What would your Jolly Roger look like???

  • Okay it’s simble post an idea what your Jolly Roger would look like

    This was made for me by @PirateNathan27
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  • Made by my beloved partner.

    The Triumphant Hound

    The Triumphant Hound

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    Well... its not really for pirates but as a dutch person this would be great!

  • @siriondb
    Your partner did an epic job wow very awesome work

  • @zombie-p1ague

    That she did! I'm really proud and I feel lucky to be able to use that glorious flag!

  • Glad I could help @Zombie-P1ague :D

  • @siriondb well you should I hope you let her know it is impressive. I hope it Instills fear in all those who see it
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  • I think mine would be a skull chugging a grog. Lol.

  • Bees surrounding a spider. EDIT: Cambrian sea life actually. I thought about it more.

  • @archeuscross something like this?
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  • The one thing I liked about Pirates of the Burning Sea MMO is that you could import your own pirate flag design and it would show up as the flag on your real ship. I made one back in 2008, I'll have to see if I can dig it up.

  • @zombie-p1ague lol yes thats awesome!

  • @zombie-p1ague My flag is my gamer picture, made for me when i first started sailing these shores by the very creative @andrew-valiant

    Although i fear he be in Davy Jone's locker or marooned on am Isle somewhere as he has not been seen for a few moons now! :)

  • @knifelife well I wish him the best
    To you and your crew a toast of grog
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  • @zombie-p1ague @KnifeLife

    The original thread is here, not sure if it's still visible or not, he did some great work!

  • @katttruewalker Yepp its visable! And you are right, he did some great work! Shame he never got to sail the alpha :/

    Maybe we will see him again at beta or launch :)

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