Your first few minutes in the Sea of Thieves

  • Hello and welcome my Sea of Thieves guide,
    an introductory guide that you may be ready to brave the high tide.

    You might be a pirate new, and not so sure of what you should do. Hopefully this guide I wrote will be helpful to you!

    After choosing your character in the IPG, t'is time to choose a ship to sail the sea!

    When you are ready to embark you can pick a ship, various options suiting the right trip

    A Galleon, Brigantine or Sloop the choice up to you, whatever you choose another option in view

    On the Sloop you can go alone or with a friend; being alone a dangerous journey to only experienced pirates I'd recommend

    On the Brigantine with two or three off you go, prepared for any scenario

    On the Galleon with a trio or quartet, all work divided no need for a sweat

    Every adventure in this beautiful world, starts in the tavern your sails furled

    The lovely barmaid will fill up your cup, be careful not to yack it all up

    The Pirate Code always ever present, not just a guideline for one to circumvent

    Taverns are only found on Outposts around the sea, they're not safe-zones so don't be too carefree

    You will find various shops around the Outpost, selling items inspiring boast

    The Clothing Shop allows you to change how you dress, more options unlock as you progress

    The Equipment shop sells ever useful tools, allowing you to find riches and jewels

    The Weapon Shop helps you to find weapons to fight with, choose your weapons wisely for limitless ammo is a myth

    If Legendary Pirate status is what you pursue, the trading companies you should look into

    The Gold Hoarders seek riches in burried treasure, giving you maps & riddles to complete at your own leasure

    The Order of Souls work in the art of magic, sending you to gather relieve the undead of their skulls is rather.. tragic

    The Merchant's Alliance are involved in all sorts of trade, doing their orders in a timely manner earns you their accolade

    Each merchant offers a voyage of a different nature, offering a voyage not written in nomenclature

    The voyages ask you to fulfil a certain task, make sure you read when you haven't touched a flask

    Then there are the Bilge Rats, offering unique adventures for the non-aristocrats

    Duke gives you a reward for helping him out, dubloons to be spent offering a different way to the Legend's Hideout

    Letters of Recommendation, time-limited cosmetics or gold Duke offers as reward; many different options to be explored

    To your ship you go to embark on your journey, off to islands rather ferny

    There are a few different stations on your ship, so go aboard and make sure not to slip

    An anchor to make sure you stop, two stations to the right to make your sails pop
    One for length, the other for angle to make sure your sails don't dangle

    The helm to steer you in the right direction, a lantern to help with inspection
    The layout and steering of the ships are not the same, but the tools serve the same aim

    A cannon to send your enemies to the afterlife, barrels to store extra cannonballs in cases of more strife

    One allows you to change your weapon the other gives you ammo, make sure to consider what weapons you want for your deadly two weapon combo

    A map table to see where you are, when you are lost there is always the North Star
    Crossreference the table and your active voyage, bringing you to the location of coinage

    Bananas and Planks keep you alive and afloat, make sure to store plenty on your boat

    A barrel of grog for your pleasure, a chest of clothing to change your outfit at your leisure

    The vanity chest if a new haircut or beard is what you seek, a change of equipment to look incredibly sleek

    The captain's table used for voyage proposal, place your vote through dagger disposal

    Now you are ready to embark on your journey on the sea,
    may you enjoy it and live relatively carefree!

    Let me leave you with some last knowledge, may it increase your gold haulage

    Seaguls do not circle just for fun, go to where they are and you might be rewarded a ton

    A golden glimmer in the sand, perhaps indicating contraband

    Islands are not only locations that voyages take you, they posess their own secrets and hidden stashes for you to view

    All sails on the ocean are other pirate ships, they definitely do not all want to exchange helpful or friendly tips

    If you fall off your boat and into the ocean, a mermaid can take you back to your ship no need for commotion

    Your treasure is not safe until it is returned to the safety of the merchant, so when approached by another ship be sure to act urgent

    A shot fired first is a line drawn in the sand, so be prepared for whatever follows beforehand

  • 3
  • An amazing Tutorial if ever there was one!

  • Best tutorial ever!

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