Ferryman Outfit Set...

  • Just wanted to see if an image was released yet for this clothing set.. have the new controller on pre-order as I think it's the best one in the xbox controller lineup besides the gears of war red version. Interested to see the outfit.. hopefully it is pretty unique

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  • @vapor1080 Nothing as of yet has been released, however, there is wide speculation that it may make you look like the captain from the Ferry of the Damned.

    Heres hoping!

  • @musicmee but I have yet to play the game so all I have seen is bits and pieces of what he looks like. I need a new controller but the limited edition controller is $75 when a basic Xbox controller is $55.

    So if I’m gunna spend $75 I wanna know that ferryman skin is worth it to me

  • @zombie-p1ague This one glows in the dark... I think the Xbox light is behind the skull...

    I was sold on glows in the dark :P

  • @musicmee

    To me I don’t know I’m more interested in the outfit set then the looks of the controller.
    To me that’s the deciding factor

  • @musicmee That would be cool. Hope you are right.

  • @zombie-p1ague SAME. Though the gold trigger is a beautiful touch. I didn't even know it came with DLC until earlier today.

    Can they just announce a collectors edition already so they can have my money?

  • @musicmee said above:

    I think the Xbox light is behind the skull

    The glow-in-the-dark logo is in the very middle of the controller while the Xbox button is in the top middle.

    (Image from Amazon.com)

  • I hope is his suit on our character with his glow. And hopefully the outfit is only available through getting the controller and not sold separate late on.

  • @zombie-p1ague xbox labs controllers start at $80 id buy it if i needed a new one for sure just to have the compass around the stick

  • I pre-ordered this controller me too and I was curious to see something :( I hope that it will be awesome :p

  • @captainzingster said in Ferryman Outfit Set...:

    I hope is his suit on our character with his glow. And hopefully the outfit is only available through getting the controller and not sold separate late on.

    Love this idea, hope you're right! Preordered the game last night for the black outfit set but everyone is going to have it so its not worth much to me... on the other hand the ferryman set i have high hopes for being most people aren't going to splurge on the controller

  • @vapor1080
    Cosmetics give an extra 10% damage so really this is pay to win.

  • @captainzingster said in Ferryman Outfit Set...:

    Cosmetics give an extra 10% damage so really this is pay to win.

    This game is not pay to win, with the progression is purely Horizontal. Meaning any cosmetics is cosmetic, they do not offer any additional "stat" bonuses.

  • @erinom3
    I guess you never heard of that meme.

  • @captainzingster


    Except in Sea of Thieves, which is what I wanted to make clear ;)

  • @erinom3 haha I see you boo ;]

  • @captainzingster
    That's not fair lol, I personally don't need the controller (Have the game on pc) would like the chance to get the costume either by buying it or with an exclusive mouse device.

  • @red0demon0

    Ohh I am playing on pc also 😂

  • Cosmetics that make you look like an invulnerable ghost NPC, allowing you to shoot first if the enemy doesn't bother trying, could be pay-to-win.

  • @captainzingster Shiver me timbers! You don't say? I got to tell you though, that is one good looking controller, just wish they had a mouse version of it. I don't like using controllers for pc, they aren't as precise as the mouse. What about you? I'm assuming you bought the controller?

  • @red0demon0 I play on pc and I got the controller..I like the mouse more too but you know what..I got an $80 outfit :D LOL! I might use it every now and then..but I like my mouse..going to be kinda upset if later they are like and now here is the mouse!! :P

  • @averageheroz For an 80$ outfit, it best be a damn good ferry man outfit lol. And hey I'm already upset they only came out with a controller sea of thieves edition. Where's the pc love?

  • @red0demon0 I agree man! but it is all good..I will just get the controller..and try to use it as much as I can..and if they come out with a mouse I will cry..so yeah..LOL

  • it would be cool

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