Release Notes -

  • Release Notes -
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes -

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

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  • I completed the adventure and deeds but I didn't get the Sticher's Stiches nor Quencher of the Flame Title rewards.

  • @jetorchidee97 said in Release Notes -

    I completed the adventure and deeds but I didn't get the Sticher's Stiches nor Quencher of the Flame Title rewards.

    I have the exact same issue as well.

  • @grafhicks a dit dans Release Notes - :

    @jetorchidee97 said in Release Notes -

    I completed the adventure and deeds but I didn't get the Sticher's Stiches nor Quencher of the Flame Title rewards.

    I have the exact same issue as well.

    They're working on it :

  • unable to launch in directed ships

  • @arcaure

    Restarting game resolved issue for me

  • I'm curious what others are noticing about world events/pve, if anything

    seem off to me for spawning (they still are around just less often)
    haven't seen a fleet

    times without a world event in the sky seem significantly longer on servers

    I have seen a kraken and skull forts but no fleets

    yeah I've been on a few servers for a few hours that had zero world events the entire time

    and still haven't seen a fleet

  • @burlieracorn71 what do you mean by ... RESTART THE GAME?

  • I am primarily a PVP player, but am really against griefing the adventures. For the sake of time limited stuff for the pve'rs i'd recommend not putting a giant symbol in the sky to notify everyone on the map that someone is they're doing the adventure. You end up with any griefers on the map flocking to spawn camp the poor adventurers. A map or a compass to find the end of the adventure would be more discreit.

  • @coppertailwolf said in Release Notes -

    I am primarily a PVP player, but am really against griefing the adventures. For the sake of time limited stuff for the pve'rs i'd recommend not putting a giant symbol in the sky to notify everyone on the map that someone is they're doing the adventure. You end up with any griefers on the map flocking to spawn camp the poor adventurers. A map or a compass to find the end of the adventure would be more discreit.

    When people are piled on each other like a recent adventure that creates more conflict but this adventure there isn't really going to be any flocking to camp.

    Some people will randomly get sunk which is just a part of adventure but the amount of pirates in this game that would sail all the way out to the fortress just to hassle adventurers is very minimal.

    People could do an actual fort out there an get left alone a majority of the time.

    There will be more random adventurer clashing than there will be pvp hunting.

    If people just treat this one like a tall tale and keep an eye on their server they will largely be alright.

  • I have repeated TOTALLY ALL the adventure herald of the flame ... and for the second time I have not received the awards, neither the title nor the jacket of jim, it is shameful that a game of this level, of triple A, with one shop where I spent some euros, you cause these problems, I have the sacrosanct right to receive the prizes I have earned, and the company has the DUTY to solve the problem, not in 72 hours as I was replied by email, but IMMEDIATELY, MUST MUST PROVIDE SOLUTIONS TO ALL THE PLAYERS WHO HAVE THE RIGHT, no more excuses I DEMAND A SOLUTION !!!!

  • Then? has the HERALD OF THE FLAME problem been solved after 48 hours? Do you have solutions or explanations to give?

  • I did the adventure herald of the flame 2 times I got the title but not the jacket of sticher jim

  • @arcaure no title...NO jacket....4 time.....

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 Your best bet is to Submit a Support Ticket.

    Rare are aware of the issue and are investigating.

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