Open crew rework

  • Honestly, open crew sucks. When I want to join a galleon crew, it takes at least 3 joins and leaves to find a good crew. It is still worth it at the end of the day but the problem is it can take as long as an hour to get a good crew. The main issue with the open crew is languages, I constantly get [mod edit] who is completely useless and can’t even read a map (or speak English!). What if you could choose your main language and only get teamed with people speaking that language. Players who lie about there language can be reported and punished. I think this could make the open crew much better for EVERYONE (not just English speakers). Feel free to tell me I am wrong but I think this will better the game.

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  • @riptide4970 said in Open crew rework:

    Honestly, open crew sucks. When I want to join a galleon crew, it takes at least 3 joins and leaves to find a good crew. It is still worth it at the end of the day but the problem is it can take as long as an hour to get a good crew. The main issue with the open crew is languages, I constantly get this indian/chinese guy who is completely useless and can’t even read a map (or speak English!). What if you could choose your main language and only get teamed with people speaking that language. Players who lie about there language can be reported and punished. I think this could make the open crew much better for EVERYONE (not just English speakers). Feel free to tell me I am wrong but I think this will better the game.

    Or you could just use the quick chat. That way, what you say gets translated.

  • @riptide4970 Give a try to LFGs and post the requirements to be part of the crew.

  • Ahoy @riptide4970 !

    Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and our Pirate Code.

    Be respectful. Sea of Thieves is a game for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, creed or disability. Treat everyone with respect. Diversity only enriches this larger-than-life pirate community of ours and makes Sea of Thieves’ world a far more interesting one to explore. When we all play, everyone wins. Sea of Thieves is a game for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, creed or disability. Treat everyone with respect. Diversity only enriches this larger-than-life pirate community of ours and makes Sea of Thieves’ world a far more interesting one to explore. When we all play, everyone wins.


  • One thing that would improve qol not only for open crews but all crews, make scuttle more visible.
    Those that don't use voice or type in chat that much, give the scuttle option a notification. So many times either i've suggested to scuttle or another person has voted to, have gone unnoticed. Make it more visible in the hud when one member has voted for it.

  • There's no requirement to use mic in game so you can't enforce language requirements (the phrases chat covers most interactions and auto translates). You can use lfg or discord if you have more specific desires about who you end up with but the point of open crew in my mind is its a dice roll and you're leaving it to fate to decide.

  • @scoobywrx555 worth a separate post tbh as this is a good idea but won't get traction as a comment on an idea that will likely get very little support

  • @hiradc aye probably right will do.

  • @riptide4970 that’s because everyone is server hopping trying to find a crew who is about to turn in and in need of help. You’d be surprised how many open crews I find that just finished a FoF and need someone to help defend the ship on the way to sell.

  • It is still worth it at the end of the day but the problem is it can take as long as an hour to get a good crew.

    Try Looking for group.

  • OP, just so you know, your request is perfectly reasonable, but you'll never get it past the forums. They don't seem to understand what the word developer means.

  • One easy solution is to go on the SoT discord group and ask for crewmates in the looking for crew tab. Way better than open crew. You can talk to them, ask for a mic or not, tell your intentions for the game so that you all agree on what you want to do, ask for specific role/skillset… It doesn’t beat having actual friends to play the game with but its better than open crew. And if you get along you can add each other on discord for futur games.

  • Open crew is for people that want to play with others when they either have no one else to play with or wish to play with random people.

    Open crew works great when people don't go in feeling entitled to something, people that don't go in putting expectations on others.

    To be direct, attitudes like yours are what harms open crew. Disrespectful to the spirit of a random adventure with others and disrespectful to people that are under no obligation to be what you expect. They are there to find others to play with, their experience level, their style, their first or only language not being your preference is only relevant to you and is not a stain on the feature or on the people that are participating.

    Adventure isn't about serving you it's about opportunity for all to find something new, something exciting, something different. It's not a tool for you to cheese with.

    You have the option to play by yourself if you want things to go exactly how you want them to go. Open Crew is in no way flawed because of the things you listed. It might not be compatible for you and your preferences but people in open crew aren't useless, no matter their experience, language, gameplay interests.

    First day players, players from other regions, players without mics, players that don't have much experience or combat skill, none of this reflects poorly on open crew or the person and it doesn't mean they are unable to contribute or that they don't have value on a crew.

    I can tell you what the main issues in open crew are.

    People misusing the brig on a brig in open crew with 2 people that know each other mistreating a 3rd random person.

    People with a view like the one you posted that verbally micromanage and boss around others, treating them in a disrespectful way, also blaming the crew and filling the session with negativity.

    Keg blowing, fire setting, random sabotage pales in comparison to the above.

  • Here's something I'd suggest for it. Captain or fill in. Choose captain and you get fresh ship, no other players join for 15-30 seconds. Fill in, you get added in after that delay or into a ship underway.

    Sometimes I want to play OC, but I'd rather go with the flow than be in charge on a crew.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I understand what you are saying. But I do not think you ever encounter 5 Hindi/Chinese players in a row. It is very frustrating, maybe the language system I mentioned is harsh and maybe it will ruin the game, but you have to admit open crew needs changing.

  • @jolaton
    I apologise, I didn’t intend for this post to be racist.

  • @riptide4970 said in Open crew rework:

    I understand what you are saying. But I do not think you ever encounter 5 Hindi/Chinese players in a row. It is very frustrating, maybe the language system I mentioned is harsh and maybe it will ruin the game, but you have to admit open crew needs changing.

    I have played a very significant amount of open crew and when I do I get put all over the place. I've played many many many times with people where we don't speak the same language and many many many times where we not only don't speak the same language we never communicated at all and played entirely on instinct. Some of my favorite sessions ever are with people where we didn't speak and wouldn't understand each other if we did. I find it fascinating.

    I don't think you should be required to enjoy that and I don't think you should feel bad or pressured because you don't, but that is what open crew is for. Random people from all over participating in a system that puts people together where spots are open.

    People find each other in a way in open crew where they never would under preference focused conditions. You might not be open to it and that is fine but others may be open to it without even fully realizing it until they experience it.

    LFG, and forums, and discords allow people to be as picky as they want. Open crew is for all people.

    Unrestricted open crew is the best chance some have of finding someone to play with and that should be preserved.

  • @riptide4970
    I find that a language barrier could open up some interesting interactions and roleplay opportunities.
    Try communicating in more ways than verbally. Emotes work wonderfully. Certain shanties can convey meaning. The raising of a tankard is a sign of celebration.
    Try simply talking. It's possible that they know some English, or speak a language with similar words (Such as Spanish)- if not, there's still something nice about talking to a person who has no idea what you are saying.
    Lastly, the game has a translation feature for quick chat and voice chat (Even if the VC translations are off, the meaning is usually conveyed)

  • @mr-whaletoes said in Open crew rework:

    I find that a language barrier could open up some interesting interactions and roleplay opportunities.
    Try communicating in more ways than verbally. Emotes work wonderfully. Certain shanties can convey meaning. The raising of a tankard is a sign of celebration.
    Try simply talking. It's possible that they know some English, or speak a language with similar words (Such as Spanish)- if not, there's still something nice about talking to a person who has no idea what you are saying.
    Lastly, the game has a translation feature for quick chat and voice chat (Even if the VC translations are off, the meaning is usually conveyed)


    Way back when skeleton thrones were introduced, I made an ad-hoc alliance (before alliances were introduced) with a French crew in order to find them all -vand I don't speak French. It was legitimately fun, funny, and memorable.

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