Black dog pack

  • I preordered a physical copy from gamestop after the closed beta ended and they told me I would get the preorder bonus code when I pick up the game. I was just wondering if this is correct and other people have been told the same thing or did I miss out on the black dog pack?

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  • @pool-boy-paul I pre-ordered throughbthe Xbox store and haven't received mine yet. Ive messaged Khaleesi to see if she can clarify as i thought it was mesnt to appear a week before launch and its all ready to install now but still no pack :(

    Any @Deckhands able to help us with our problem? :)

  • @knifelife I thought preordering the game through the Xbox store automatically redeemed the code for you come launch.

  • @pool-boy-paul the code will be on your final receipt

  • @lastcall4lunch Thank you!!

  • @pool-boy-paul 👍

  • Windows 10 version!


  • @knifelife
    When you pre-ordered the game through the Xbox store it automatically downloaded the black dog pack which allowed you to access the beta.

    Unfortunately for the guy who pre-ordered from GameStop. He missed the beta because of GameStop.

  • @voodoo-ic0n I’m not all to bothered about the beta I got to play the final one and scale tests, I was just worried about the black dog pack.

  • I know this doesn't answer your question but I didn't know how to ask questions on this website so I have to ask threw here.... Ok here's my question... I pre ordered the game threw Xbox... I signed up on there website entered to win the controller... But I'm very curious to know exactly what the black dog pack is?.. I saw pictures and the new items it comes with but will it benefit you in game? ... Will the black dog sword do more damage than the regular sword... Idk I'm so curious and exited... Plz help answer my question anybody

  • happened to me with the ferryman outfit and the black dog pack it doesn't show on my downloads

  • @pool-boy-paul
    Yeah I was worried too at one point. I guess once it downloaded it encoded itself to the game. It's not like a separate file that's accessible to other accounts that may play on your Xbox.

    That means the black dog pack should be exclusively tied to your account.

  • @pool-boy-paul This will be something you will want to double check with GameStop regarding as they will distribute the codes.

    If you got it through the Microsoft store we are currently waiting on confirmation but I believe that it should be automatic, or you will receive a message via XBL/Email with the code.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Thank you for responding.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering about this myself as I had pre-ordered after the first Closed-Beta, but before the scale tests and was able to download and play the Closed-Beta during the scale tests.

  • The black dog pack will become available to those who pre ordered upon launch!

  • I ordered a physical copy from Gamestop and the code was not on my final receipt. Saw somewhere if you ordered it after January you'll be getting it later but I think that's for digital copies. Did I miss out on Black Dog?

  • I ordered my physical copy through Amazon on March 5th and it was at my house on the 20th, was I supposed to receive the Black Dog pack?

  • @bonzaibingo88

    Ahoy there, please submit a report for this via Support, as far as I am aware, issues surrounding this had mostly been solved but you should definitely contact support at this late stage.

    I'll also close this one down now as it's an old thread.

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