New Item: Sextant

  • So me and my friends came up with an idea for a new item. The Sextant. This item would be found on merchant quests. it would be nebulous, not something you buy and keep but something you find in the world and use.

    It would allow you more control over the map, drawing lines, getting exact distances, a speedometer, and beacons you can see in the world, not just on the map. Basically a QoL map aid. It fits the theme, and i think its cool.

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  • Cool idea! Maybe it could show the most ‘optimal’ route from where the ship currently is to where your circle on the map table is, taking into account wind direction etc. it could display a glowing line in front of the ship showing you where to sail for optimal speed in regards to tacking your sails to reach the circled destination faster.

  • i wouldn't add the wind direction thing, it doesn't fit a sextant. but the glowing line is exactly what I am talking about, a way for a crew to extremely clearly communicate to each other the route to take

  • Yes! 100%... not sure it would have much use... but it's a very piratey item I would love to own.

  • More functionality: As you come into visual range of rocks they are added to the map for that session. It's very annoying how many obstacles are in the world that are just not on the map and this would add a solution, allowing you to operate more by instruments than needing to worry about whether I am going to ram some rock. As a note, something like fog or a storm should make visual range smaller.

  • I think this would really cool if it could be implemented somehow to help with navigation for those on the helm.

  • Adding more stuff for the "Navigator" of the crew would be cool. Solid Idea

  • What if it had a curse or spell of some sort on it and it allowed you to see other ships similarly to reapers but also see ship size?

    Or some other affect where it would show where the world event was located on the map for Ashen Winds/Skeleton Fort for those situations you can't quite tell which island it is at.

    Anything to buff the map itself would be a welcome change.

  • I love the idea, but since a sextant is a standard tool for captains, it should be fixed on the menu instead of something you find.

    I am also thinking on the fact that the right-click on the spyglass currently does nothing. The sextant could be implemented there.

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