3rd person view - ps5

  • Hey just checking if this game is finally going to add 3rd person view now that's finally coming to ps5. I think the population would grow even more if it was an offered option.

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  • How would this work with aiming weapons?

  • How would this function in many places ingame?

    And this won’t really add to the population. As a first person game, “You” are the pirate.

  • @rotten-rocko just like it does in any 3rd person game. It temporarily changes to first person view then switches back to 3rd.

  • @burnbacon I'm not sure what you mean. Try any 3rd person game. Maybe try black flag? It would work great in sot.

  • facepalm
    rolls on the deck laughing

  • These are two completely separate things. You've not actually explained why you want 3rd person, what you'd do with it, what considerations you've made to any issues it might cause 'I reckon it'll sell more' is not gonna convince devs to put resources into something.

    It doesn't really fit with this immersive world, and you have limited access already by emoting or using interacts like sitting etc.

  • @hiradc you first since you're the one apparently against 3rd person. Why? Why are you against offering both 1st and 3rd person view? I simply don't enjoy 1st person view but that wouldn't make me ever say a game shouldn't offer it. I think all games should offer both within reason.

    Just want to add it's really just a zoom setting on the camera view in the engine. It already exists so the resources you think this requires is far less than they do.

  • @jjblackhat ah okay I haven't played any 3rd person games with guns in that don't use a cross hair for aiming

  • @jjblackhat it offers a lopsided benefit in situations where you can see over or around an obstacle while the person you are watching cannot.

    This is possible with emotes, but unlike what you're asking for you're not able to pre-aim or use interactibles (like being on the helm or raising anchor) and can't move at all without popping out of 3rd person.

    It's a balance issue.

  • @d3adst1ck both sides have their benefits but you could say that in regard to anything in the game. One weapon is better than the next etc. So those in fpv would have better aim and combat. Those in 3rd would have better field view - they offset each other.

  • @jjblackhat Nah. First person is the way to go. The game was designed for it.

    Think about helming on a sloop. You can watch your ladders from the helm.

    The furthest back cannon on a galley could easily keep an eye on the ladder closest.

    You could see around corners.

    All of this is not how the game is designed. Third person is a bad idea.

  • @captain-coel this is untrue there are different levels of 3rd person and different fields of view. They could add over the shoulder 3rd person which is minimal 3rd person a cross between 1st and 3rd.

  • @jjblackhat third person is overpowered in a lot of situations. Particularly with throwables, which they are planning to add a lot more of, because you can throw from behind cover with near perfect accuracy due to being able to see where they are landing without exposing yourself.

    Games with mixed 1pp and 3pp always end up with players abusing 3pp to see around and over objects which means you're kind of forced to use it too in order to compete.

  • This seems a request straight from GTA and RDR players. In those games the tech progress dictated the implementation of first person after third person view was used for so long. Luckily in SOT we already have first person view and there is no need to go back.

  • @jjblackhat any additional vantage would be bad and gove an advantage. Then playing in 3rd person becomes a competitive requirement.

    Sea of Thieves is a first person game.

  • There is a LOT of heat coming at the OP for this. a lot of people asking "why would you even want this? what would you want this for?"
    Guys the primary use of the gold we earn in game is cosmetics. Maybe someone just wants to enjoy their cosmetics, or wants to see their character doing things besides sitting?
    All the points about 3rd person being exploited are ignoring that things have been added that changed the combat meta before, and as we saw with the season preview video, more TOOLS are being added in the future. Maybe a toggled 3rd person would need some constraints to prevent severe abuse in ways we wont know about until someone discovers them, but that's just how it is with every new function in a video game.
    Too many people huddle in the "stop changing the game further from day-1 concepts" camp without even realizing that they're denying innovation without a solid enough argument.

  • Its not about adding advantage or looking at yourself.

    Think abit. You go below deck, a very SMALL area. How is that gonna work without looking goofy. You go into a small narrow cave, how is that gonna work?

    Besides, The Game itself is built around "You are the Pirate" not some unknown force watching from above controlling the pirate.

    You want 3rd person, Emote. Its easy and already ingame.

  • @burnbacon
    Fallout is a good example of over the shoulder viewpoint with camera zoom variability while hosting platforming, melee, and ranged play with plenty of confined locations and narrow spaces. Maybe its better to be in 1st person at times, but you're free to do either as you want to or need to. And as far as "you are the pirate", when does 3rd person view take away the concept of being your character? Kingdom Come Deliverance is forced 1st person but the character is clearly 'Henry' and not you. The viewing perspective is in no way in direct correlation to the player's sense of self.

  • @jjblackhat what does ps5 have to do with third person?

    Anyway third person was tested originally and was chosen against

  • Third person would not make much sense in a game where your aim is based on the actual shape of your weapon and the main area people will fight you in your ship is so cramped that third person would be near useless.

    I could see it just being an option for a bit of fun, but it really would not have much use, and i highly doubt it would boost popularity much because of it not being very functional. Regardless if you keep making different posts claiming that it would be popular on safe seas, ps5, or what ever reason could be made up in the future.

