PS5 Newbie in peace!

  • Hey all.

    I pre-ordered the title for my PS5 and am eagerly awaiting the big day when it arrives.

    I thought I would extended a quick “hello” to the community and do some reading and learning in advance! So hello all!

    I will be looking for crew mates soon (but not soon enough). :)


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  • Welcome on in

    If you want some advice just adventure without expectation or obligation

    just try stuff, figure stuff out, get lost, lose loot, get sunk, get in fights, hide, run, chase, just adventure and try stuff

    Find yourself as a pirate, as you are, not as others are or as others tell you to be.

    Just be for a while, everything else will work out fine and as it was meant to be on the sea.

  • Many thanks for the warm welcome!

    And that’s the plan. Play to enjoy - the more frustrating thing for me is starting as a complete novice who knows nothing.

    Time has stood still since pre-order. This needs to change :)

  • @piratewilks237 said in PS5 Newbie in peace!:

    Many thanks for the warm welcome!

    And that’s the plan. Play to enjoy - the more frustrating thing for me is starting as a complete novice who knows nothing.

    Time has stood still since pre-order. This needs to change :)

    Gives you time to think of a ship name if you intend to participate in Captaincy on high seas.

    Captaincy is a super awesome feature that will allow you to name a boat and your pirate/ship "milestones" will be tracked.

    Will keep track of a lot of your activity and you can share it in your log book that becomes a part of your ship.

    You can also start your own guild or join other people's guilds at some point.

    You're going to have a blast.

  • Sounds like it mate!

    I’m definitely planning on owning ships, just as soon as I can start adventuring and filling my pockets :)

  • Welcome aboard soon to be swabbie! If you want to really get some learning in before the game comes to you, might i recommend watching phuzzybonds old solo slooping guide series on youtube! It will be a bit out dated and a lot more tools are soon to come that didnt exist at the time, but the core of that series will help a lot.

    I watched a lot of that series about a month before i got the game and when i was only a week into the game some one at pirate legend was surprised that i was brand new cause of how well i was handling my sails!

    If you watch it or not though, i hope you can get some good info to get an edge in your adventures!

  • Ahoy there!

    I have watched Phuzzybond, though not that series in particular. I’ll give it a look - thanks for the tip.

    I’ve also looked at:

    Captain Falcore
    Cliff the Story Guy

    Invested a couple of hours into Twich streams and purchased the Sea of Thieves book.

    This better be good haha!

  • Welcome to the seas (soon). Captaincy customizing your ship and sailing the high seas are great fun. But would recommend a bit of time on safer seas first. Will give you a chance to get used to sailing and the game in general before venturing into higher seas.

  • Thanks Ziggy.

    That is actually my plan. As boring (and less lucrative) as Safer Seas may potentially be, the core skills learnt will definitely ease the pressure on the ‘swear jar’ in my household :)

  • @piratewilks237 one tip when parking at an island once stopped, put sails up and anchor down. Allows for a faster get away if needed.

  • Higher seas can be quite chilled but they do have there swear jar moments.

  • @piratewilks237 said in PS5 Newbie in peace!:

    Ahoy there!

    I have watched Phuzzybond, though not that series in particular. I’ll give it a look - thanks for the tip.

    I’ve also looked at:

    Captain Falcore
    Cliff the Story Guy

    Invested a couple of hours into Twich streams and purchased the Sea of Thieves book.

    This better be good haha!

    Twitch can be a cool thing to add on to the experience of SoT.

    The only thing I'll suggest about viewing is don't compare yourself to others.

    Those of us with a lot of experience in the game whether just participants or streamers/content creators etc have played for years of time and have thousands of hours of experience.

    None of us knew what we were doing for quite some time and it takes even longer than that for the performance to kick in, which leads to more fortunate outcomes.

    Inexperience is an awesome thing, it is the time when everything will hold the most significance because it's all new and exciting. You'll be hungry for adventure and gold and treasure.

