Ahoy! My Name Is... [Insert Pirate Name/Picture]

  • Ahoy! My Name Is LenaAxios

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves because well...technically I'm a mermaid.

    Me interests consist of Streaming my Pirate adventures. Sometimes roaming aimlessly, sometimes questing, other times running into rocks. I JUST hit Pirate legend yesterday and couldn't be happier!!! :D

  • @lena-axios Ahoy Lena, welcome aboard.
    You're a celebrity from a recent Rare stream so let me know if you need an agent. lol
    Sorry but I'm more "age" than "gent". ;o)

    Congrats on becoming a pirate legend.

  • Hmmm seems like a necro thread. @deckhands, can we get this locked down right away please?

  • @mattydove74

    Ahoy there, tis a pirate introduction thread, the content is still relevant despite being less used recently.

  • excuse my tardiness on posting here xD

  • @lena-axios You're fine.
    Although the rules generally don't allow us to revive old threads, this one is an exception.

  • My apologies! I'm new to blog things in general, this one was close to the top (I thought?) I'll be more careful around here from now on :)

  • Welcome to the boards @Lena-Axios! and nice stream with the Devs.

  • @knightx13 Thanks! It was a blast!

  • Ahoy! Me Name be Honestly Salty and I captain the fearsome ship, The Salty Blob.
    If you ever have the displeasure of finding me and my crew, you will have to deal with me first mate Ice "The Blob" Reaper. He is a force to be reckoned with in combat and has killed his fair share of captains and crews alike. Next be me quartermaster Wierdo who is the best damn fixer this side of the Sea of Thieves. Many a ship he has saved from the clutches of the sea and many a more he will save. That leaves the final member of me crew, "Deaf and Mute Lass" JoJo. Many a time through the long voyages we have become a bit bored and the next thing we know she be playing a tune or starting a shovel party.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to make my fortune through any means necessary. Be it digging up treasure, be it making peaceful merchant runs, be it tearing limb from limb skeletons for their cursed skulls, I will do it all.

    Me interests consist of gold, sailing long hours without questing to see what I can find, meeting people with similar interests, taking me crew on new adventures.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain Kaiku Aika.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves for adventure.

    Me interests consist of sailing casually, digging up treasure and playing shanties on the hurdy-gurdy to a cobra.

    As I am rather indecisive, my look may vary drastically.
    My recent outftits:

    My pirate's latest fashion

  • @lena-axios Welcome aboard! Congratulations on reaching pirate legend!

  • Ahoy! I am captain Van Der Decken.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves, aye I heard a whisper... The riches and secrets call to me. Islands buried in treasure waiting to be plundered! Also vague rumours have surfaced of a pale beast, like a ghost in the waves.
    I shall set sail and conquer these treacherous waters!

    Me interests consist of forging new friendships and alliances, treasure hunting, trade, sailing.

    "Bring me the rum
    To celebrate the fortunes to come.
    Let us sing and drink on a rich and glorious time.
    For we shall succeed just like this harmonious rhyme."

  • Ahoy! My Name Is DarkHorizons13

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves because I love the game, I love the sailing mechanics & who could resist the pirate's life after a hard day at work. Hey you, give us a beer!

    Me interests consist of treasure hunting, making 3 ship fleets to take down the skeleton alliance and forts. Oh and I am the paddle boat king, you may have seen me rowing the seven seas solo, love filling it with all that LOOT!

    See you on them seas matey.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is LawweDier

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves for an Adventure and Gold. Been wanting to sail these sees ever since the first time it was introduced at E3. Only been playing for a few weeks, might have encountered some of you other pirates already. My specialty is dying very quickly during PvP, thus I try to avoid it.

    Also introduced the game to my wife and future brother in law. Got so hooked that we bought a second console so wife and I can play together. Had some real fun experiences already.... But also the occasional bad experience due to some ruthless Spawn killing pirates out there... As I said, we suck at PvP.

    Below is our family after a successful adventure... Even sunk an enemy sloop who attacked us out of the blue.

  • ![alt text](image url)[link text](link url)

    my name is Anthony and i am not new but never introduced myself on here.
    i am a level 6 pirate legend, i like to pvp but i also like making friends and helping newer pirates learn the game.

    as a Canadian i have been raised to be respectful and well mannered. the pirate code fits perfectly in everyway.

    i don't know how to link a picture on here, just imagine a buff breaded dude wearing black dog outfit day 1 eyepatch and holding an obsiden eye of reach. title: seeker of athenas fortune

    if anyone can tell me how to link a picture i would be grateful lol

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    Ahoy! My Name Is Im AT0MAC

    I'm not a dull pirate, just look at my clothes and hair, I'm goofing around the seas with my crew and look for anything shinny or adventurous.

    Sea'Ya around

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    Ahoy! This sea dog is often seen sailin' solo, simply lookin' fer treasure buried on distant shores and fendin' off the odd skellington or three. If ye see Yasamura1975 all on me lonesome, rest assured that I'm not lookin' fer any fights! However, when sailin' with me mates, ye can bet...all bets are off!

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Molicious

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to sail the seas in the hopes of becoming a pirate legend.

    Me interests consist of looking for treasures and hunting down skellies

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  • Ahoy!

    My Name Is The enflamer.
    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to loot and to make some stories.
    Because, i am a pirate and i am free.
    Me interests consist of having fun and making bad jokes.

    (ninja fixed - Katt)

    PS can someone show me how to upload those pics the right way? Thanks.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is captkat88

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves because I've always loved pirate related anything, and am finally able to try out SoT. I was hesitant because it's an MMO, and I've never had the same system as my friends to have anyone to play with, and most people I've come across were only interested in PvP.

