Developer update 30th of Jan

  • Posting this for the people who have been numerous telling me that rare never said they would bring the opt out to adventure check 30th January developer update around the 2.40 mark he says it's coming to adventure also

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  • Here's the link

    "That option will be available whether you’re going into Adventure Mode or going into the Arena. So the option will be available across the entire game"

  • Cant wait for you all opt out and i can sail solo and be forever alone on the seas!
    Your problems wont be solved, as people will use a XIM and rule on one x with ssd and KBM and later on a scarlett.
    There is and will always be disadvantages not using the top Hardware and try everything to improve your skills.
    A general accuse to PC players i also use for several arguments is:
    They try everything to improve their performance.
    They find out how to exploit all and everything and when a mousepad can improve your aim, they will buy it, even if it costs 100% more of what a mousepad costs normally.
    And i can assure you these sort of gamers also exist for xbox and not only these will outperform you, but also all the ones who own xbox and PC.
    It will take not take long when first PC players are able to hijack a xbox queue or just use an xbox with ssd and XIM.

    What you people do not understand is that some people will try and do all to find ships they can sink.
    I can buy myself an xbox one x tomorrow and a XIM and i will maybe even have better performance than today on my Laptop.

  • @bugaboo-bill look forward to it 👍

  • @bugaboo-bill what was promised should be delivered plain and simple

  • To those who want pve Servers i suggest to play on PC servers after the opt out.
    Just because PC servers will be more empty and xbox servers will have to deal with XIM and ssd users 😂

  • @bugaboo-bill a dit dans Developer update 30th of Jan :

    To those who want pve Servers i suggest to play on PC servers after the opt out.
    Just because PC servers will be more empty and xbox servers will have to deal with XIM and ssd users 😂

    Are you implying that the PC playerbase is so low that multiple servers cannot be filled? That's quite strange what you're saying.

  • @bugaboo-bill so people wanna tell me there is no advantages to worry about while you talk about the lengths people will go to keep those advantages good to know rare bring out opt out asap

  • @jetorchidee97 they really don't make sense it's either little to no difference and optional cross play ain't needed or if implemented all Xbox players will leave them alone on there servers 🤔

  • @bugaboo-bill someone seems to have taken the proof in bad taste

  • SWAG, baby.

    For now, we're all still playing Rare's game.

    Some of us.

  • @jetorchidee97 sagte in Developer update 30th of Jan:

    @bugaboo-bill a dit dans Developer update 30th of Jan :

    To those who want pve Servers i suggest to play on PC servers after the opt out.
    Just because PC servers will be more empty and xbox servers will have to deal with XIM and ssd users 😂

    Are you implying that the PC playerbase is so low that multiple servers cannot be filled? That's quite strange what you're saying.

    I have no evidence, but see the recent PC Sloop Arena thread.
    It's empty.
    And yes afaik PC players are a fraction of the overall playerbase, it's for sure not 50/50.
    Maybe 70/30 PC on the low end.
    I know barely anyone on PC like the game very much, because of the reasons many pve focussed and xbox players tell us the whole day (and with what i agree with to some degree)what they think about PC players.
    PC players mostly, but not all, i for sure an exception are more the type of gaming the system gamers than xbox and other casual players.
    I'm PC, but i'm lazy, RP or immersion focussed and like pve and pvp. But i also dont like people make it a serious sport and try to hack, exploit or whatever.
    Or are just proudly trashtalking how awesome they are and you are not. I hate this too as a PC player and underlined not a gamer.
    I cant say it's not true for xbox.
    But these "Gamers" own anyway also at least one console.
    You wont ever get entirely rid of them.
    The Problem is not PC.
    The problem is how aproach the game.
    The gap is for sure input method, but not only and also a lot about "effort" and how players and gamers differently aproach games.
    You wont get rid of the perfomers and "put more effort in" gamers.

    I'm normally a round based tactics player because of all of this.
    There is no clicks per minute, better fps, better ssd, better input method, better internet connection etc...

    A split of the playerbase will for sure mean emptier servers for PC.
    And if on PC a lot of "gamers" spoil my game, i will also quit playing.

    I fully understand what xbox players say, i also dont have fun fighting people using theor KBM on speed and outperform me with no chance to react.
    Not all PC players are perfomers.
    Many are they dont like the game because it's made like it is and gives them less buff to work of, no pistols +1 and not enough "endgame" they can brag with. Additionally if they missed some limited stuff they can never be as epic as a lazy casual player like me with Founder Title and Sails, Day one Patch etc...
    But the PC players are still perfomers mostly.
    I'm not, but i'm in many ways a strange person and videogames player.
    I hate min maxing in all aspects. For real life and especially when playing games.

    But you wont change this.
    Majority will always min max, perform, "put effort in", compete as if their life is in danger and exagerate about it like tomorrow
    the world ends.

    Split of the playerbase will lead to less players on all sides.
    And for PC the possibility it dies out is high.
    As i said most PC gamers dont like it because the lack of content (achievements to work off) and horizontal progression.
    It "weighs" not enough if i steamroll you and rewards less if someone "put so much effort in".

    So the playerbase shrinks, but the proportions of gamers and casual players and the thing about who aproaches the game what way wont change imho.

  • It's in the developer update and was promised to us and it needs to be delivered no ifs or buts and if the game can't fill 24 people servers in either end then it's not far from dying anyways and rare in the next developer video don't think this will be a problem because of server migrations any how the handle things I would suggest you watch that I think your concerns are unfounded and you assume all Xbox players will leave the mixed pool when the in fact the majority might remain either way I think this game will be fine after opt out

  • @barnabas-seadog ok not sure where your coming from with this but cool 👍

  • I am not against opt out.
    I only say it wont help with the issues people want it for.
    And additionally will shrink the overall playerbase.

