Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up

  • I'm sure like many other players I'm tired of every ship I slattack running away for over half an hour before scuttling or entering the shroud. Solution: add a mechanic where ships leave a trail behind them (Either in the water or wind) that when another ship sails in it, they get a small speed boost that allows them to catch up to that ship over time. This would finally allow a chaser to be able to catch up with their prey and encourage combat more

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  • solution: improve at stealth or sailing

    they have no obligation to fight you and you have no entitlement to have them nerfed so you can catch them

  • @oligy697 ships doesn't go that fast, that a slipstream would effect it that much...anyway, I don't think this should be a thing, if the other crews sails better they shouldn't be punished this way...

  • This is sea of thieves not mariokart

  • I can mostly agree. makes it mildly infuriating when you're going after someone and they run for hours. wouldn't want it like the GTA V slipstream in a race fast but gradually building up speed as time goes by.

  • Be faster and know the optimal angle for the sails.

    Some of the mechanics are really odd and unrealistic, for example; The Sloop has the weirdest mechanic of them all. If you don't have full wind then you want it in the opposite way so the wind goes straight away from the sails, not half-wind or anything. NO wind at all and that is the 2nd fastest speed with the Sloop.

    On the other ships (Brig/Galleon) you always wanna have them in a way where you get a slight wind.

  • @sexysparrow sagte in Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up:

    I can mostly agree. makes it mildly infuriating when you're going after someone and they run for hours. wouldn't want it like the GTA V slipstream in a race fast but gradually building up speed as time goes by.

    When you hunt a ship down for HOURS, it's your own fault..

  • This is a good idea.

    Hypothetically, the ocean would be smoother when you are directly trailing another ship, so it makes sense that less waves means slightly more speed.

    It also carries the danger that the fleeing ship can easily send boarders and/or kegs to the pursuing ship.

    I like it.

  • Fleeing is a skill. It is a way to play the game and there should not be a need to make it harder. The game allows for people to play however they enjoy the game, meaning should they want to run, they can, should you wish to chase, you also can.

    I personally enjoy fleeing, as I am better at sailing than I am at fighting, and a long battle of wits with being chased is where I get enjoyment. Sometimes I win that, sometimes I am caught, either way, I learn something from it.

  • @oligy697

    Fleeing and scuttling are totally fine ways to avoid conflict. Just as you have the right to attack them, they have the right to run away or sink their own ship to avoid combat.

  • I'm against this idea - Ships need to have an option to run for this to be a proper sandbox experience. Right now we have a good balance in running and/or chasing require a good bit of skill. They also require more than a brute force approach (which to me getting behind someone and just following along is exactly that, a brute force approach). You should be maneuvering and making use of the environment as well on both sides of the coin.

  • @oligy697 lol, yeah I hope you don't chase directly behind ships.

    #1 boarders but #2 you will find those boats that rain kegs from the backside and you will be running through a minefield.

  • @oligy697

    too bad at sailing?
    you sail straight behind a ship to catch it?
    learn to PVP!

  • Combat is like loveplay, I really gotta be in the mood.

    If I'm not in the mood for a fight and you are, your going to get trolled and toyed with.

    So keep chasing me, loverboy. I need more practice grabbing the ladders of pursuers.

    Addressing the OP's concerns, chainshots were implemented to help attackers cripple fleeing ships, practice using them and cursed cannonballs.
    Since a big part of avoiding battle is simply to look constantly for aggressors, your going to have to be cunning to get close to many veteran sailors.

    The sailing mechanics are wonky enough compared to an actual simulation, but SoT does not need more wackiness like a speed buff only for chasers.

    Btw, boat wakes have been requested since before launch and I still feel the need to see them for full immersion.
    I assume the graphics take a huge hit when they tried them.

  • @joe-krakatoa said in Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up:

    Combat is like loveplay, I really gotta be in the mood.

    So keep chasing me, loverboy. I need more practice grabbing the ladders of pursuers.

    I feel like Almost Paradise should be playing in the background for this thread now

  • Umm. No?

  • I think they should add more realistic wind mechanics. Like if you're chasing directly behind someone with the wind you'd steal the wind from their sails.