    Me interests consist of sailing, finding buried treasure, fighting megalodons, krakens and skellies, and having fun with my friends and family. Not into PvP, so I'll never attack someone unless they attack first. I split treasure 50/50 with anyone who genuinely helps me complete quests, because I believe in honor among thieves.

  • My name is Tattoo addict30

    I've come to the sea of thieves to relax after a hard day of work.

    My interests consist of sailing the seas, discovering the islands, fighting the dangers out in the seas and just solo slooping to relax.

  • My name is gaming 4nj4 and I prefer being called Anja (rather than gaming, as it happens often in the seas), because that is my name.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to have fun in solving missions, achievements, commendations and whatever new challenges are waiting there for me in the future. And when I worked hard for my loot and am on a galleon with my experienced crewmates, beware of trying to hunt us. I don't consider myself as a PvP player, but in our crew of 4, it's perfectly okay to have two of that kind.

    My interests consist of collecting all available items of the game, I haven't missed a single chance of doing so since I started in the Beta and I'm wearing my #1 eyepatch with pride. I enjoy most encounters with other players, I've met some good friends in the Seas. Some are still playing others went on to other games. I'm Athena's 10 and still an addict to this game, so much to do still...

    I love this game and for the time being it's my favourite hobby, that's why I signed up for the insider's programme, because I want to help improve the game, as good as I possibly can. So let me say a big THANK YOU for the game itself and for the possibility to help with my feedback!

    Keep on sailing, mates and maybe one day you stumble upon my crew or my solo sloop and if you had been nice to me, it might happen, that you get my rowboat full of supplies. When I'm about to go off, I always leave it like that on a "friendly" server or maybe even the rest of my chests, if you manage to join alliance quick enough... The server gives, the server takes and when I'm in a happy mood because nobody harrassed me in that session, I might be in a giving mood, I have enough money, why not share a bit...

  • Ahoy! I'm Florida Dark.

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    Technically new to the seas, I was invited to the technical alpha only to discover my computer at the time couldn't run the game very well. Now that I have a new, better computer I'm excited to dive in and I've been having a lot of fun! In the past I've played POTCO (so if you know of Partners N Crime or Alice Darkbane, that's me) and POTBS, so I'm not new to pirate games like this.

    If you see me around, I mean no harm unless attacked first. Still learning the ropes, and so far I've been solo slooping to try to get the hang of things; so if you'd like, feel free to send me a friend request!

  • Ahoy! My Name Is BloodMeteor74

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves from the fabled shores of the PS4 to claim my place in these vast untamed waters!

    Me interests consist of the Lost secrets of the sea, scouring the waves for Poseidon's most precious prizes, and serenading the Sirens with songs of mine own!

    I am just getting into the game and getting started but down for adventures, let me know!

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Myles!

    I have come to the Sea of Thieves to meet other people who may be new because I am also new!

    I like to play Sea of Thieves: Order of Souls, play Sea of Thieves: Merchant Alliance, play Sea of Thieves: Gold Hoarders, play Sea of Thieves: Tall Tales, and to play with others in the Sea of Thieves: The Arena!

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Omega Von Doom! Pay no heed to the gloom in the name, I've come to the Sea of Thieves in search of Adventure!

    Me interests consist of questing and exploring; seeing the world and stealing discovering her secrets, no matter the risk! Treasure is a bonus, it's the glory of the sea that has turned my head.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Ryan

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves in search of adventure with the pirate crew knows as "the boys"

    Me interests consist of fighting games and booty

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  • Ahoy! My Name Is AwfulEmu280

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to plunder and pilage the unlucky scoundrels of the sea and the nasty land lovers in my way. This is the path of riches for me and the crews of the sea.

  • Capitain Harlow Marrow

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Crazy Eyes

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to have a good time with friends and maybe give a little challenge to others.
    Oh, and to fish, of course.

  • ARGGHHHHH! Ahoy ya Scurvy Dogs!
    I am the dread pirate SoftailStout.

    I came to Sea of Thieves because of my sons. So I float around this ocean to become cannon fodder for all the more experienced pirates. I enjoy the PvE aspect of SoT but I am working on my PvP skills.

  • @pikaaroon
    Me greetings..., savvy? Not new to the game per'se, but new to this site and it's forums.

    GamerTag: MidLifeCryS (XBOX)
    Pirate: Cotton Rose
    Character Traits: Savant of civility and pirate justice, and protector of the code.
    Pet Monkey: Crackerz
    Alliance: 26
    Soul: 31
    Gold: 32
    Major Goal: Pirate Legend
    Main Goal: Learn, experiment, improve and meet new players and to make new friends to sail with. To enjoy the seven seas and all it's scally waggin adventures and wonder.
    Ship: I have cut me pirate teeth mostly as a solo Sloop player. I also have a modicum of experience in 2 man team Slooping and PvE and PvP ship combat. However, I would like to learn the playstyle and teamwork required for the Brig and Galleon.
    Play style: I enjoy both PvP and PvE.
    Additional Goal: To sail and adventure with a few regulars, all of whom love this game, play regularly and want to build team chemistry, loyalty and friendships and glorious in-game memories.

    If you catch my vibe and have a similar like minded approach to this magnificent game, then reach out or hit me up.

    Cotton Rose

  • Ahoy hoy..
    Hi there My name's Terry.
    (tez bomb) Xbox gamertag

    I've recently come back to the seas after a time away.
    Not a streamer nor a full time gamer just a sea dog who loves this game.

    Sea you all on the seas me maties.

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