Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!

  • @k7-issues welcome to my world where i am only doing round 200kb/s to download a steam game! :D

  • It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow, which means I have the day off. :D

  • @khaleesibot Thanks for the great experience

  • This scale test was so cool as usual, can't wait to play the finished game.
    BTW is there a way to report a bug for PC game? I tried the insider app but no luck.

  • @jikaithered has the scale test ended now?

  • Yep the server are down since around 6 hours

    Can’t wait for the next session until release ^^

  • Can't wait for another test, hopefully before release. I wana farm my gold!

  • After hitting rep 25 I couldn't increase rep anymore🤔. Took the wind outta my sails. On release it's GAME ON 😀

  • @profit-prophecy That’s why I wanted to report a bug. Was stuck at lvl4 whyle my crew still get xp, didn’t want to log off as I wasn’t sure I can login again...
    Also a bug with the admiral gun skin, as soon as I changed my character customs (beard, cloth) my gun skin was reset to default

  • After playing the beta I have a few concerns with the game, and I hope that at least some are addressed before launch (because I really, really want this game to succeed).

    1. Sword Combat: Locking onto targets is very clunky, and makes melee combat very difficult (and not very fun). Taking off whatever assist or lock is in the combat may fix this.

    2. Character Customization: I definitely prefer the wheel over the painstaking adjustment of sliders, but there is still some unwanted limitations to the initial customization. Trivial things like hair color should not be randomized, and rather should be adjusted after the player has chosen their pirate from the wheel. I also think you should be able to “save” certain pirate models, in case you want to browse. For example, if you liked a character but wanted to try your luck for a better one, the randomizer gives you a very slim chance of ever finding the original if your luck doesn’t hold out. Just in case, I think you should be able to put aside one or two models for this reason.

    3. Quests/Voyages: I understand that there was only one faction to do voyages for in the beta, but I fear that even with the two other factions that the quests will get stale very fast. These voyages are fun at first, but get very repetitive after the fourth or fifth time. I think that the voyages at launch need to more interesting, varied, and in depth to keep players invested. I understand that more content will be added in continual updates, but for $60 the launch needs to pack a punch. Players need to have quests that feel meaningful, or else they will stop playing. Again, I say this out of pure desire that this game will be as awesome as it can be.

    4. Fist Fighting: This one is rather minor, but it came up when I had two guns equipped (no sword) and was out of ammo on both. I dug up a chest and was soon being followed by five or six skeletons, unable to attack them. Again, I could live without this, but there could be an alternate melee or use of fists for such situations (obviously it should do very little damage, as a last resort). It could also be kind of fun to watch fist brawls between separate crews over treasure.

  • what i have seen n heard about in interviews the trading fraction will be fun,n we will get legendary voyages .i ask me how many different voyages every fraction will have.idk if that a good tactic,but in a swordfight i jump around like in halo n i won a lot fights;)

  • Why i didn't see game in XBOX insider hub?

  • @hhhack BECAUSE IT IS A FINAL BETA ... or OPEN, now look for it in the Microsoft Store ;)

  • @captain-jimbles said in Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!:

    After playing the beta I have a few concerns with the game, and I hope that at least some are addressed before launch (because I really, really want this game to succeed).

    1. Sword Combat: Locking onto targets is very clunky, and makes melee combat very difficult (and not very fun). Taking off whatever assist or lock is in the combat may fix this.

    2. Character Customization: I definitely prefer the wheel over the painstaking adjustment of sliders, but there is still some unwanted limitations to the initial customization. Trivial things like hair color should not be randomized, and rather should be adjusted after the player has chosen their pirate from the wheel. I also think you should be able to “save” certain pirate models, in case you want to browse. For example, if you liked a character but wanted to try your luck for a better one, the randomizer gives you a very slim chance of ever finding the original if your luck doesn’t hold out. Just in case, I think you should be able to put aside one or two models for this reason.

    3. Quests/Voyages: I understand that there was only one faction to do voyages for in the beta, but I fear that even with the two other factions that the quests will get stale very fast. These voyages are fun at first, but get very repetitive after the fourth or fifth time. I think that the voyages at launch need to more interesting, varied, and in depth to keep players invested. I understand that more content will be added in continual updates, but for $60 the launch needs to pack a punch. Players need to have quests that feel meaningful, or else they will stop playing. Again, I say this out of pure desire that this game will be as awesome as it can be.

    4. Fist Fighting: This one is rather minor, but it came up when I had two guns equipped (no sword) and was out of ammo on both. I dug up a chest and was soon being followed by five or six skeletons, unable to attack them. Again, I could live without this, but there could be an alternate melee or use of fists for such situations (obviously it should do very little damage, as a last resort). It could also be kind of fun to watch fist brawls between separate crews over treasure.

    Aye, all terrific points. Here's some of my opinions if you will entertain me,

    1 - While I do think something is off, I'm fairly certain they've tried it extensively without any it must have not worked for some reason. Again though, it isn't quite right yet, maybe a softer lock?

    2 - I 100% agree. Specially when hairstyles are already an "add-on" cosmetic. It only makes sense to give us an option to change color.

    3 - This was my biggest worry since I knew about SoT. It still is but I actually found myself not getting very tired during these tests... Maybe the devs are hiding some nuances that make it just the right loops until new content drops? We'll have to see I guess.

    4 - I'd say just let us hit them with our weapon's stock :P Would love some fist-fighting in taverns though

  • Why did my beta just update? A fourth scale test maybe?

  • @mrjdude89 I think it is for the open Beta there is comming soon

  • @mrjdude89 But we sadly don't have any date on it yet

  • @zowdi but... but... i want it now!

  • @mrjdude89 I know... me to. Can't really injoy anything else right now.... so yeah i just want the game, but in the mean time i wouldn't mind a open beta

  • @zowdi I've been trying to subside the itch for Sea of Thieves by playing "A.C. Black Flag" but it's just not the same.

  • I've been running thru Mad Max to get my mind off it, but the complete lack of water is making me want the water. Not to mention Gut G**h's prophecy of the great splash sounds like Sea of Thieves be on the horizon.

  • I can't settle into anything either. I just can't find a game that feels as 'hands on' yet with such a simple interface.

    Even if I could just stand on the boat, listening to the ocean and the gentle creak of wood.

  • @doctor-n****e haha Ive been rewatching some clips I made just to sea and hear it!

  • @mrjdude89 said in Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!:

    @doctor-n****e haha Ive been rewatching some clips I made just to sea and hear it!

    I've been watching youtube videos as well.

  • @doctor-n****e do u know anythimg about final beta

  • @ikillyoojr said in Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!:

    @doctor-n****e do u know anythimg about final beta

    Sadly, no-one knows anything at this time. There should be, at minimum a weekend beta test (ideally at least a week) with the full game so the devs can prepare a day one patch and perhaps (this is pure wish-listing on my part) a 'head-start' of two-three days for those who've pre-ordered. However, due to the devs pushing the 'everyone on equal footing' concept, I doubt a 'head-start' is likely.

  • @mrjdude89 i tried sailing the seas on gtav vut sadly wasnt the same

  • Final test?

  • @xxslappy31682xx did ye get sunk by many try hard l**o

  • @xxslappy31682xx haha I did the same thing haha

  • Flagged for mods

  • @khaleesibot u should definitely let us start playing now instead of tmrw. Or whenever the last beta starts.

  • This needs to be locked @Global-Moderators

  • @kid-the-rat That tag doesnt work mate, the only group tag that works is the @ deckhands one. But im sure it will be locked when they get online :)

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