• Hopefully, there will be an update in the future where another method for getting levels is added. Merchants got cargo runs, commodities and lost shipments, Gold Hoarders got vaults, Order of Souls got ghost ships, even Athena got something else like Thieves' Haven runs and Veils. So, there is still the chance that another way to get those points could be earned, perhaps not in this season, but hopefully the developers can expand this and let the pve players earn the curses with other missions.

    For now, I already gave up, I decided to do other things in the game that I can enjoy. I'm sorry, I didn't manage to be a "pvp chad" or anything like that, it's not my thing, I just wanted the curse, but it is out of my reach. Just gotta stay hopeful something positive happens in the future.

  • I feel the same, while I’m a mixture of pvp and pve type of player I’ve spent days and days of time since this season came out (probably haven’t played for like a day and a half) and I’m only allegiance 23, the grind is already getting to me and it’s becoming tiring. Don’t get me wrong I love this season even though there’s things I wish would be implemented and I wish Xbox players would get thrown a bone since it takes hours to find a match in Xbox only servers and going against pc is a death sentence.

  • @dragotech123

    I'm just saving up my ancient coins to buy the Spinal outfit. Skelly outfit + my favorite KI character + don't have to grind boring content for 6 months.

  • When I became Pirate Legend, I wanted the Legendary Sea Dog weapons. All I ever wanted. But I couldn't PVP, and didn't have the hope that Rare would lower the requirements; they had already rejected it.

    So what did I do? I grinded. I went out of my way to learn instead of focusing on the rewards. And got them.

    I'm not saying I don't see your point of view, I just don't understand. Literally everything in this game not in the Emporium is unlocked through PVE, why can't there just be two locked behind PVP?

    Why do players need their hand held because they give up too easily when they don't get instant gratification?

    I promise, if a lot of you went through the effort of really learning instead of focusing on the rewards, you'll get the rewards more easily.

  • @barberrrrrr Well that you mate Not other people Other people are different to you some can play in Insane mode others can't There is an old saying You can lead a fish out of water but you can't make it breathe Which means you can't force people to do PVP Some people can't do it No matter how hard they try That's why we need other methods of doing this pvp mode So everyone can enjoy it not just you and the other sweats That's what sea of thieves is all about to enjoy it not do it as a job That is my opinion don't take offence

  • @barberrrrrr And yes I learned a lot About the waiting time And going up against the same people over and over again And Stocking up the ship Over and over again after losing and going up against 2 versus 1 And after sinking one ship you only get half a level And it is also very hard to get a winning streak Without sinking And Some people like to drag out the Fight So it takes hours To sink them and you say it's easy It's not Not for the average player That's why we need other methods my friend don't even want to play on it anymore because it's too insane to Grind 4 It's not just about learning the game it's about the difficulty level And right now it's insane Mode And trust me I work my Hardest and it's still hard as hell And it's also not fun playing on your own And other people are just looking for other people that are sweats And don't want to look for other people and enjoy the game But other people are too intense about it And when they lose They leave the game until the next day Instead of continuing the game That's why we need other methods Not just to make it easy But to make it better for other people so everyone can enjoy it not just sweats That is my argument and don't take offence And thanks for reading

  • There is a way I see through the grade system when someone attack you while you have loot aboard and defend it, that’s give you more rep like if they let you sell the loot to have for rap because you deliver it , while hourglass is active, should give you rep for delivering the loot, but it just doesn’t so like why do I need to activate the hourglass I can simply play for any other company without being attacked. If I am not receiving anything from it just let it for fights you even cant start a fight with your loot

  • @mlokee62 Yeah but you still have the waiting times for people to pop up to attack you Which is a pain I waited for 2 hours and not one person popped up And I had The hourclass turned on

  • I think a good idea to implement is if you sink and loose the battle, half of your hourglass value should be awarded to you instead of being lost forever. It would be different if your opponent somehow claimed your hourglass or it’s value.

    Clearly a person who has no win streak would get the normal reputation for loosing but a person with a grade 4 streak who lost would get the reputation of cashing in a grade 2 hourglass. They won’t get gold but still get reputation.

  • Something cool needs to be locked behind a PVP grind. There are so many things with the PVE grind. I have it all. I want something that other people might not have. 2-3% for a super cool reward, perfect.

