LFG New/Returning Player

  • I am looking for a guild who is willing to take on new players who aren't quite new. I've played prior but everyone I've ever played with was highly toxic and I was generally left alone after they would rage quit. I'd like a new outlook regarding the game.

    I am...
    Mic for both Discord and XBOX Party Chat
    Able to make most if not all events and socials required of me
    Able to participate in guild growth and interactions

    My skills in SOT to date...
    I know how to fish, enjoy doing so and would prefer to only fish forever if given the opportunity.
    I know, for the most part, how to navigate and attempt mediocre steering of a ship.
    I can participate in PvP, I just suck right now I'm sure.
    I have willingness to learn.

    I am not sure how notifications work on this forum, but if I don't respond or you would like to actively recruit someone of my skill set and background I will drop my handle below. Thank you so much for you time.

    I hope you have a super wonderful day/evening/night. :)

    XBOX Gamertag: GayDaisy
    Discord username: gaydaisy
    (*Both profile pictures are the same and I should be the only one on XBOX)

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    generalcommunityxbox one
  • Sketchblack17 here from the Thanos guild. We are always looking for new and active players. We are looking for players that are 18 + with a mic and has access to discord. If your interested please reach out to my XBox gamer tag Sketchblack17. I'll be happy to send you an invite to our guild and discord. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

  • @gaydaisy

    Hi there,
    You might be interested in our guild.

    See our recruitment post here:


    We currently have two open spots.

    I also sent you a Discord invite to meet up to see if we match.

    Have a great day 🏴‍☠️

generalcommunityxbox one
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