Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep

  • There has been a lot of discussion about whether or not the reputation letters from the events should be in the game or not. To me, that is a done deal. Rare put it in and I believe it's here to stay.

    That said I've also seen talk about how much rep and at what price. So here we go, keep it civil but share your ideas and thoughts. We know Rare said they upped the rep because of feedback so your ideas may help to solidify what the letters become.

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  • I think it's important to not get 'stuck in our ways' on this issue as well as many other aspects of this game. If the game doesn't change then we are stuck back with all the people complaining about no content. Things MUST move forward even if some of us are unhappy with certain things.

    I can understand the frustrations over this issue but at the end of the day it was foolish to think it would never change(even if you set aside that they had been vocal about adding new methods/paths/avenues) In a game with as much freedom as this we should be celebrating the addition of more freedoms not condemning people for utilizing them. If that is the route we are going to take then we are right back to scrutinizing pvp players for pvping and pve players for pveing. The freedom of choice is a pillar of this game and should be embraced.

    Now all that said if it doesn't feel fair/balanced on a mechanic level and not just people upset because they didn't have that option by all means lets adjust it.

    As it stands I feel the work put into events is just as viable as work put into voyages. Sure one whole level seems extreme but currency spent is currency lost so the choice becomes cosmetics versus advancement. So long as the currency gain is controlled enough to be an 'either or' situation(or close to) then the trade off seems fair. If event currency starts to feel like gold in how much we have accumulated then it's not working. If it makes people more comfortable to raise the price a little then I could support that. I don't feel it should be limited to 'one per event' or anything like that though. If we have currency we should be able to spend it how we please and if these rep letters are available then we should be able to buy them as we see fit.

    The fact is even once all this settles some other method will pop up down the road and even the 'level buyers' will be upset because they wasted all that event currency when they could have done 'x' and now it's not fair and they want their currency back or whatever the arguments will be.

    I think the rep letters as a method works. If someone wants to buy their entire journey it will still take time and sacrifice. It also plays to those who just need that pesky evasive last level or two. If they need adjusted then adjust them but let's not degrade those who choose to utilize it or lower the method to the point of it becoming pointless just to cling to the old grind that we started with. If we don't like the grind we shouldn't cling to it out of stubborn pride.

    We need to move forward.

  • @john-hatter Very well said.

    I personally am happy with the way it is now, but I'm not dead set against it being changed. The game evolves and that is a good thing.

  • Judging by the lack of conversation here, I'd say most are fine with the way things are already. One less thing for Rare to worry about.

  • So a full level? If I am 3/4 the way done with level 46 does a letter take me to 3/4 done with 47 or just get me to 47?

  • @vipor51 said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    So a full level? If I am 3/4 the way done with level 46 does a letter take me to 3/4 done with 47 or just get me to 47?

    My husband was going to buy one anyway so he hopped in to check and it is a FULL level. He was 3/4 of 37 and it took him to 3/4 of 38.

  • @vipor51 Yes, it takes you up one full level regardless of what level you currently are: so, your current level +1. The only exception is for people over 49.

  • @john-hatter the issue I have with allowing you to purchase as many as you can afford is that it encourages people just to wait till they're level 45 and buy a bunch, with the current "full level" payout.

    If you've saved all the dubloons from the two events you could already buy like 10 levels. Thatd be a significant decrease in the effort required to reach PL.

  • @dekeita
    That makes sense.

    I would counter (for the sake of discussion) with what makes Pirate Legend so valuable/prestigious that speed/effort is a factor at all?

    Part of the issue I find with this entire debate is we have no set value term to base any of our points on. I can easily brush off how we get there because Pirate Legend is hardly on my radar at this point. Those who have made it a solid goal and invested 'blood, sweat, and tears' will ALWAYS value it higher than me and I could never argue against that without comparing it to my own stance and thinking them silly in the first place. Throw into the mix the old "Pirate Legend is only the beginning' bit and we really are at a loss at what it means. At the end of the day we all end up comparing it directly towards our own interpretation and makes enemies out of everyone.

    While much of this games is open to varying playstyles, interpretations and just a general sense of whatever you want have at it...in this particular area we need clarity from Rare. Without knowing what Pirate Legend is as a game mechanic we are left to our differing imaginations.

  • Sorry but there is already on-going tread on this topic. so since this is more or less a copy.

