[CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!

  • Doh!
    Drink a beer till you puke.

    I got 99 problems but a wall ain't one
    Drink 99 beers in a single session.

    Thanks for the Machine Florence...
    Have a ship that you have done five repairs to get sunk.

    How else are dead men supposed to pass time?
    Be on the ghost ship with another player.

    Scallywags and children first!
    Be on an enemy ship as it is sinking.

    Dinner is cancelled Snacker
    Kill a shark.

    Sunksinker Yackas
    Receive damage to the head while on the bow of a ship.

    Play it again Black Sam
    Play the same song two times in a row on any instrument.

    I got a jar of dirt!
    Take a chest that belonged to a different crew and bring it back to your ship, then dance.

  • @teddy-25 Achievement Name: context sensitive
    Achievement Description: use the context sensitive communication wheel in 5 different contexts
    (Optional): A picture of birdy the scarecrow

  • Achievement Name: Fish Food

    Achievement Description: Get killed by a shark.

  • Achievement Name: Wretched Reward

    Achievement Description: Sell a chest that was discovered by another crew.

    (Optional): A picture of the chest of sorrows.

  • Boats and Holes
    Have as many holes in your ship as possible without sinking

    Image for achievement could be the galleon as a peice of swiss cheese

  • Name: Small Fish In a Big Pond

    Achievement: In a solo sloop, sink a ship with a full crew of 4.

  • Fab contest! Has loads of fun trying to come up with these. Have to say #2 and #5 are my personal favourites!

    Achievement Name: As the sparrow flies
    Achievement Description: Followed a strange tide to the world's end and found a black pearl in a dead man's chest

    Achievement Name: Not sure I deserved that...
    Achievement Description: Be greeted with a slap from another pirate of the opposite gender

    Achievement Name: But... why is the rum gone?
    Achievement Description: Use a bottle of grog to get a camp fire started

    Achievement Name: The WORST pirate I have ever heard of!
    Achievement Description: But you have heard of me...

    (Based on an in-game death notification system which all players can see. Awarded for the first time you die.)

    Achievement Name: Nautical nonsense
    Achievement Description: Find the pineapple under the sea

    Achievement Name: I'm a codfish!
    Achievement Description: Get eaten by a crocodile. Tick-tock, tick-tock!

    Achievement Name: Have a little faith...
    Achievement Description: Survive a leap from the crow's nest

    Achievement Name: Flirting with death
    Achievement Description: Dance a jig on the gangplank

    Achievement Name: Cost an arm and a leg...
    Achievement Description: Customised your pirate's appearance to have a hook and a peg leg

    Achievement Name: P**p my ship
    Achievement Description: Customised the appearance of your ship and decorated the captain's quarters

  • Achievement Name: seasick
    Achievement Description: drop the anchor on your ship while its still moving 50 times

  • Achievement: A Pirates Life For Me

    Drink around the fire with your ship mates while playing merry tunes!

  • Achievement Name: Under the sea
    Achievement Description: Spend a total of 2 hours in the ocean
    (Optional): A red crab

  • Achievement: The Big Bang.
    Achievement Description: Take out a shark with a cannon from your ship Saving the life of a crew mate.
    Reward: a Shark Tattoo

  • Achievement: “Are Ye Callin’ Me Lilly Livered?”
    Description: Drink as much as you can without dropping, and find a chest without becoming sober.

    Achievement: “A True Seadog”
    Task: Spend an hour at sea without sinking.

  • @teddy-25
    Achievement name: I couldn't resist, mate.
    Achievement description: Collect over 1,000,000 gold over the course of your career.
    Achievement pic: GOLD! GOLD EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!

  • Achievement Name: Grand theft anchor
    Achievement Description: Take an opposing pirate crew’s ship and ram it into land when they aren’t looking
    (Optional): A pirate on top of the the bottom of a boat that is crashed into land

  • #1.) Achievement Name: Jail Bait
    Achievement Description: Vote a shipmate to the brig 3 times
    #2.) Achievement Name: Thick as Theives
    Achievement Description: Complete 5 voyages with the same crew
    #3.) Achievement Name: Drunk and Disorderly
    Achievement Description: Get intoxicated for the first time
    #4.) Achievement Name: It’s a bird, It’s a plane, It’s a pirate?
    Achievement Description: Launch Yourself from the ship via cannon
    #5.) Achievement Name: Shipwrecked
    Achievement Description: Obliterate another crews ship with yours
    #6.) Achievement Name: Man-kini
    Achievement Description: Spend 5 hours in nothing but your skivvies
    #7.) Achievement Name: Sharing is Caring
    Achievement Description: Hop aboard another crews ship and take their treasure