  • @schwammlgott nobody's hunted a ship for literal hours. it's a metaphor. but people who have good loot and are (you know what) about it, they'll run because they know you can't really catch them if they sail in a straight line and it's honestly unfair. a slipstream mechanic would balance the game even more. IMO of course.

  • @sexysparrow sailing in a straight line leads you to the red sea...either they go down with it, or they have to turn, so you can get them...I see no problem there...

    Also I know people who chase or get chased for hours...and I mean hours

  • @oligy697 slip stream? The bane of online racing now brought to SOT. No thanks.

  • @schwammlgott said in Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up:

    @sexysparrow sagte in Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up:

    I can mostly agree. makes it mildly infuriating when you're going after someone and they run for hours. wouldn't want it like the GTA V slipstream in a race fast but gradually building up speed as time goes by.

    When you hunt a ship down for HOURS, it's your own fault..

    Couldn’t agree more. Just like when getting spawn camped on your ship over and over accept the loss and scuttle. Chasing someone for two hours falls under same category, accept the loss and move on or actually pull off abit , watch from afar and attack when the target has relaxed abit either going to an outpost or another island.

    Longest chaser I ever had was about an hour and 45 minutes give or take. It was wonderful.

  • @itz-majman said in Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up:

    Be faster and know the optimal angle for the sails.

    2 identical ships going in the same direction while using the same sailing method are still going to be going the same speed, leading to just hoping someone eventually slips up.

    this forum is run by PvE lords. there needs to be more punishment for runners. there's already a big defender's advantage in this game and you're basically throwing it away when you run instead of even attempting to fight.
    too many people think it's great to just waste both party's time by running away, especially when they have nothing to lose.

  • @superpopato

    Oh for sure but 9/10 times people are slow on turning the sails or don't even know the optimal angle. Hence i catch 99.5% of the people i chase. It requires you to know some odd and unrealistic mechanics too

  • @oligy697 As none sailors it's understandable that you might think this would make sense but in reality this is usually not the case. Generally due to disturbed air flowing of the back of the leading boat's sails boats sailing too near to the boat in front tends to actually slow down. The situation can reversed when sailing with the wind with the trailing boat being able to cast a "wind shadow" over the leading boat slowing said boat down which often leads to an overtaking opportunities for the trailing boat. The only exception to this sometimes occurs when both boats are reaching across the wind (at around 90 degrees) where a slip streaming effect can potentially come into play and a boat might be able to ride the leading boat's wake. Some aspects of these physics would be quite difficult for the developers to implement however "wind shadows" would be a fairly simple addition, if they so chose. Sloop players might not be too happy with such a change however 😉.

  • @one-eyed-curly said in Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up:

    @oligy697 As none sailors it's understandable that you might think this would make sense but in reality this is usually not the case. Generally due to disturbed air flowing of the back of the leading boat's sails boats sailing too near to the boat in front tends to actually slow down. The situation can reversed when sailing with the wind with the trailing boat being able to cast a "wind shadow" over the leading boat slowing said boat down which often leads to an overtaking opportunities for the trailing boat. The only exception to this sometimes occurs when both boats are reaching across the wind (at around 90 degrees) where a slip streaming effect can potentially come into play and a boat might be able to ride the leading boat's wake. Some aspects of these physics would be quite difficult for the developers to implement however "wind shadows" would be a fairly simple addition, if they so chose. Sloop players might not be too happy with such a change however 😉.

    As long as the reverse is also possible going directly into the wind and the sloop casting a "wind shadow" on that chasing galleon/brig bringing it to nearly a stop, I think this is balanced. 4 and 3 v1 type crews might not be too happy with such change either though.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Sailing directly behind a ship speeds you up:

    solution: improve at stealth or sailing

    they have no obligation to fight you and you have no entitlement to have them nerfed so you can catch them

    while I agree ops idea is kinda dumb, and ofc they arent entitled to catching them, but having more ways to catch another ship CAN be more immersive and lifelike, and cause less annoying stalemates.

  • @lygushkia this game isn’t made for realism.

  • I hate chasing runners but this just doesn't make sense.

  • Okay turns out this is a bad idea, I would like there to be some way of being able to speed up while chasing someone though

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