    Don't think that you should be able to buy any form of rep. for doing something out of the content. Only doing something for OoS/GH/Mec. should give rep. in theres category.
    So how a Bilge rat get's letter of commendation, in such big nr that every can buy from him.
    But we all know that there is NOTHING at the end of the rainbow.
    The Athena Voyage that's it.
    The Athena Voyage is a pain, I put it down for some "lower lvl players", an was afterward told all the stuff you use to hear about skeleton with guns, how long time it took if you are still on the grind an take every treasure.
    Since there is no different between being Legend vs New <Except experience<
    why should you be able to buy a free lvl ? that is my question.

    I'm Pl. an don't think that helping more people easy to get to Pl, it will not help anyone. there need to be something that is more exclusive for Pl, an make the "grind" worth it.

    Much love GreenCamilion

  • @greencamillion1 said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    Don't think that you should be able to buy any form of rep. for doing something out of the content. Only doing something for OoS/GH/Mec. should give rep. in theres category.

    BUT... People have levelled to Pirate Legend from PVP gains and Forts (including server hopping), not to mention the notorious streamer (queue #notmypiratelegend) who jumped to different crews (wonder how many others do this?) to get there.
    You could argue that these folks don't deserve their Legend status either, but they have it.

    I think the problem most have with this is that it was a full level - but there was a lot more moaning about it being a specific amount of rep in the previous chairs event. I can see why folk don't like a 20+ hour grind (or more??) from 45 - 50 being reduced to buying enough golden tickets using Doubloons, but how else does Rare implement the feature?

    They're a bit between a rock and a hard place at present.

  • @greencamillion1

    I would counter you with your own logic.

    "Since there is no different between being Legend vs New <Except experience<
    why should you be able to buy a free lvl ? that is my question."

    If there is no difference between Legends and New other than experience...why NOT buy them? Even if purchasing levels shaves off from the grind/time one could argue that experience is still gained. If anything can be gathered from your statement as well as those said elsewhere on the subject, experience seems to be a repeating theme in some form,wording or other.

    Under this definition I would argue that purchasing of levels would not necessarily create a lack of 'experience' in the Pirate Legend category of players.

  • I think people need to chill on this. To save up enough to purchase a commendation takes time in game, working with others, and skill (on some of them anyways). It's not free rep like the poster above says. They don't purchase the rep without time invested in game.
    Plus these are time limited events. Meaning we have no idea how long the bilge rats will have these available.

  • @greencamillion1 I've seen plenty of threads about how the letters shouldn't be allowed, but this one is about how they should be implemented. There is a difference. You can argue in the others about not wanting them, but here we are only talking about the amount of rep gained vs cost.

    @Dekeita I can understand how people feel this way and it's one of the reasons I wanted to have this thread. We need as many voices as possible to know what the majority (even if it's just the forum majority) wants.

    @RP-Slayer-2 You make a great point. They may decide to replace the letters with something else when Cursed Sails arrives.

  • I would shift the discussion slightly. Perhaps we are looking at this entire issue incorrectly.

    Spending time discussing why we should have a new system is silly. Those who have gotten to the 'end' already and are unhappy with this addition will most likely not be happy with any new system. Each new avenue further will drill in that the grind wasn't necessary and they will feel cheated.

    Perhaps what should be discussed is not how we make the current system make them happy but what do we do to the old system to make it more visually viable to future players. While this will still result in complaints a system being nerfed/buffed so to speak usually is more palatable. Look how much more simpler World of Warcraft plays compared to when it first launched. While complaints exist it isn't really a big divisive thing. In many cases surviving the hard times was a badge of honor.

    Perhaps we should consider ways to make voyages more profitable in rep versus trying to lessen or do away with the new system. Food for thought.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo Some people may be set against the letter of commendations as it may be seen as a 'noobish' way to level up. Personally if you earn the doubloons then you've put the time and effort into the game so I'm not against it. As long as it stays away from real world money ie pounds and dollars and it only increases a full level and no less/more then I think its a good idea.

  • @alphacenturion2 I'm looking for how we all feel about the rep received. Are you happy with the amount of doubloons vs rep received and how often they can be purchased?

    For me, this isn't about if they should be in the game or if they should be used. Rare put the letters in the game and it's up to the player to decide if they want to use them. I've seen discussion in those other threads about how people would be more accepting if it was less rep or cost more. I'm just trying to gather all of those thoughts in one place.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo

    On a blunt level(I tend to get sidetracked/dig too deep in these things haha) I would say the full level is a good amount. Its even, it feels like your actually buying something versus buying some obscure fraction of a level, easy to keep track of, easy to calculate, blah blah blah.

    Now if the price is deemed low I could understand an increase in it but as it stands now I think it is fine.

