Let's see your pirates! Pirate picture thread

  • My pirate; Captain Kitty Peg Leg

  • Here I am:
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    and here's my good friend Tro11beard:
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    He'll cronch most of your bananas but he's overall a good guy

  • @carcinogenetxc @Danish-Crusader It looks like these two characters should hook up haha

  • @revanjstone
    Alas, the Captain has not felt a womanly touch since his left saber handler was switched with a sharpened metal deathtrap. There's something about it that just puts the ladies off.

  • @carcinogenetxc Well it's a good thing you are right handed then =)

  • @danish-crusader @carcinoGenetxc OH SNAP IM MATCH MAKIN

  • He's a fine swordsman, and still a rather young pirate, with the heart, strength and ferocity, of a lion.
    I'm pretty sure I'll be progressing his look and story, and he'll probably become burlier, rougher, and less groomed - maybe going more like Yellowbeard, hehe. For now, though, I wanted to try for a more handsome, young, swashbuckler type (but opted to go with a muscular one - my wife said he is like Thor meets Wesley).

    Sometimes he wears this hat (usually when it is raining).

  • @revanjstone @Danish-Crusader

    Ah but you see, he already is involved in a scandalous fling with his Quartermaster and he only has tw-...one hand.

  • @RevanJStone @Danish-Crusader

    Although, it's worth noting that she's the reason he lost it.

  • @pdt-mindstream i like it i can see the thor in him haha

    @carcinoGenetxc haha i thought he hadnt felt the womanly touch

  • @revanjstone

    Her touch was hardly womanly when it sliced through his arm!

    Same character, different day.

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    Amazing that rags look good on my character... Well, good-ish anyway =P

    Still not entirely sure which set looks best.
    I like all of them...
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  • this was me, right after they added new cosmetics, i don't have a current pic.

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  • I love this thread. I really enjoy people-PIRATE-watching.

    @Danish-Crusader Perhaps a mix of all three. Although, the Executive Admiral outfit work well, especially for what you explained.

  • Original picture...looks like he wants to box....

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  • @triheadedmonkey
    Nice. I really need to get me that Ferryman outfit some day. I'm mad at myself for not following through with getting it before the prices went so much higher. Now I have to try to play the long game... or maybe just attack and plunder for it, hmmm... ;P

  • @pdt-mindstream I saw the controller on Amazon UK for cheaper than I bought it a few weeks ago...was slightly miffed haha although I just checked and its now £75 (and not sure it still has the Ferryman DLC anymore)

    maybe ask @Musicmee .....he has about 76 of them just gathering dust :P

    wouldn't be surprised if it was added to the 'shop' at some point though, once Microtransactions are brought in

  • @FearTheBeardIG Nice shots! I also like how that shirt and jacket go together!

    @triheadedmonkey said in Let's see your pirates! Pirate picture thread:

    @pdt-mindstream I saw the controller on Amazon UK for cheaper than I bought it a few weeks ago...was slightly miffed haha although I just checked and its now £75 (and not sure it still has the Ferryman DLC anymore)

    maybe ask @Musicmee .....he has about 76 of them just gathering dust :P

    wouldn't be surprised if it was added to the 'shop' at some point though, once Microtransactions are brought in

    Haha, yeah, I check the different sites, for prices, now and then. Definitely seeing more of the controllers without the DLC these days.
    I agree, we may see it available some day. At the very least, more variants with those pieces as a base. Still, I like those colours and the unicorn thing isn't bad either.

    And, sure, I mean... what's ONE when you have 76 of them!?!? lol! :D
    Maybe I'll win a contest some time.

  • @fearthebeardig Damn son! The Fabio of Pirates has arrived!

  • OneEyed W1lliam, at yer sevice mateys.

  • Pull my finger...… please!

  • @power-hansen is that a compliment? :D

  • Here is mine:

    I chose her because she reminded me a bit of Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet

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  • “Your the Dread Pirate Roberts! Admit it!”
    “With pride, what can I do for you?”



  • Here's a couple pics of my Pirate outfit!

    You meant a Pirate picture IN game!!!???
    Oh, I gotcha... :P

    No, I don't have a screenshot yet.

  • @fearthebeardig said in Let's see your pirates! Pirate picture thread:

    That has to be the coolest pirate gathering I've ever seen! Watch out for these guys!

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    My dude 😉

  • @assassinsking98 thank you man, we were fighting for 1 hour.
    Both ships had no cannonballs left, so we used the Pirate code "parlay" and met at the beach for some fun.

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