    Other people will make this game look easy but it won't be easy to you for a while, that's a beautiful thing even though it will feel frustrating at times.

    It's always alright to be inexperienced and to face challenges that others are not currently facing. I hope you keep that in mind as you journey through inexperience.

  • @piratewilks237 here a few tips when hitting the High Seas

    •keep an eye on the horizon
    •loot on your ship is not your loot till turn it in try not to get mad when it's stolen it happens to us all
    •the sloop is the fastest ship sailing into the wind
    •if you hold block then charge up the sword dash you can move around quickly
    •you can us the sword dash to skim faster through water but must be done from an edge of a shore, dock, or and where high up
    •all meats count as 2 bits and give full health plus extra health that auto heals
    •every player does the same Damage regardless of the weapon skin weather a day 1 Xbox pirate or a PS5 day 1 pirate
    •if you wanna run from the Kraken do a 180 with your ship that's the fastest way out of the ink
    •Grab a Grog and Crew and set sail and just enjoy the adventure

  • Thanks for all the top tips folks.

    I’ll bear them in mind a week tomorrow when the Beta hits the digital shelves.

  • @sideshowz1ggy sagte in PS5 Newbie in peace!:

    @piratewilks237 one tip when parking at an island once stopped, put sails up and anchor down. Allows for a faster get away if needed.

    I guess you meant anchor up, not down...

  • @schwammlgott I did yes should have double checked what I'd written before hitting submit.

  • Don’t worry guys - I’d sussed it out :)

  • @captainwilks I find it kind of cool that some of these players have basically become pirate lords of their own, with large amounts of pirates watching their adventures

  • @captainwilks
    User id.....I've had a PS account since it started lol, would love to be friends in this mess of a game hahaha...I played the beta loved it, I got the big pre-order deluxe or whatever. My nephew plays at times and he's played before but still learning. He has xbox

  • @vortc60

    Sure! I’ll sling you a guild invite once the game launches. I’ve already got a 3 man crew and another player I’ve sailed with more sporadically.

    That’s assuming that you’re into the idea of a guild of course?

  • @captainwilks

    How does a guild work? Is it a team of around 5 or so people?

  • A team of up to 24 I believe mate. It gives the opportunity for everyone to work together towards obtaining guild rewards and cosmetics etc.

    You just do whatnot normally would do, but if you use one of the ships pledged to the guild by members you gain guild XP.

    Also you can join each others crews etc.

  • @captainwilks hello and welcome. i recommend reading all the posts you can on what people have already asked to be added to the game over the years. may save you a lot of time and some snooty responses. i shall try to keep mine to a minimum... ;) i jest. but welcome. have fun.

  • @qu1etone

    Thank you!

  • @captainwilks

    Yeah im totally down for that. I want to learn how to play the game and make friends in the process. A guild sounds fairly new to me but im definately up for the challenge. You get guild credentials as well? Like extra coinage or whatnot. What perks are there

  • @vortc60

    Awesome. My aspiration is to set up a decent guild set up to allow everyone to be able to jump into a decent team rather than always playing with ransoms. Working towards a common goal is also fun!

    I don’t know a lot as I haven’t started the guild yet. Though I have been reading!

    You get a guild emissary flag at guild L15 which give loot multipliers to all items traded. (Similar to a Reaper emissary).

    You also work towards some guild cosmetics etc.


  • @captainwilks love your atittude m8! Hope more PS players are like you!

  • @oldreclaimer

    Thanks shippers!

    We are a friendly bunch really haha

  • @captainwilks add me on PS @OG_Stankyy

  • @captainwilks

    Im searching for a guild on ps5 can you invite me? Kaasman026

  • Sorry all. I haven’t been active on the forums of late!

  • @captainwilks I'm 4 months late, but I guess I'm also pretty new. 😅 But ahoy ye fellow scurvy pirate! 🏴‍☠️🦜☠️
    I'm also on PS5!

  • Welcome to the high seas! I’ve progressed pretty far since this post I think haha. Also, the guild is currently at level 205. How are you getting on?

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