Add more ships

  • I love the sea of thieves but what it needs is to add more ships. This would not only add ships with more fire power and a bigger crew, it would make the seas more exciting especially for smaller ships who will have to prepare for attacks via large ships.

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  • @transformers186 I say NO to bigger ships, there are several reasons why...
    -as a solo slooper you have to be even more careful and lucky as it is alreasy against 4 man crews
    -it's sometimes hard to even organize a 4 man crew, imagine with 5 or 6 people
    -balancing the speed would mean, it has to be slower against the wind than the probably going backwards then

    But I would like to have different ships from each type, so another 1-2man ship, one 3 man ship, one 4 man ship...each with the exact same speed/turning speed/cannons etc...just looking different

    Also someone else made a thread here, need to look later...the idea was, that a emergent man-o-war spawns somewhere on the server, made for 6 people, but you have to allie with another crew to sail with it efficiently...I kind of like that idea

  • @transformers186 There are three main things I can see preventing new ship sizes coming to the sea of thieves, for at least the foreseeable future:

    -Server Capibility: Simply put the servers are only set up to handle 16 players at this moment in time (last I checked) and adding a ship that has the capability of taking up half the player slots in a lobby is probably not going to happen. I obviously don't know how specifically the servers are set up to run, nor their physical capabilities but in a game like sea of thieves I would be willing to bet that expanding the amount of players allowed in a server would be at least a little difficult

    -Ballance: This is the biggest one to me, as I am a pvp player that really likes to mess with people solo. As it stands a 4v1, while completely achievable, is difficult depending on the skill level of the enemy crew, to other people that may be less inclined to take on a gally by themselves a ship even bigger would be a nightmare. A new ship would have to be very very carefully ballenced to provide a fun experience to all players. (Also the running meta on such a vessel would be such a (redacted) pain in the (redacted) but that's a rant for elsewhere)

    -Lore: This is probably the least important, but I feel its worth mentioning. There are certain lore implications preventing larger vessels from entering the sea of thieves in the first place so any vessile larger than a gally would have to be constructed within the region itself. You can actually find evidence of such vessiles ie The Pirate Lord's Athena's Fortune was a massive ship (now converted into the pub in the hideout). There is also a partially constructed ship on Thieves Haven which appears to have more floors, or decks, than a gally would have. We are seeing evidence of a storyline that could introduce larger ship types but it seems to be on the back burner for the time being.

    All that being said, I feel that given the right caring touch that Rare puts into most of the game, larger ships could be fun. We just wont see them for a little while.

  • @icyyaoi said in Add more ships:

    -Server Capibility: Simply put the servers are only set up to handle 16 players at this moment in time (last I checked) and adding a ship that has the capability of taking up half the player slots in a lobby is probably not going to happen. I obviously don't know how specifically the servers are set up to run, nor their physical capabilities but in a game like sea of thieves I would be willing to bet that expanding the amount of players allowed in a server would be at least a little difficult

    The devs have said the servers are technical capable of this. They just don't have any plans for more ships per server or a bigger ship at this time.

    -Ballance: This is the biggest one to me, as I am a pvp player that really likes to mess with people solo. As it stands a 4v1, while completely achievable, is difficult depending on the skill level of the enemy crew, to other people that may be less inclined to take on a gally by themselves a ship even bigger would be a nightmare. A new ship would have to be very very carefully ballenced to provide a fun experience to all players.

    Although more man power can be harder. A 6 man ship should be slower then a galleon in speed, turning speed, etc. It could be good balanced.

    -Lore: This is probably the least important, but I feel its worth mentioning. There are certain lore implications preventing larger vessels from entering the sea of thieves in the first place so any vessile larger than a gally would have to be constructed within the region itself. You can actually find evidence of such vessiles ie The Pirate Lord's Athena's Fortune was a massive ship (now converted into the pub in the hideout). There is also a partially constructed ship on Thieves Haven which appears to have more floors, or decks, than a gally would have. We are seeing evidence of a storyline that could introduce larger ship types but it seems to be on the back burner for the time being.

    There are bigger ships in the SoT lore. Just not implemented in game (yet ;P)

  • @mentimjojo Meh I feel like you ignored a bit of what I said but yes.

  • @icyyaoi
    -Server Capibility: Simply put the servers are only set up to handle 16 players at this moment in time (last I checked) and adding a ship that has the capability of taking up half the player slots in a lobby is probably not going to happen. I obviously don't know how specifically the servers are set up to run, nor their physical capabilities but in a game like sea of thieves I would be willing to bet that expanding the amount of players allowed in a server would be at least a little difficult

    This is wrong, it is, and always was a maximum of 24 players...6 ships per server, and it's possible, that these 6 ships are 24's pretty rare, but I've already seen 5 full galleons on one server, so at least 20 players

  • I think my biggest issue with larger ships is balance against the existing ships.

    Look at how mind-numbingly slow the galleon is now against the wind. Assumably, a bigger ship would fit the same desgin as being slower against the wind and faster with it. Can you imagine the bordum six to eight people will have to endure to get across the map against the wind in an even slower ship than we have now? Not to mention the chances of actually catching a target being pretty slim.

    I think Rare has kept the ships as they are for fairly good reason to be honest.

  • @transformers186 found the thread about the idea with the emergent man-o-war made by @CosmicGlitch

  • @schwammlgott ![alt text](image url) that’s correct servers can actually handle 24 now

  • @transformers186 sagte in Add more ships:

    @schwammlgott ![alt text](image url) that’s correct servers can actually handle 24 now

    Not has been 24 since launch...never changed anything there

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