    If you ask me, the way the discussions went recently i cant wait for you to opt out and talk about more important things.

    Please opt out asap!
    I'm positive about it and play further on PC.
    The only fear i have is that PvP becomes an esport on PC and all casuals quit because of that and that some hardcores on xbox will anyway own and rule the xbox servers enough, with ir without using a XIM and you will only feel less owned in the beginning, but not on the long run as the "gamers performing and putting more effort into it" will still bl*w you away.

  • Yeah it's nothing new, hence the annoyance at the whiners tapping their foot for something that is already being worked on. You can now rest easy knowing your feature will eventually arrive when it's ready! No need to post about it daily anymore yaaaay! 🎉

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Let people cheat the system by using XIM or something else.

    We are watching.. It might not show you playing on PC, but it will show a very low Xbox gamerscore. And if I suspected a player of bypassing the opt out and looked at the recent players and saw a similar gamerscore, i might delve a little deeper in another feature we have on our Xbox consoles and see what other games you have played.
    And if I see none are Xbox titles and only ones on the PC store. You can bet I would be suspecting something is amiss and reporting such an action.
    So you see, you are not above detection. Any of us can easily discover a player this way.

    Great to see you have done your research in finding a way to bypass Rare's filter to gain access to opt out servers to once again have the advantage you clearly so badly crave.

    I'll be watching!! Because I know a K&M player when I see one.

  • @bugaboo-bill on this we surely agree 👍 opt out sooner rather then later and best of luck out there

  • At this point, people who start pro or anti Crossplay threads and should know better should just get an immediate ban/suspension under the bait/troll/spam rule.

    Its getting old. There is nothing new to be said.

  • @needsmokes agreed

  • @d3adst1ck really so asking rare for something they promised 10 months ago should result in a ban maybe rare should hurry up and deliver what they said they would soon it will be a year since they told us it was coming and we are still waiting think it's fair to hold them accountable

  • @bloodybil no think it's something rare need to talk about again 10 months is long enough to deliver this update and we should have a rough time frame for when it is coming since arena already does it's time we know when it's coming

  • If something about this was mentioned that long ago, there must be a reason why we don't have it yet. By the way, just because they say it's coming doesn't mean that it actually is - I've seen enough developers go back on their word in the past to know better. In fact, Rare has already done it once - they promised us that you'd be able to earn commendations after time-limited events, and then they gave us Mercenary voyages that left pirates scrambling as time ran out and certain commendations disappeared, never to be seen again.

    So, I wouldn't hold your breath - it'll come; or it won't.

  • @jetorchidee97 said in Developer update 30th of Jan:

    Here's the link

    "That option will be available whether you’re going into Adventure Mode or going into the Arena. So the option will be available across the entire game"

    And then in one of the later dev updates, they've said some things have changed, and that it'll just be a preference, for Arena only. :P

    Thing about using outdated dev updates as examples...

    They're outdated. xD

    Again though, nothing was promised in this video. They expressed their plans and intentions, but nobody said "we promise you" or "i promise this" etc etc... Plans change, and intentions change with them.

    So nothing was promised.

    Keep this in mind for the future, unless someone specifically mentions the phrase "i/we promise", then it's not a promise.

  • @sweltering-nick a dit dans Developer update 30th of Jan :

    And then in one of the later dev updates, they've said some things have changed, and that it'll just be a preference, for Arena only. :P

    Thing about using outdated dev updates as examples...

    They're outdated. xD

    Again though, nothing was promised in this video. They expressed their plans and intentions, but nobody said "we promise you" or "i promise this" etc etc... Plans change, and intentions change with them.

    So nothing was promised.

    Keep this in mind for the future, unless someone specifically mentions the phrase "i/we promise", then it's not a promise.

    Even promises can be broken, keep that in mind for the future.

    You might be right, but also wrong. Care to share a link maybe?

  • @jetorchidee97 No, because i don't remember which of the dev updates they said these things, only that it was said. I'm not that obsessed about the dev updates, you see, i don't keep track of which entry provides what information. : /

    I'm not interested in rewatching all of them just to give you a link... I suggest people just watch them, and pay more attention.

    Broken promises are bad for PR though, which is why companies aren't eager to make promises. sagenod

  • @tak225 said in Developer update 30th of Jan:

    @bloodybil no think it's something rare need to talk about again 10 months is long enough to deliver this update and we should have a rough time frame for when it is coming since arena already does it's time we know when it's coming

    No not really, they released the first iteration last month and are probably tinkering to see how to bring it in adventure as we speak. The 10 months excuse is now invalid, and further nagging unnecessary, since, as your own video showed, they said it would be coming to adventure. Yaaaaay! 🎉🎉

  • @sweltering-nick
    Agree with your post.
    let us also not forget they broke their word already 'with every ship you see will be a player'.
    Looking at you Forsaken Sails!

    Wasn't a bad update, but how many times do we see a ship and get excited only to realize it is a skeleton ship?

  • @d-jaguar
    "I see a ship!"

    " you don't."

  • snowflake wallflower xbox players will still get dominated by ruthless cutthroat xbox players. and then they'll whine about wanting private servers that they can sail in peace on.

  • @tak225 I don't care for opt out in adventure...I will still play crossplay there
    Arena is another story

  • @schwammlgott at that is your choice and you are 100% upto you where you choose to play 👍

  • @marsmayflower and be happy in the knowledge that you was just owned by a better pkayer rather then someone with a advantage don't forget that

  • @tak225
    You realize that the fact that there is an opt out option is rare going back on their word? So why aren't they able to for your opinion?

  • @blazedrake100 it was said and so should happen either way they should address this why should there not be a opt out most games that have cross play have it why should this game be any different

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