Weapon Skin Ideas

  • For all the weapons: Sticks, literally sticks in the relative shape of the weapon, except for the blow dart, making that a thing of bamboo. I'm pretty sure all of us as kids we would find a stick in the shape of a gun and used it as a gun, or a straight stick that we used as a sword, or ones with a slight bend that we used as a saber, and we would make up our own sounds with our mouths, and the in game sounds would do that.

    For the sword: A shovel sword. We got the spatula sword, so just make the head bigger, fill it in, shape it like a shovel, and boom shovel sword. Also when it hits something it would make the sound of a shovel hitting something instead of the normal sounds. Also a sword that's a massive frying pan and makes frying pan hitting something sounds when it hits something.

    The sniper, pistols, and blunderbuss: Give us actual like flintlock guns with the Flint on the hammer, the pan on the outside that gunpowder would be placed on and the hammer would go down upon and shoot the gun. No this wouldn't affect the reload, I just think it would be nice aesthetically.

    For the blunderbuss: Make one that looks like a double barrel shotgun. No this wouldn't make it work like the double barrel pistol, it's just for aesthetics, also IRL there are double barrel shotguns that shoot both barrels at once depending on the mechanisms.

    For the sniper: A skin that looks like a rolling block rifle. For context, a rolling block rifle is a big rifle used to hunt buffalo during the wild west period, and it was big, hit very hard, was hard to move around, and wasn't the best to use at close range, and that kinda fit how I think the devs wanted the sniper to be used, though we have people using them as long hand cannons with people hitting MW2 360 no scopes with them. Also rolling blocks had really long scopes on them, and that can be part of the design.

    For the throwing knife: One that looks like a glass bottle that's been turned into a prison shank, one that looks like a prison shank, ne where the handle is a deer antler that's been carved for the purpose of a handle, and a kitchen knife, like one of those big ones, like what Michael Myers has.

    For the grapple gun: A skin for the grapple gun that looks like the double barrel shotgun from either Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal (I don't remember which one has the grapple thing). And this can be done cuz Microsoft owns both Bethesda and Rare if I'm correct, so.

    For the blow dart: An old pipe for like a stove or something.

    Dat it.

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  • I’m just a fan of keeping things “pirate”.

    I love your skin ideas but if I had to some up what I’d hope for, it would be to keep it simple.

    Too many of the weapons look like modern day squirt guns… or don’t even look like weapons at all. I hope the devs continue to release items that look and feel heavy + relatively realistic.

    I could do without the silly stuff unless it’s used for meming.

  • @el-c4pitano

    Ya don't think going around hitting people with a shovel is meming?

  • @devtryak haha no it definitely is. I agree with you! Besides, there should be a way to still do damage if your'e out of bullets on double gun or grapple. Even 5hp per hit. When I say silly stuff, I moreso mean the skins ... like the ones that cover the screen like a Christmas tree.and are not very gritty/pirate like.

  • @el-c4pitano

    No the shovel would be a skin for the sword, the shovel itself wouldn't be a weapon cuz I don't think it would be possible for it to be used as a tool and a weapon considering controllers don't have a lot of buttons.

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