Dance off Danger Commendation Changes?

  • About the dance off danger commendation, from season 14 launch to today update, there is a change in the requirements.

    It went from “Set a trap with a Jigball loaded and make at least two other PIRATES dance.”

    To “ Set a trap with a Jigball loaded and make at least two other ENEMIES dance.”

    So now I can complete the commendation with two skeletons?

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  • Typically that change would mean you could use pve as well.

    I hope so because I was not looking forward to waiting for that one to happen organically with other players.

  • @wolfmanbush I just tried. I’ve made two skelly dance but nothing happened. Bad wording.

  • @fox-gr Indeed, between the jigball being a rarity and the fact that you need two enemy players to step on the loaded trap in order to get this commendation, this one will not be easy.

  • I made two Shelly captains shake their tail feathers and it did not pop… but they did look like they were enjoying themselves.

  • Strange that they would change the wording like that and then not update the actual requirements.. Rather misleading as well, tbh.

  • Done with three friendly pirates. I can now confirm that it only works with human opponents

  • @felix-ashur said in Dance off Danger Commendation Changes?:

    Strange that they would change the wording like that and then not update the actual requirements.. Rather misleading as well, tbh.

    I don't think it works with crewmates, so they probably wanted to change it into "enemy pirates" instead of "pirates" (as that would include any crewmates you have).

  • Managed to find 3 jigballs and had 5 traps and did a hunt for skeleton crew and set my trap wit said jig and waited for them to rush and all 3 times 2/3 skeletons hit the trap and started dancing but the commendation didn’t register

  • @ligar-zero-7628 It works only against human opponents not pve enemies.

  • This needs to be adjusted to include NPC’s. I just had the worst experience in game finally getting a jigball and a trap, approached a crew, they said they’d help, but then they trolled and took it away. It frustrated me so much after hours of finally trying to find a jig ball and getting one. Theres no way to get this naturally. It’s only bootable. This is ridiculous. Change the requirement.

  • Out of all the trap commendations I think only the red flare one is reasonable to get organically. Disarming enemy traps isn't terrible either, though I haven't seen any enemy traps yet (organically that is). The rest requires such specific circumstances that are exceedingly rare in normal gameplay. Weapon based commendations that almost require cooperation with another crew kinda seem against the spirit of the thing.

    If the jigball one worked on skellies I think that would be fine. Given how hard it can be to find a jigball. Also if Secret Snare Setter just required to trigger on an enemy pirate, not death it would be much more balanced.

    I've completed all these commendations, so I am not advocating making it easier for me, but to make it more fun experience for others

  • I just did this commendation with 2 enemy pirates and it didnt even give me credit for it.

  • I have tired this with enemies players twice and with Skeltons and yet it is still not completing for me could anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong ?

  • @bigpapichluo said in Dance off Danger Commendation Changes?:

    I have tired this with enemies players twice and with Skeltons and yet it is still not completing for me could anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong ?

    You have to be more specific so we can help you. Can you describe how you set this up and what actually happened?

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