    A game being first or third person only has never stopped me from getting something that otherwise seems fun, and i doubt that it will deter many others.

  • @jjblackhat how am I the first person against this, both the responses before me were against 3rd person 🤣🤣

    People have already mentioned the advantage with seeing around corners and larger field of view.
    I also suspect that with a moving ship you'd be a lot more likely to fall off as you have less precision with movement. It would also just look unnatural as the ship moves independent of the player, you don't see this in first person but if you've ever done a barrel emote when in rough waves you'll see it doesn't match the sway.
    The game just hasn't been designed for it, in the same way devs outright state fov will never be increased

  • @whitestag1992 ya its almost a waste of time trying to defend 3rd person. From what I can see so many players are afraid of change or just prefer 1st person and are self exhorbant so instantly yell down No to 3rd person. It's crazy. Hopefully the developers are smarter otherwise they will eventually have a very quiet sea.

  • @callmebackdraft nothing. I meant with the news of sot coming to ps5 its time to open up this discussion.

  • @hiradc the 'people' have made biased claims. Not 1 is factual..

    Just a little about me. I used to develop video games and now board games.

    With that being said. One person said there would be an advantage with aiming. If the 3rd person view was over the shoulder this would be far from true. The fpv would actually have the advantage. Another said there would be an issue with the camera surrounding. This is slightly true with over the shoulder but very slightly which is an offset to fps having better aim. Over the shoulder is nearly fpv but it allows you to see your character but not all of it. Another person said it would be am issue with going into caves or in the lower levels of ships - this would be far from the case. I implore anyone thinking this to Google over the shoulder view. Another person said it would require a ton of resources. Again not true. Every game engine has a x y axis view where you simply set the desired location.

    Just a lot of inaccurate info so far. Sorry I'm typing on my phone at the moment so this may not read well. 🙃

  • @jjblackhat except that we have been here for awhile. many of us that are a bit long in the tooth also know that they experimented with 3rd person early on and decided against it. The launch of the ps5 doesn't re open the conversation, it's just means more people are going to learn it was an early design choice to not do 3rd person.

  • @captain-coel I was a pirate legend just after launch.

  • @jjblackhat said in 3rd person view - ps5:

    @captain-coel I was a pirate legend just after launch.

    Congratulations? Since you've been here that long, then you already knew they tried 3rd person and decided against it.

    Flexing that you were a PL in year one on the forums isn't going to get you much.

  • @captain-coel
    You were JUST stating your tenure to make an argument from authority. Just because there was once the decision to move away from 3rd person doesn't mean the discussion must remain dead forevermore. player bases change and grow over time and if enough of them have an interest in an idea and can make good points to support said idea, their opinion is not nor should it ever be negated by decisions made half a decade ago.

  • @whitestag1992 said in 3rd person view - ps5:

    You were JUST stating your tenure to make an argument from authority. Just because there was once the decision to move away from 3rd person doesn't mean the discussion must remain dead forevermore. player bases change and grow over time and if enough of them have an interest in an idea and can make good points to support said idea, their opinion is not nor should it ever be negated by decisions made half a decade ago.

    No I was stating that many of us forum regulars are old and been around too long. We remember that they abandoned 3rd person. And yes the decision was made a half a decade ago and remains a good one and absolutely negates their opinion.

    Games that have both all seem to have one that works better than the other which ends up being treated as an afterthought. It's called a design choice. Changing that now would be kind of absurd.

  • @captain-coel no response to rude sorry. I'm not here for that.

  • @captain-coel said in 3rd person view - ps5:

    @whitestag1992 said in 3rd person view - ps5:

    You were JUST stating your tenure to make an argument from authority. Just because there was once the decision to move away from 3rd person doesn't mean the discussion must remain dead forevermore. player bases change and grow over time and if enough of them have an interest in an idea and can make good points to support said idea, their opinion is not nor should it ever be negated by decisions made half a decade ago.

    No I was stating that many of us forum regulars are old and been around too long. We remember that they abandoned 3rd person. And yes the decision was made a half a decade ago and remains a good one and absolutely negates their opinion.

    Games that have both all seem to have one that works better than the other which ends up being treated as an afterthought. It's called a design choice. Changing that now would be kind of absurd.

    I have played very few games where both third and first person felt well done unless first person is for normal play and third is when you get in a vehicle or something similar. It really has to be intended from the start to work well for sure.

  • @jjblackhat said in 3rd person view - ps5:

    @captain-coel no response to rude sorry. I'm not here for that.

    I wasn't being rude. I was being factual. I keep myself fairly restrained on the forums.

  • @jjblackhat it is no reason to start up the discussion at all because like you said the one has nothing to do with the other at all.

    The game is designed to be played from a first person perspective and yes it has been tested to be played in third person but was specifically chosen against.

    I dont see this changing after 6 years because it would add alot of design and development headaches without necessarily any positives, yes some extra players might get the game but it wouldn’t be that bug of a market.

    Also why would the game need it? Because i am not going around asking cod to become third person or gears of war to become first person ?

    Some games are third person others are first person

  • Did you need that the game must look like The last of us?

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