  • Achievement Name: Barf sided
    Achievement Description: Throw a bucket of puke at an enemy so they can no longer see
    (Optional): A pirate that looks like they’ve been Nickelodeon slimed

  • Achievement Name: no compass needed
    Achievement Description: complete over 100 voyages

  • Achievement Name: Speed 3 pirate of doom
    Achievement Description: blow up a powder keg on an enemy ship
    (Optional): A pirate in mid air jumping off a ship while it explodes behind him

  • Achievement Name: voyage to riches
    Achievement Description: sell 200 chests at an outpost

  • Achievement Name: Stop right there!
    Achievement Description: Jump on an enemy ship and drop their anchor
    Optional: a pirate standing on top of the anchor wheel with a stop sign in one hand and protective gear a person that helps out people in the street would wear

  • Achievement Name: Grogshot
    Achievement Description: Drink some grog and kill a skeleton with a headshot.

  • Achievement Name: Make America Great Again!
    Achievement description: Successfully vote a team member to The Brig, 10 times.
    Achievement art: A pirate looking suspiciously like Donald Trump behind The Brig bars.

  • Achievement Name: Gonzo with the wind
    Achievement Description: Get shot out of a cannon and land on an enemy boat or at least hit the side of it with your strong self
    (Optional): A pirate with a heading towards an enemy ship like a missile

  • Achievement Name Bombs Ahoy!
    Achievement Description Sneak onto an enemy ship and blow up a gunpowder keg in the ship's hull.

  • Achievement Name: All In A Days Work for A Pirate :)
    Achievement Description: Bank 30 Chests. At least 10 of which are Rare Chests. in 5 Minutes.
    Suggested Image: Pirate Hat surrounded by Gold.
    Basically, The player needs to hoard a load of chests and bank them all at once. Maybe Just 10 Rare chests.

    Achievement Name: All In A Days Work for A Pirate :(
    Achievement Description: Have your ship sunk and all of your crew die with at least 15 chests on your Ship.
    Suggested Image: Treasure Chest Sinking

    Achievement Name: Their Can BE Only One Pirate King
    Achievement Description: Sink an enemy ship with at least 5 chests on board, Whilst your ship has at least 10 chests on board.
    Suggested Image: Evil Looking Pirate holding a treasure chest.

    Achievement Name: If I'm Here, and Your Here.
    Achievement Description: With a crew of at least 4 people. Travel X distance without anyone touching the Wheel to stear the ship, and without crashing into anything.
    Suggested Image: 4 Nervous Pirates hugging each other.
    X being a decent distance that would usually result in at least having to pass 3-5 islands. I put at least 4 people crew, just in case the max number of crew is increased.
    Just imagine 4 people panicking every time they see a storm or other ship, or even an island coming up.

    Achievement Name: (Secret)Crying Davy Jones To Sleep.
    Achievement Description: (Secret) Have your ship sunk by the tears of a Chest of Sorrow.
    Suggested Image: Chest of Sorrow with a ship sinking like the Titanic behind it.

    Achievement Name: Cartographer
    Achievement Description: Dig up 10 Chests in a row without digging in the wrong place at all.
    Suggested Image: Gold shovel digging up a part buried Captains chest.

    Achievement Name: (Secret) Not What We Came For, But More Is Always Better.
    Achievement Description: (Secret) Find a chest on an island your looking on, which isn't part of your current quest.
    Suggested Image: 2 Pirates carrying a Nice Chest and a Plain Chest.
    Basically encourages people to explore more of the islands, rather than just hop off, dig and hop back on.

    Achievement Name: You've Mastered Sailing.
    Achievement Description: Park at a dock, Do a 180 anchor turn, sail through Ocean Spikes, without crashing. In all ship sizes.
    Suggested Image: A golden wheel on a white sail.
    Basically, Do all 3 things on all 3 size crewed ships. so all 3 on a 1 crew ship. All 3 on a 2 crew ship. All 3 on a 4 crew ship.
    By Ocean Spikes i mean things like http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/16/1492899646-sot-1.png
    Would mean that people would have to play on all size ships and become better with all of them.
    Heck could be a unlock able sail skin.