  • I disagree with the idea that the base curses need to be a grind or badge of honor, or that if everyone have it then it loses its value. In my personal opinion the base curses should be fast to obtain because the golden bones or the gold blessing are the ones that demonstrate an incredible skill level.
    The normal skeleton curse and the normal ghost curse are required to do some commendations, shouldn't they be the beginning instead of the end goal?
    Ok, don't give them instantly, make players earn it, but the feeling that it will take several months, or even more than a year to earn one of the basic ones feels bad. How many times do I have to see my ship in the bottom of the ocean before getting a simple cosmetic?
    I still agree with the title of this thread, why not make the progress from 1 to 100 a bit fast, and from 101 to 1000 the real grind? Or at least give more methods that PvE players can do to enjoy the journey towards the curses?

  • In my opinion this new game mode is just boring, dueling 1 vs 1 might be Fun first 5 maybe 10 times, but doing this all the day long without any objectives isn't fun at all, even for PvP players. I think we need just more PvP activities united with this ALLEGIANCE systems. Something like team battle for forts, maybe fleet vs fleet or some treasure hunt race.

  • @dragotech123

    If you sit down and do it, 1-100 isn't that bad. And I disagree with the curse thing. If every average player is running around as ghosts and skeletons, I think it makes the curse feel the same as the ashen curse, dumb. When its so easy to obtain, something cool becomes something lame imo. golden bones and gold blessing already demonstrate lots of time and dedication (not necessarily skill). I think I have already seen enough people with the ghost curse. The more obtainable it is, the more it is devalued. No one uses ashen curse because its completely devalued, and people love the gold curse because its not easy to obtain. The gold curse is the PVE equivalent to these new curses, and it is still really cool, that may be more your style.

    Also, if you are struggling with PVP, this new mode is the easiest way we have had in a long time to get good at PVP. I learned to get decent through arena, but since that left, I always felt like its unfair to new players that have no access to a means to practice. The open seas just don't offer much competition or a way to get better at cannon shots, boarding, etc. They have the occasional decent fight, but there just aren't that many pvpers out there, and if you find them, they shut you down too fast to practice. This new mode is really good for practice. I am learning a lot, I am not some chad, and I am already 56 with the servants.

    I assume you will disagree with this, so agree to disagree. I understand the desire to have the "cool" things, but I think the "cool" things need to be hard or time consuming at minimum, like the gold curse. That keeps them cool. The ashen curse, coral curse, and others are just too easy to obtain and it devalues them. Good luck out there, if you ever want to sloop up for PVP, I am happy to help :).

  • @dragotech123 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    I disagree with the idea that the base curses need to be a grind or badge of honor, or that if everyone have it then it loses its value. In my personal opinion the base curses should be fast to obtain because the golden bones or the gold blessing are the ones that demonstrate an incredible skill level.
    The normal skeleton curse and the normal ghost curse are required to do some commendations, shouldn't they be the beginning instead of the end goal?
    Ok, don't give them instantly, make players earn it, but the feeling that it will take several months, or even more than a year to earn one of the basic ones feels bad. How many times do I have to see my ship in the bottom of the ocean before getting a simple cosmetic?
    I still agree with the title of this thread, why not make the progress from 1 to 100 a bit fast, and from 101 to 1000 the real grind? Or at least give more methods that PvE players can do to enjoy the journey towards the curses?

    I agree with you wholeheartedly!

    @vladblackhearth said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    In my opinion this new game mode is just boring, dueling 1 vs 1 might be Fun first 5 maybe 10 times, but doing this all the day long without any objectives isn't fun at all, even for PvP players. I think we need just more PvP activities united with this ALLEGIANCE systems. Something like team battle for forts, maybe fleet vs fleet or some treasure hunt race.

    I also like the idea of maybe capturing forts to earn allegiance as well!

    @Ogron2358 I totally disagree with you, the grind from 1-100 is god awful, I haven't played something daunting like this ever before, and I grinded to craft a legendary weapon in GW2 on my own solely, and if every one is running in ghosts/skeletons that doesn't make those look bad at all, people are having fun, and Rare addressed your concern about looking so special and unique, just go grind for your rank 1000 curse, its that simple, you don't have to get everything exclusive to your self only.

