Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.

  • To those that dont know it is song that the musicians play on the titanic while it's sinking.

    Here's a link so you can give it a listen yourself.

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  • @pangur-bruce Let's keep religious hymns out of SOT!

  • beautifully haunting as an instrumental version

    I remember watching that scene when the movie first came out in theaters.

  • @metal-ravage are there any unreligious hymns?

  • @hijack-hayes

    Determining exactly what does and does not qualify as a secular hymn is obviously difficult. Professor Steve Thomsen, BYU communications professor, suggests six criteria including that the song transcends generations, that it is about redemption or deliverance, that it has spiritual overtones, that it includes metaphors referring to up or down and/or to light and dark, that its meaning transcends initial purpose, and that it has become used as a backdrop for important life events.[5] Richard Wilson suggests a secular hymn needs only to be written as an anthem with a positive theme that does not gloss over the difficulties of life.[4]

    I guess you could make anything not overtly religious into one?

  • @d3adst1ck I was going off this definition in my head I guess.


    a religious song or poem of praise to God or a god:
    "a Hellenistic hymn to Apollo"

  • @hijack-hayes Yes there are secular hymns. I have nothing against Carmen Saeculare as written by Horace.

  • @metal-ravage I mean what makes it religious? All you have to do is change the title and your good.

  • @pangur-bruce said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @metal-ravage I mean what makes it religious? All you have to do is change the title and your good.

    Actually that's true about every expression of religion, if you change the words and intentions you are golden!

  • Amazing Grace and Bagpipes plz.

  • I would prefer they limit it to sea shanties, game-original or otherwise. We don't need hymns unless they're to an appropriate deity like Poseidon.

  • As a Christian, I would love to hear some of these as shanties, but as a practical matter (out of respect for other religions), I don't think that they should add them.

    I'm certain that if you want to hear these as shanties, there are other ways to do it - for example searching for how they're played with certain instruments or styles on Spotify. If the sing is famous enough, I'm sure someone's already done it (ever heard Amazing Grace in heavy metal? I have).

  • @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:
    If the sing is famous enough, I'm sure someone's already done it (ever heard Amazing Grace in heavy metal? I have).

    Christian rock... isn't that a contradiction of terms like military intelligence. If you want bagpipes in a shanty play Dropkick Murphys.

  • @metal-ravage said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:
    If the sing is famous enough, I'm sure someone's already done it (ever heard Amazing Grace in heavy metal? I have).

    Christian rock... isn't that a contradiction of terms like military intelligence. If you want bagpipes in a shanty play Dropkick Murphys.

    Military Intelligence is NOT an oxymoron. It's an insult to anyone willing to fight and die for their country.

    Shame on you! 😑

  • @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @metal-ravage said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:
    If the sing is famous enough, I'm sure someone's already done it (ever heard Amazing Grace in heavy metal? I have).

    Christian rock... isn't that a contradiction of terms like military intelligence. If you want bagpipes in a shanty play Dropkick Murphys.

    Military Intelligence is NOT an oxymoron. It's an insult to anyone willing to fight and die for their country.

    Shame on you! 😑

    Say that to Groucho Marx!

  • @metal-ravage said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @metal-ravage said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:
    If the sing is famous enough, I'm sure someone's already done it (ever heard Amazing Grace in heavy metal? I have).

    Christian rock... isn't that a contradiction of terms like military intelligence. If you want bagpipes in a shanty play Dropkick Murphys.

    Military Intelligence is NOT an oxymoron. It's an insult to anyone willing to fight and die for their country.

    Shame on you! 😑

    Say that to Groucho Marx!

    Well, he was a buffoon anyways. Also, dead.

  • @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @metal-ravage said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @metal-ravage said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:

    @galactic-geek said in Add Nearer my god to thee to the shanties.:
    If the sing is famous enough, I'm sure someone's already done it (ever heard Amazing Grace in heavy metal? I have).

    Christian rock... isn't that a contradiction of terms like military intelligence. If you want bagpipes in a shanty play Dropkick Murphys.

    Military Intelligence is NOT an oxymoron. It's an insult to anyone willing to fight and die for their country.

    Shame on you! 😑

    Say that to Groucho Marx!

    Well, he was a buffoon anyways. Also, dead.

    From where I'm standing he had the last laugh!

  • Well, this went of the cliff fast....

  • @super87ghost, yup

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