Set Supplies in HG

  • "HG is apart of adventure". Fosho, but so are supply exploits at this point. Also why are we raising the ttk for weapons when players have an inventory of pineapples. What are we doing Rare?

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  • If others can buy them. So can you

    I find the whole pineapple argument silly. They have to stop fighting back to eat. If you’re quicker than them stuffing that mouth, you can kill a pirate.

    Poison them, blast them, stab them. They be out of those silly foods while you have more ammo XD
    Poison is best choice. You can’t really stop it for what 15 seconds? That instant heal is still draining

  • @burnbacon said in Set Supplies in HG:

    If others can buy them. So can you

    What are you even talking about, obviously that's not the point, the point is that two crews with the same supps would always make a fair battle, and it would also make HG much more fun to play overall without the constant looting

    I find the whole pineapple argument silly. They have to stop fighting back to eat. If you’re quicker than them stuffing that mouth, you can kill a pirate.

    Again, HG would be a lot better if both crews had the same food supps, so one crew didn't have a healing advantage over the other for no reason

    Poison is best choice. You can’t really stop it for what 15 seconds? That instant heal is still draining

    I'd like to see you play HG with poison darts...

  • No. If you lose in HG because you didn't have enough supplies, that's on you. If you don't want to lose because of a lack of supplies, just get more supplies before starting, it's not complicated...

    People who take the time to stockpile a lot of supplies shouldn't be penalized because you chose to go into the fight with starter supplies.

    If I spent 3-4 hours doing some voyages/events, or just sank other ships in HG, it's totally fair to have the upper hand in combat over someone with basic supplies, and I will totally curse dump you with no remorse 😇

  • @eastthread51441 said in Set Supplies in HG:

    I posted a topic about this.

    HG needs unlimited basic supplies during hourglass battles.

    Basic supplies are the same supplies all ships start with. Cannonballs, chainshot, blunderbombs, firebombs, scattershot, flares, planks, coconuts and bananas.

    This suggestion doesn’t punish crews who’ve taken the time to find rarer supplies such as bonecallers, cursed cannonballs, pineapples, etc.

    But what this suggestion does do is ensure that during hourglass battles both crews would have access to all of the basic supplies they need to sink their opponent.

    It makes sense that a war of attrition can happen in adventure mode as gathering supplies is something a seasoned pirate does as they explore islands and do PvE content.

    In hourglass though it makes more sense that basic supplies are unlimited for both crews so the entire focus is on the battle and not having to look for floating barrels or an island within the boundaries to find more chainshot when you’ve run out of the ones you have.

    What happens if an interloper decides to farm the hourglass for the supplies suddenly you got a way to give any ship infinite cannon balls, also what would happen if someone decided to use a storage crate on those infinite supplies?

    Another thing people forget is that diving is optional in hourglass stacking loot and supplies while defending is a better and more rewarding option you're just sacrificing quick matches for a bigger reputation reward.
    They could increase the hoard multiplier though barely seems worth it half the time.

  • @eastthread51441 said in Set Supplies in HG:

    I posted a topic about this.

    HG needs unlimited basic supplies during hourglass battles.

    Basic supplies are the same supplies all ships start with. Cannonballs, chainshot, blunderbombs, firebombs, scattershot, flares, planks, coconuts and bananas.

    This suggestion doesn’t punish crews who’ve taken the time to find rarer supplies such as bonecallers, cursed cannonballs, pineapples, etc.

    By taking time to find bonecallers &c, they also come across the "standard" supplies you want to be unlimited. Having a high number of those is then useless. I'd call it being punished somewhat if my collecting these means nothing in an HG fight,

    But what this suggestion does do is ensure that during hourglass battles both crews would have access to all of the basic supplies they need to sink their opponent.

    Or to keep the fight going on "indefinitly", a much heard complaint about HG fights that they go on and on and on. If people don't spend some time to gain more supplies, they shouldn't have the opportunity to shoot chains &c for "hours & hours".

    It makes sense that a war of attrition can happen in adventure mode as gathering supplies is something a seasoned pirate does as they explore islands and do PvE content.

    And as HG takes place in Adventure and smart people who want to PvP out of HG also gather supplies before they go and fight another ship & crew, I don't see any reason why HG participants ahould have indefinite supplies of some balls and fruit during their fight or not to have to expend their pre-fight supplies.
    After the fight you can still get attacked by one of the other crews on the server, a HG crew should take that and ths their use of supplies into account. You can even get 3rd partied during the fight - suddenly you have a fight where one party doesn't have the unlimited supplies (or takes them away from the HG participants). It will have side-effects that I'd rather not see in Adventure.

    In hourglass though it makes more sense that basic supplies are unlimited for both crews so the entire focus is on the battle and not having to look for floating barrels or an island within the boundaries to find more chainshot when you’ve run out of the ones you have.

    That's part of how SoT Adventure works, part of the fight can be trying to keep the other crew from getting those.
    I'm sure there are other games where you can PvP until the sun comes up without having to worry about resource management - SoT is not like that.

  • @amiiipretty said in

    I'd like to see you play HG with poison darts...

    I have actually and it works pretty well as a pressuring device, it makes them have to time their food better. The caveat to this is it works well as one person on your crew using it and not everyone running around with it. A poison dart on the ladder helps push a commitment and an explosive dart on a teamate turns a sword combo into death.

    All the fights in SoT are as much attrition as skill.