  • @ogron2358 I appreciate the offer, and I appreciate that you are kind and reasonable when we disagree.

    I use the ashen curse, I like it. I don't give it value for how easy it is to obtain, I like it because it looks cool, it glows and show the glowing ribcage. I personally don't give value to cosmetics because how hard they are to obtain or how many people use it. I just want to look like a ghost myself. I don't care if everyone else is using it. I want to look good for myself. That's why I don't use the Brave Vanguard title or sails, or use the Hungering Deep cosmetics that existed before alliances were there. As a PvE player this feels too grindy, and I don't think I should be dedicating my time to something I don't enjoy. I already stopped in hopes that someday Rare considers another method for raising those levels.

    Edit: Apologies for spelling mistakes. The buttons on my phone are too small and I may have pressed the wrong letter.

  • @mewds-d-jolly I agree with you on that should be for everyone not just
    For exclusive people Otherwise it wouldn't be fair Ether way sooner or later A lot of people will get the curse anyway so it wouldn't make a difference either way if it's hard or not

  • I've started with some matches, then when I lost over and over I asked myself:

    • Do I feel like I've been doing progress? No, I still have lots of levels to go, I'm not even 10%.
    • Am I even getting better at PvP? No, I don't feel my game sense and awereness have improved.
    • Am I having fun with the hourglass PvP? No, I just see my ship in the bottom of the ocean after the enemy was like *rolls on deck laughing

    So, why am I doing this to myself? I stopped some time ago. I already felt like Mr. Krabs when he said "Wait a minute, I hate golf."

    Please, dear developers, add another method to increase allegiance levels that doesn't involve fighting with other players directly. I'm quite sure there are other ways to support your side in a war.

  • @rex-lokai I'm going agaist pc, probably the reason I lose 4/5 of my matches.

  • @necronikolai13 sad thing is there's no customization with costumes :(

  • @barberrrrrr the thing is that those "just two" are the most recommended curses, I see what you mean by if you really want it you're gonna need to grind, but if this is gonna take a year of 5 hours a day of just pvp... seems way unreasonable.

  • @urgedsniper0009, yeah and again, there's a difference between if they had done this with there own idea, and something the whole community's been requesting. And like I think it's neat they've got things like the golden versions, for those that really want to go all out and spend 1,000's of hours on it... but just at least for the base one make it easier, or add other ways.

  • @ogron2358 agreed that there should be some pvp grind loot, but I don't feel like it should be something the whole community (pve players included) have been requesting...

  • @dragotech123 yes, exactly, right now this base curse seems to be more like a final curse, getting to 1k should be the real grind. getting the first reward should not be this year long grind. and not to mention you also need to meet the other requirement of lvl 75 with reapers bones, or pirate legend.

  • @ogron2358 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:


    If you sit down and do it, 1-100 isn't that bad. And I disagree with the curse thing. If every average player is running around as ghosts and skeletons, I think it makes the curse feel the same as the ashen curse, dumb. When its so easy to obtain, something cool becomes something lame imo. golden bones and gold blessing already demonstrate lots of time and dedication (not necessarily skill). I think I have already seen enough people with the ghost curse. The more obtainable it is, the more it is devalued. No one uses ashen curse because its completely devalued, and people love the gold curse because its not easy to obtain. The gold curse is the PVE equivalent to these new curses, and it is still really cool, that may be more your style.

    Also, if you are struggling with PVP, this new mode is the easiest way we have had in a long time to get good at PVP. I learned to get decent through arena, but since that left, I always felt like its unfair to new players that have no access to a means to practice. The open seas just don't offer much competition or a way to get better at cannon shots, boarding, etc. They have the occasional decent fight, but there just aren't that many pvpers out there, and if you find them, they shut you down too fast to practice. This new mode is really good for practice. I am learning a lot, I am not some chad, and I am already 56 with the servants.

    I assume you will disagree with this, so agree to disagree. I understand the desire to have the "cool" things, but I think the "cool" things need to be hard or time consuming at minimum, like the gold curse. That keeps them cool. The ashen curse, coral curse, and others are just too easy to obtain and it devalues them. Good luck out there, if you ever want to sloop up for PVP, I am happy to help :).

