Shoulda Done it Different

  • As always, there is a divide between those of us who want a better PvE option and those who, for some reason, think this game would die without PvP (hint, it won't).

    I think that instead of going the route they did with safer seas, they should have used a flagging system, similar to what a lot of large MMORPGs have. Want to play PvP? Fine. Go get yourself flagged. But you cannot interact with a crew that is not flagged for PvP. If a non-flagged crew interacts with you, then they will be flagged as well and y'all can duke it out. It's not a hard system to navigate and it would make much more sense than what they attempted to do with safer seas. I say this because safer seas is severely unbalanced for what it is, and no, I'm not talking about the rep/loot gain limitations. I don't mind grinding for hours to achieve my goals. What I do mind is this senseless notion that people are lesser for wanting to be able to enjoy the full game experience without being harassed by others. Y'all enjoy PvP and that's okay, however not everyone else does.

    "PvE only ruins the game" - No, it doesn't. There's plenty to do in the game that has absolutely nothing to do with PvP actually. You have commendations, tall tales, fishing, voyages, fortresses, shrines, meg hunting, kraken hunting, all kinds of things. PvP on the other hand can ruin a lot of people's experiences when they're trying to focus on any of the things listed prior and they have to start over from scratch because someone else decided it would be funny to sink their ship and take their quest items or hard earned fish. It has happened many times before, I'm not the first person to bring it up and I won't be the last.

    The reason I think the flagging system would work better for this game is because with that system in place, we wouldn't need things like Safer Seas, but people could still choose that if they don't want to risk accidentally flagging themselves. Just like how people who want PvP can easily use the hourglass function if they are craving a fight so badly. And it isn't like you'll always have an issue where only one person on a server is flagged- They could make it so any interaction with a reaper ship auto flags you for so much time, and every interaction with a flagged ship or crew member will reset your flag timer.

    To those of you who think that we are wanting a "baby mode" by making it harder for PvP players to target us, my question to you is why can you not go and get your own treasure? Is it that hard for you? Again, if you just enjoy PvP, great! But don't get mad when those of us who don't enjoy your random episode of "I spy a ship, I'm gonna go attack it" say that we don't want to be randomly attacked. If you want to enjoy the PvP aspects, you're not alone. There would be many others flagged on a server, you can fight to your heart's content. Those of us who remain unflagged just wouldn't have to worry about losing all our progress mid-whatever it is we're doing.

    I say this as a person who has been playing only on Safer Seas since it dropped. I enjoy safe seas, to a certain extent. It's extremely buggy like the rest of the game, and I really wish they would focus on fixing all their persisting issues instead of making new cosmetics every other week, but I digress. This is just my opinion on how they could have gone about making a better PvP inclusive experience in a PvE game. "SoT is a PvP game" the base game is PvE, the PvP is just accessories, and they could use some redesigning.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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  • game. "SoT is a PvP game" the base game is PvE, the PvP is just accessories, and they could use some redesigning.

    Sorry. It’s a pvpve based game. Idk why players keep getting this wrong.

  • @burnbacon Sorry, it's a pvpve based game which means literally everything I said still qualifies and this clarification of yours does not change a single point I have made.

  • @avexiala8476

    You should let Rare know about your definition of their game, apparently they’ve been getting it wrong this whole time. Any business would be happy to receive information that may help them better understand their products.

    Also, who ever said that PvE ruins games? Thats not an honest narrative. On the contrary, the complaints are regarding PvP, which is a significant and necessary part of this PvPvE game.

  • What I find unfortunate about suggestions like this is that they dismiss years of Rare slowly but surely making this game unbelievably more pleasant for people that prefer pve.

    As someone that spent years talking about how the underdogs had it too harsh, how things took too long, how the metas and decisions were negatively affecting people in organic adventure it's incredible to see how far they have come.

    Season 8 worked. It broke up the hopping metas enough to take pressure off adventurers

    Season 9 worked. Necessary nerfs to get people involved in world events and some risk again and it very much worked. Season 9 had incredible activity and it was a very long season.

    Season 11, not the greatest season because of bugs and exploiting/cheesing but the features worked. Very easy for adventurers to to save time while still voyaging and doing events, etc.

    Season 12 had some issues but cof being in the fof was great because it keeps heat off everyone else. Cof in the FoF is a big W for adventurers.

    Season 13. Working. Another season where heat is yet again being taken off adventurers. Risk is lower than ever for people doing random adventuring in SoT.

    They have put so much effort into making this experience less unpleasant for adventurers, and it worked. The experience is entirely different now because it's not as intense for casual players.

    Convenience is higher, pressure is lower, opportunity is abundant. That's best case scenario in SoT for organic adventuring.

  • The game design and intent for Sea of Thieves is a shared world adventure, and it always will be. Those who wish to play in the confines of Safer Seas will always have the option but we will not bring the rewards and activities in line with those of High Seas when many of the restrictions are in place due to the risk vs reward factor that is inherent in Sea of Thieves - removing any risk means rewards must be balanced accordingly.

    Safer Seas will act not only as a safe space for our Tall Tale players but also for families with children who just want to pirate, for people who want to play the game but learn the ropes and it will organically feed into Adventure mode, keeping the player pool there healthy and upskilled as they've learned the mechanics.

    This is not only useful for new players but also families and players with accessibility needs - the whole game suddenly becomes available in a way it hasn't before, letting them naturally progress to High Seas and become a Pirate Legend. SoT has grown a huge amount in 5 years and it can be fairly overwhelming.

    The borders put in Safer Seas mean that to experience the full depth and breadth of the game you will have to hit the high seas BUT if you're playing with your family you don't have to, you can just enjoy the game and have fun as a family.

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