgrade you headwear... It's like I said not get gud it's get a pc.. thanks for clearing that up haha

    I havnt seen a cheater for a long long time

  • @nabberwar said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    I do no believe they ever promised opt out for Adventure, I believe the goal was only Arena Opt out Preference. That goal has been met a patch or two ago.

    Yea they did - they said arena was first and adventure would be after that. They definitely didn't say 'arena soon, and thats the end of it'

    @JofJJay run into the wind? Lol
    So a pc player gets to partake in ALL aspects of the game, but Xbox players should run into the wind to avoid the pvp? No thanks, i'd rather just opt out, and partake in all aspects too.

    As a side note, i'll fight aggressors all the time, and usually win, but the win is so much harder against some players. When the dust settles and the loot collected, the customary 'thanks for the battle' message is sent, and those harder battles were always pc.

    Like @NeedSmokes said earlier, you can tell during the battle, just like pc can tell who's on Xbox during battle. The recent players list is just extra confirmation.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 wait for it.. its skill and tactics there is no difference.. get gud blah blah blah..

    You can do this

    1. Blah
    2. Blah
    3. Blah blah blah

    I thought Id answer for all the people in denial and the ones that constantly act like anyone who says there is an advantage is just plain wrong and just bad at the game.. ya dreaming

  • If you guys are so sure of yourselves, and think they're cheating or are on PC with a distinct advantage, then record it and share it here so that we can analyze it for you. Worst case scenario? You learn something.

  • @galactic-geek

    It is against forum rules to post videos/proof of cheating.

  • @pomalotacusmk3
    Is their a citation on that, I am not saying it isn't true, but I don't remember that?

  • Totally agree. Prepare for the incoming get good, your crew must be bad, and its called Sea of Thieves not Sea of Friends comments from people sitting behind a $3500 dollar optimized gaming PC. Rare have catered to PC players and have left Xbox players (which make up the majority of their player count) in the dust and FOTD has made that blatanlty obvious since all the PC sweats are crawling back out of arena.

  • @masterbetty89 Exactly literally the only people who say this are PC players. 99.9% of Xbox players who have put any reputable amount of time into SoT want a Crossplay Option. Rare just cares more about streamers and PC sweats then they do about the majority of its player base (i.e: Xbox users).

  • @nwo-azcrack Your right someone on a $3500 optimized gaming PC has no advantage over someone on an original Xbox. Theres just bad at SoT right and didnt use the right "tactics". 😂 Dont be ignorant people literally buy PCs for thier vast advantages over console.

  • @nabberwar Incorrect.

  • @barnabas-seadog
    Wee, pc superiority... Noone Is lucky to play this game, it's both a pc and Xbox game. Neither is superior in this game.

    Pc players actually have very few advantages here. Higher turn speeds can be negated by turning up your sensitivity. Faster loading is mainly because of ssds, which you can buy for xbox. Fps doesn't have that big of an effect if you have a playable level, unless you have extreme reaction speeds.

  • @mrotisfirefly said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    @nwo-azcrack Your right someone on a $3500 optimized gaming PC has no advantage over someone on an original Xbox. Theres just bad at SoT right and didnt use the right "tactics". 😂 Dont be ignorant people literally buy PCs for thier vast advantages over console.

    Possible advantages are an SSD and a mouse and keyboard. Both of those are available to Xbox users too.

    If a PC player chooses to invest in those and a console user doesn't, that's not the game's fault or the PC player's fault. This game has no 'head shots' so precision aiming isn't required. We all get the same hitboxes.

    Go watch some people live streaming with low viewer counts, you'll see a vast number of PC users who are low skilled and can hardly kill anyone. This isn't due to their hardware, but their abilities in the game.

    Playing on PC doesn't magically make someone a better player, which is what console players seem to believe. I currently use an Xbox controller on PC and if I switch to mouse and keyboard, I would never kill anyone. I can hardly even sword lunge using mouse and keyboard as I'm not used to it! xD

  • @blazedrake100 said in suggestion: actually implement cross play opt out.:

    Wee, pc superiority... Noone Is lucky to play this game, it's both a pc and Xbox game. Neither is superior in this game.

    I'm not superior, but I am lucky to be playing this game.
    Two years ago I saw Rares first video on SoT. I played the first Scale Test on my kids Xbox.
    I had to have this game, but I'm trash on a controller.
    So I upgraded the OS on my potato to Win10 and got a new monitor.

    I'm just suggesting that we are all playing a pc game, and that most of you should upgrade for the best SoT experience.

    But you do you.

  • Totally agree I think the really need to address this and let us know if it is coming or not so we can either get back to playing or move on they said they was working on this in November said we would get it in aniversary update and it mid October and we still don't have it on adventure the only mode on this game worth playing

  • @gatorwocky just go to recent players and you can tell either the pc players has played hardly any Xbox games or only play anywhere titles or has a small gamerscore it's not to hard to tell

  • @zherron-vorse nah would rather not play with pc players then listen to the drivel of get good then when I opt out if i get owned I know it's to a good console player I would be good with that

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