    So I agree that that it shouldn't be something everyone has, it should be something that requires lots of hours of intense grind 100-200 hrs of purley pvp on solo sloop for a pve player who puts in a lot of effort would be pretty reasonable, but I disagree with gold curse being the pve equivalent, and if it was it would be much more reasonable. I'm so close to getting the gold curse, and i'd say it can be obtained in 15-25 ish hours (and I choose to wear the ashen curse anyways). if the base skeleton and ghost curses could be obtained this quickly it might even be too easy. but as of my progress so far it seems it'd take 1k hours or so to get lvl 100 because after probably around 40 hours I'm only level 19... and level difficulty scales.

  • @dragotech123 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    I've started with some matches, then when I lost over and over I asked myself:

    • Do I feel like I've been doing progress? No, I still have lots of levels to go, I'm not even 10%.
    • Am I even getting better at PvP? No, I don't feel my game sense and awereness have improved.
    • Am I having fun with the hourglass PvP? No, I just see my ship in the bottom of the ocean after the enemy was like *rolls on deck laughing

    So, why am I doing this to myself? I stopped some time ago. I already felt like Mr. Krabs when he said "Wait a minute, I hate golf."

    Please, dear developers, add another method to increase allegiance levels that doesn't involve fighting with other players directly. I'm quite sure there are other ways to support your side in a war.

    same here, I'm also less than 10% when considering that future levels require more wins, I'd say I've gotten better at pvp, but then reached a cap, my first 30 battles- I failed them all, then I started winning maybe about 1/3 on average, and even winning 1/3 it's just so slow due to it being highly dependant on streaks.

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @barberrrrrr Well that you mate Not other people Other people are different to you some can play in Insane mode others can't There is an old saying You can lead a fish out of water but you can't make it breathe Which means you can't force people to do PVP Some people can't do it No matter how hard they try That's why we need other methods of doing this pvp mode So everyone can enjoy it not just you and the other sweats That's what sea of thieves is all about to enjoy it not do it as a job That is my opinion don't take offence

    There doesnt need to be other options. If they had wanted other options, they would have put them in from the start. You are meant to PVP for these curses.

  • @captain-coel said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    There doesnt need to be other options. If they had wanted other options, they would have put them in from the start. You are meant to PVP for these curses.

    There can be other type of pvp content (such as capture the ghost fortress or any other stuff they can implement)

  • @mewds-d-jolly Capturing a ghost fortress isnt pvp though. Thats pve... These curses are awarded for PvP

  • @captain-coel capturing ghost forts from other crews draws attention of pvp, just like the last SoT adventure.

  • @mewds-d-jolly said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @captain-coel capturing ghost forts from other crews draws attention of pvp, just like the last SoT adventure.

    capturing a fort for your faction from the ghosts defending it, isnt pvp. the last adventure was pve not pvp.

  • @captain-coel said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    capturing a fort for your faction from the ghosts defending it, isnt pvp. the last adventure was pve not pvp.

    Players were capturing forts from one another, they were fighting each other to get the forts, if thats not pvp then what is?

  • @mewds-d-jolly they werent though. it was always a fort defended by ghosts.... i must have put my flag in about 150 ghost fortresses and not once did i find another crew. If you want these new curses, go fight in the on demand pvp. If you dont want to do that, then you dont get the new curses. Seems pretty simple.

  • @captain-coel right now were are forced to fighting within an imaginary ring and not go out of it or we're gonna blow up, Rare can summon us in one of the forts and let us fight over there to capture it from one another... I believe what I am saying is even more simple, sorry you can't comprehend it.

  • @mewds-d-jolly LOL. I understand completely. You want an easier way to get the curse and when Rare didnt give you one, you came here to cry and hope they do. The curse is time consuming to get, not hard. If you are losing in ship to ship, do you think you're going to win a base defense? Go and get better, play the game like winning and losing doesnt matter. Laugh the whole time. It makes it fun.

  • @captain-coel ROFL looks like you've missed the title of this whole thread that you keep spam-crying about keepin it grindy, so rather than spamming your "get gud" and play it as it is which totally contribute to this thread, you can go make your own "I totally love this grind, please keep it Rare" thread and cry-spam over there, people here are asking for other ways to get the curses if you don't like what we're saying, don't cry about it here.

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