  • @eastthread51441 You dont need chainshots to sink a ship. Do you think people were unable to sink any ship before chainshots were added to the game?! Sure, they help, but they are not mandatory. If you cant sink a ship with the 4 chainshots provided with the basic supplies, either get more of them before you start, or resort to other methods like aiming at the mast with cannonballs or boarding and dropping anchor. Asking for unlimited supplies is a terrible take...

  • @eastthread51441 Its absolutely a terrible take and will never happen.

    What I personnaly do when I play hourglass : buy planks, cannonballs and food from the shipwright, and then loot the outpost for more chainshots. Takes no more than 3 minutes. If I win, cool, I get more supplies. If I lose, no big deal, I just restart the process.

    Im faaar from the best at HG, yet Ive beaten a lot of people who were absolutely stacked with ressources, only with the small supplies I described above. If you play better than the other crew or just get lucky, you dont need an infinite amount of supplies, even starter supplies are enough sometimes. A fight can be over in 2 minutes.

    One thing I agree with is that HG is a painfully slow grind, so I try to not play it too much to not get burned out.

  • @eastthread51441 Yes it is possible to have a ton of supplies, but it doesnt mean you will win the match. If the winner of a match was only determined by the amount of supplies a crew have, of course it would be a problem. But thats not how it works.

    You can definitely choose to do hourglass with no prep work at all, the game gives you the tools you need to battle, thats what the basic supplies are for. But then dont complain about running out of supplies and ask for unlimited ones when you lose against a crew who took the time to prepare better than you did...

  • Doesnt need a solution when there is no problem in the first place. Im done with this discussion ✌️

  • @mp-dino its not hard to stop and grab 20+ pineapples from a sea fort+outpost combined. The skill of killing someone with 5 pineapples is fun. When we go into hourglass we expect the enemy to have 5 pineapples on them since we do as well. I bet you also get upset if someone hits you with a peaceball or anchor ball. It sucks. We have been there. But good crews dont let it affect them. Sometimes the other crew is good enough to beat you, sometimes your good enough to beat them. Its part of hourglass.

  • @amiiipretty again if 1 ship is better supplied its the other ships fault for being under supplied. Better crews win 9/10 battles. So who has the better supplies rarely even matters. We get most of our supplies from the ships we sink in hourglass. Some nights we leave our karma crates with 99+ chains and 99+ pinepaples from all the ships we sunk in hourglass.

  • @lord-budstep i hate getting cursed dumped. Do i complain or say the other boat has no skill? Nope. Its part of the game . Most of the time we can overcome a curse dump (my galleon crew has between 120-400 days in game each) but sometimes we cant. Everyone loses in hg, some more than others. Ive never understood why people get so salty about cursed cannonballs.

    Side note abour a year ago in hourglass we sunk another galleon and they had a crate with 300+ weary balls and 300+ peaceballs. They obviouslydid that tall tale exploit before it was patched, but they were so bad otherwise the cursed had no effect on us. Bottom line is skill overcomes supplies. So it shouldn't matter how much someone has of something.

  • @eastthread51441 unlimited chain shots? Lol hell no. The other stuff i could care less about but chain shots are game changers.

  • @eastthread51441
    When I was talking about farming I wasn't talking about the hourglass people I was talking about a third party farming the hourglass people for supplies.

    I usually jump into hourglass with the basic supplies. I only buy supplies after winning which is when I really need them.

    I have won 2 games where I ran out of supplies wanna know how?
    I killed a skeleton captain while my opponent was running away resetting so I was able to replenish my supplies mid combat twice in solo hourglass, as I said before you're playing in the open world so you can use that in your favor specially since usually the area is big enough for 2 small islands to be included in it.

    I tend to lose more the more supplies I have I guess the trick is to play aggressive as if you are going to run out of supplies and the faster you play the faster you progress.

    You just have to remember the trick isn't to make enough damage to sink the ship it's about preventing the enemy from fixing the damage long enough to actually sink them.

    And if that fails drive the boat out of the border.

  • One of the tactics people can use in (HG) fights is stealing the supplies of the opposing crew; either so you can use them yourself or simply deny the access by throwing storage crates overboard. Unlimited supplies would take that away.

  • @eastthread51441 said in Set Supplies in HG:

    @lem0n-curry said in Set Supplies in HG:

    One of the tactics people can use in (HG) fights is stealing the supplies of the opposing crew; either so you can use them yourself or simply deny the access by throwing storage crates overboard. Unlimited supplies would take that away.

    You can still do that if basic supplies were unlimited.

    You can still go through their barrels looking for non-basic supplies to steal such as pineapples, cursed cannonballs or bonecallers, etc.

    You can still drop storage crates overboard.

    Yeah, I can steal their fireworks too, but that ain't going to help me having less supplies to repair their vessel or stop them from shooting at mine.

    I’m not defending my idea from a pool of piranhas though. I could care less what Rare decides to do.

    Pool of piranhas ? Now that's a nice thing to add to SoT - I like it, it's snappy.

  • @lt-josh84 what are you talking about 😭😭😭 equal supplies = equal fights, it's literally that simple why are you even dying on this hill

  • Infinite supplies will just make the runner problem worse, people don't run to waste supplies the enemy supplies they run to fix their ship or hope the enemy makes a blunder chasing more aggressively.
    Giving infinite planks means cannon shots become worthless why am I going to spare planks for the bigger holes when fixing small holes is faster and I don't have to worry about plank scarcity?

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