    Achievement Name: Arg. Their Be A Ghost Aboard.
    Achievement Description: Steal a chest of another ship without being seen.
    Suggested Image: Pirate carrying a chest tip toeing.
    Might be hard to program, but would be a fun thing to try. Plus should go to whole crew if more than 1 person crew attempting it.

  • Achievement name: Kalamari Anyone?
    Achievement Description: Kill the Kraken
    Achievement Pic: A panned out view of a giant squid/the Kraken with its tentacles out of the water.

    I came up with this idea while playing Sea Of Thieves, and I thought it would be a funny twist to something not to easy to do.

  • Here are a few ideas... I'm putting them all in one post instead of making new posts for each to avoid needless clutter.


    Achievement Name: Creases of Ate
    Achievement Description: Eat eight bananas in eight seconds, then fold the skins into an origami octopus.

    (Note: Since I don't have the beta, I don't know exactly how long it takes to eat a banana, so the time may need adjusting. I know there are no banana skins in the game (at least not yet), but I thought it would be funny. If the skins never work, just eat the bananas and change the name to "Pieces of Ate".)


    Achievement Name: Death from Below
    Achievement Description: Kill a shark from beneath it.
    (Optional): An image of a shark swimming across the surface of the water, with a giant pirate's head, mouth open, coming up from below—a reversal of, and obvious homage to, the famous "Jaws" poster. The front of the pirate's tricorn hat could serve as the pointy "nose" rising up in the image.

    (I claim no rights to this image, nor can I grant any rights to you. This image is provided only as an example from which to base a new picture.)


    Achievement Name: Space Pirate!
    Achievement Description: Reach a height of x meters.
    (Optional): A picture of a pirate wearing a fishbowl on his head (like an astronaut's helmet), with a background of a starfield.

    (Note: replace 'x' with a number only achievable when fired nearly straight up from the highest-mounted cannon in the game, probably on top of a tall island or something.)

    Interesting bit in the official rules:
    [ “Territory” shall mean: Worldwide. ]
    [ ...this Contest is void outside of the Territory ]

    So I guess the folks on the ISS can't enter? Neither can anyone who gets this achievement!


    Achievement Name: Jailbird
    Achievement Description: Spend a total of ten hours in the brig.

    (Note: For this achievement, time in the brig is cumulative and need not be consecutive.)


    I think four is enough for now. If I think of more before the deadline I may add them later.

    • Xystra
  • Achievement name: Brander-man or Fireship-man or Man-o-boom
    Achievement Description: Sink an enemy ship in solo session by blowing up a barrel of gunpowder.
    Achievement picture: something like this: alt text

    Achievement name: Even a weather against me
    Achievement Description: Got killed by a lightning after boarding an enemy ship
    Achievement picture: something like this: alt text

  • Achievement Name: yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
    Achievement Description: kill an enemy with a sword while you are drunk

  • Achievement Name: Better Scuttled than Swiped

    Achievement Description: Destroy your ship with enemy pirates onboard.

    Optional: A pirate below decks with his pistol aimed at a pile of gunpowder barrels, with enemy pirates close behind.

  • Achievement Name: Banana Split
    Achievement Description: Eat 1000 bananas
    (Optional): A sweet drink served in an Admiral Tankard, lots of wiped cream on a top of it and with the banana symbol at the side of the Tankard

  • Mr Christian
    Win a mutiny vote to lock up a teammate.
    Palm trees on either side of a jail cell with a grump Captain inside it.

    Why is all the rum gone?
    Loot and sell a '1000 Grogs' chest
    Pirate looking into an empty tankard with a sad face

    Have a teammate fire you from a canon and be hit by an enemy whilst flying.
    Flying Pirate with a cross hair over the top.

    We're gonna need a bigger boat
    Get killed by a shark whilst carrying a chest
    An Orca (killer whale) attacking a shark

  • Achievement Name: Living Canonball
    Achievement Description: Succesfully shoot yourself out from a cannon and 100 times without geting wet (don't land on the water)
    (Optional): A cannonball headed pirate!

  • Name: Wrath of Calypso

    Description: Survive without sinking at the edge of the map for 5 minutes.

    Image: probably Calypso's face blown up in the background of a ship at sea

  • Achievement Name: riddler
    Achievement Description: solve over 100 riddle maps

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