Adding roles.

  • I think having roles with slight boosts to things could be a cool idea, things like a captain getting faster wheel turning, shipwrights getting faster repair and cannoneers getting faster loading times. Maybe some less known roles like lookouts who get faster climbing speed with a slight movespeed boost or less sway, deck rat who has more movement speed and less penalty while carrying loot?

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  • I think larger crews already have enough bonuses that adding something like this only further disadvantages smaller ships more than they need to be and trying to fudge this disparity by allowing smaller crews to equip more than one role leads to a bunch of player power problems.

    Not to mention that now encounters could boil down to not having the right role equipped instead of your basic performance.

  • In SOT everyone comes as an equal and has the same possibilities (hardware capabilities not included of course). What makes the game so fascinating, in my opinion, is the way we all find our roles by playing the game.

    There are those who are focused on boarding and pvp, there are the deckhands who trim the sails and repair, there are the helmsmen who know the map by memory and use the wind to get the shorter route towards the objective. All these abilities are innate in the gamer, yet SOT brings them out in the most natural way and makes them interchangeable. The reason I say this is based on my opinion that SOT is crafted around the gamer, the thinking human being behind the controller and as everyone we have the choice to adapt and interchange our roles based on the situation we find ourselves in.

    This is why I'm glad SOT doesn't relies on fixed roles and has emphasized freedom of choice based on players' actions.

  • This would either be either a slap in the face to solo players...or it would be a slap in the face to larger crews depending on how they did it.

    If every crew size on a server was the same size, it would be neat...but that's not the case...and for that reason I cannot support this idea.

  • "You are who you choose to be." - Hogarth Hughes

  • @galactic-geek I needed that.

  • @galactic-geek said in Adding roles.:

    "You are who you choose to be." - Hogarth Hughes

    I AM............... A BILLIONAIRE!!
    alt text

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