Skeleton Thrones, Event Currency, Company Events, Oh My!

  • So, as there are a number of topics that seem to want to only debate and argue about the validity of a new flag available to those who may want to use it (which is not to be discussed here or your post will be deleted), let's discuss the other new additions coming in this week's update, and their potential impact on the game.

    • Skeleton Thrones
      Could these be as simple as a find and interact with social objective, or could they allude to future lore content and the eventual arrival of the long rumored Skeleton Lords, with each throne representing a different Lord?

    Skeleton Lord Concept art from the "Art of Sea of Thieves" book

    *also, 10 concepts for Skeleton Lord's, 10 thrones... (and currently 9 skeleton forts too)... coincidence?

    • Event Currency (Bilge Rat Doubloon)
      Could this be the only new form of currency, and if event items cost 20 doubloons, and how much can we anticipate company Letters of Recommendation to cost (and how many can be purchased)?

    • Company Events (Bilge Rat Adventures)
      As the first round of Weekly Events, the Bilge Rat Adventures seem to be focused on challenges related to discovery and socialization/cooperation with other crews. Can we expect to eventually see other new factions/companies added as part of the Weekly Events offering other types of challenges, adventures, or other opportunities? Take for instance, the Sovereigns, Admirals, or some other unknown company, each with their own unique wares and customization items? And then could each of these be then put into a weekly rotation of different events for the community to engage in?

    Please discuss, but keep it civil. Thank you.

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  • I see a typo (: (Bilge RATE Doubloon)

  • @weepaperboats Fixed (typing on my phone)

  • I think that we should anticipate new factions/companies to arrive eventually. If they continue to expand the map we are bound to run into different quest types, right? I imagine we will see new cultures as well!

  • @knightx13 I'm excited mostly about being able to kinda 'cheat' my way to legend ;) With enough doubloons turns out you can buy even reputation. I hope it's finite, but I also hope it's worth buying (i.e. I don't want my 100 doubloons to grant me 3 cm around my gold Hoarders circle, but maybe a half or full level).

    Also, I think Rare forgot about replayability again... If there are thrones that require more than one crew, sitting on a mutliple-throne spot more than once would be charity in order to help others get their doubloons, and we all know how "charitable" most pirates are.

  • @knightx13

    I'm really intrigued by the skeleton thrones, particularly as we know items will remain in game after each event.

    I wonder if somehow this is going to be linked to the Cursed Sails in some way? That these thrones belong to the possible skeleton lords/captains who might be aboard these ships? There are also a fair number of forts which aren't yet utilised as skellie forts and might be good places to start looking for these thrones?

  • I want a reason to play more than one night every 2 weeks.

  • @j3ns3n-xxii and let us play the way we want, don't make my crew team up with another crew just to play what little content there is

  • @assassinsking98 @J3NS3N-XXII I'm not sure if they forgot about replay value or not. Honestly I'm having a hard time definitively understanding if the most doubloons you can get is 100, if you get 100 every time you do the event, or if getting the max commendation gives 100 but the event itself also gives doubloons???

  • @thrall28 Exactly. I would be fine with. Do X with your crew get 10 dubloons. do X with 2 crews and get 15 dubloons as an incentive to Co-Op. But saying to even do 50% of the little we added you will need to work with another crew. But we aren't going to make that any easier than the speaking trumpet. No in game way to meet up on a server.

  • @assassinsking98

    Not necessarily. If you get doubloons every time you do the thrones, people could use them for rep even after they get all the cosmetics.

  • @knightx13 I'm excited to see these thrones and if they are similar or represent some of the skeleton lords shown in the art book.
    It would also be interesting if they will become part of riddles or quests later in the game too (after the Bilge Rat Adventures event). For instance an order of soul quest could require you to find a certain throne, maybe activate it by playing music or using a lantern then give you an order of souls mission to kill a certain skeleton lord at a specific location.

  • When does the patch go live? Tonight?

  • @ledbain21

  • @j3ns3n-xxii The way that I understood it was that there are multiple commendations that you can unlock throughout the event by completing aspects of it. In total, you can earn 100 BR Doubloons, but you earn a portion of that with each commendation.

    Bilge Rat Doubloons – The Bilge Rats trade in their own currency, they don’t have time for gold or any of that official stuff. Each Commendation in the progress screen details the amount of Bilge Rat Doubloons it unlocks with a total of 100 Doubloons available through the Skeleton Thrones event.

  • @xcalypt0x @V**a-Hombre
    Each Commendation in the progress screen details the amount of Bilge Rat Doubloons it unlocks with a total of 100 Doubloons available through the Skeleton Thrones event.

    Key part is "a total of 100." There might be different ways to get those, but something tells me that each throne out of 10 will give you 10 doubloons (10 coins per throne discovered) and that's that.

  • So, if this doubloon system is for a new faction, which seems to be tied to weekly event (Skeleton thrones.) does that mean this game is going to degrade into a weekly/daily fest much like other games, something this game is striving no to be? I'm confused, enlighten me.

  • @knightx13 Glad to see us talking about something other than the flag situation.

    Yeah, you might be on to something there. Really would love to see what the names of these Skeleton Lords were and learn more about their story here in the Crease of the Map. Also, why have they returned to the land of the living if they are indeed in Cursed Sails.

    A little of their history and how they died could be told over a 10 issue series of comic books as well.

    One last thing, and maybe I am taking this too far. But, I wonder what it is that brings the Skeletons back to life on a fort and puts that Skull Cloud in the sky? Could whatever is doing that be bringing these Pirate Lords back to the world? Is it magic used by a dangerous Necromancer that wants to bring chaos to the Crease of the Map? (One i hope we’d get to fight.) Maybe it is an item of power that is doing it? Or it’s simply just the Crease of the Map being the mystical place it is?

    Stuff I’d love to learn more about for sure. Excited for what Skeleton Thrones will hold in store for me and my crew leading up the The Cursed Sails.

  • @ximp0sterx the future could have you completing a skeleton fort to get a stronghold skull then place that skull upon a skeleton throne and do something like play music to summon a skeleton Lord to fight for rewards, ooh the possibilities.

  • @danqrl that is a cool idea.

  • @thrall28 said in Skeleton Thrones, Event Currency, Company Events, Oh My!:

    @j3ns3n-xxii and let us play the way we want, don't make my crew team up with another crew just to play what little content there is

    Don't do the event then? Problem solved

  • I think this sounds like the most interesting update so far.

    There's a lot in there. Actually looks like more content than THD.

    This is excellent news for a number of reasons. It highlights the fact that Rare are committed to making significant changes and additions to the game between major updates and it further illustrates the point that THD was the smallest "major" update that we are ever likely to see.

    Basically it's a shot across the bow for people who felt let down by THD not having a whole lot of meat on its bones.

    I'm excited to try the new stuff but I'm going to avoid any wild speculation right now as I'm my own worst enemy in terms of hyping myself up beyond the point of reason and having to climb down from my unrealistic expectations.

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