The pvp of this game is TOO overpresent. It is sad, really.

  • Open seas, two different pvp "arena" game modes I know of... There is so much that feeds the pvp players and grows toxicity.

    PvE players received a joke of a mode.


    Other games handle their pve/pvp split quite well. Destiny 2, GW2... There are niches for everyone and pve players ARE safe. Here, where the game is supposed to be nice and kind, the community is worse than LoL.

    Can't talk to another player even when my ship has nothing, because I'll be blasted to oblivion. I'd like to form alliances, I'd like to fish with somebody, talk to.
    "No, yOu cAn'T, bEcAuSe iT's "SeA oF THIEVES, nOt sEa oF FrIeNdS." - Yeah, I've heard that countless times and I still implore you to be kinder. Go to those pvp game modes to blow off some steam.

    What can I do to NOT be blasted to oblivion on sight?

    WHY the pve mode is handicapped, circumcised, blinded, deafened and for a good measure with broken spine? Or why can't High Seas become generally non-pvp servers? Pvpers still would have their action thrilled game modes, where the enemy would fight back and they would actually have to work for their ego - while improving their skill!
    And peaceful players would have a pirate game they wanted and Ubisoft screwed up, as usual.

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  • I would consider maybe looking into using facebook as a resource.

    Saying Facebook specifically might seem like an odd suggestion but it could be a useful resource that is in between open crew and just going full discord server mode.

    A lot of the people that I enjoy knowing from this game seem to find some success in their facebook groups. Not quite as chaotic as open crew and not quite as strict as discord stuff.

    Especially for something like fishing with others.

  • @tarreth you’re playing a PvPvE game, there are no PvP or PvE players. The game was designed to have both work simultaneously, and if you didn’t know that before buying a the game, then I’m afraid you’ve made the wrong purchase. SoT isn’t SoT without the PvP element, and it’s highly unlikely to change in the future.

  • PvP is not inherently toxic. Regardless of that, however, is the fact that the game was designed with PvPvE to be at its core and a cornerstone to which the game was built around. While the recent introduction the Safer Seas mode brought in a 'PvE mode' of sorts, it was also never meant to replace the eventual graduation towards High Seas and the full game and was simply intended as a place to learn the ropes to progress towards High Seas or even to play with your kids away from the online interactions.

    All that is to say that a full PvE mode is not intended at this time and as such we will go ahead and drop anchor on this here. Thank you.

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