    Within my time restrictions the thrones event got me 40 doubloons which was enough for the hat and outfit (though I opted to pass on them). This event I was able to get maybe...45 so far. Hard to say if I will have time for more.

    Point is given my more casual schedule I was able to face the choice of one cosmetic outfit OR one level of my choosing. I admit I don't know how this applies to the weapon skins as I had no interest in them so didn't even look at the prices. Point is I feel like it is a fair decision for me to have to make. If they raise the price too high then it starts to become too much of a sacrifice to consider for this tier of playing unless each event reflects the current when it comes to how many doubloons can be earned.

    Of course if you have more time to get ALL of the doubloons you will have access to more rewards and therefore can potentially buy multiple levels. I guess this could be seen as unfair but to me that's just the name of the game. People with the time to invest will always get there faster. Ultimately nothing is changing.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo Here's my opinion for what it's worth. The rep letter itself as a way to make progress to PL is good. Keep introducing new ways to become pirate legend.

    The efficiency of the rep letters is what needs to be scrutinized. Going all the way from 49 to 50 is a big jump. What cost does it come at? 30 doubloons.

    So we have to determine if 30% (20% if all events from now on offer 150 bcuz of legendary commendations) of your doubloons as the cost for going from 49-50 is balanced.

    Let's use this event as an example. 4 weapons at 15 doubloons each is 60 doubloons going towards weapons. 90 doubloons are still on the table which lets you get 3 levels. So if you have no extra doubloons from previous events, you have to do every commendation or sacrifice time limited items to get those three levels.

    For the gunpowder skeleton event I think the total amount of time to get all commendations would be less than getting 3 levels but not by a drastic amount.

    In my opinion, the 30 doubloon cost should scale down for lower levels. No one in their right mind should waste 30 doubloons to go from level 10 to 11. It's a waste. Save them for a later event when you are a higher level. Now, 6 doubloons for 10 to 11? Maybe.

  • @John-Hatter , @Ant-Heuser-Kush , and @xCALYPT0x

    That is the kind of feedback I'm looking for!

    I agree that buying the letters at lower levels is a bit of a waste, but who am I to tell someone not to do it? I've said I wouldn't buy any until I'm 45 for the value. My husband on the other hand has purchased a couple already and in factions he's below 40.

    I do think it's about the pirate and what they value. I even like that it is a thought process. This now or that later? It shouldn't be an easy decision unless you really don't want the cosmetics.

  • @john-hatter If it to counter my logic :P
    then Experience mean =the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things.
    sinze there is no different stat from anything you can buy, then Experience is the main thing + time
    from new player with 0 knowledge(maybe some from youtube/twich) Vs Pl.
    hope we can find common ground around Experience + time makes you a better player in any game.

  • @ant-heuser-kush I've felt that itch a bit too. I know they won't give notice if they decide to change it so I'm gambling with my possible levels advantage. I'm going to try and hold fast but I really have no willpower so don't hold your breath.

  • @sshteeve Pvp an fort's is rick vs reward.
    you never know what you get.
    (including server hopping), not to mention the notorious streamer (queue #notmypiratelegend) that is game mechanics, they could just put back in the same server if you wasn't sunk or killed
    have been here since alpha, stress test an whatever, an have said that you could just server jump an take a spot like #notmypiratelegend did.
    have done one day with server jump where i tried out with a new crew, an didn't find it funny.

    Read all I said again, cause you cant just ague one line of what I said

  • @pumpkinkangaroo I believe the change helps those with Higher level. I am still level 24-30 in all of my guilds. So previously I was getting 2 levels per Rep. So it will not be worth it for me to spend mine here yet, Gonna Save my Dubs til I am closer to level 40.

  • @greencamillion1 I'm sorry but you are going a bit off topic. We aren't discussing if there should be letters or if they should be used. There are other threads including the one @Ant-Heuser-Kush has where that is the topic.

    Please stick to how you feel about the balance of the doubloon vs rep we have now and any ideas you have about changing it. They said they made it a full level after player feedback so it's still a work in progress.

    @EngineFEAR I totally agree! I can't see myself purchasing any for some time now. @Ant-Heuser-Kush and I were discussing how it could totally change and by the time I'm ready it won't be worth as much as it is now. These are all things to consider. I'm in no hurry though so even if they remove them I know I'll still make Legend some day.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    @greencamillion1 I'm sorry but you are going a bit off topic. We aren't discussing if there should be letters or if they should be used. There are other threads including the one @Ant-Heuser-Kush has where that is the topic.

    Please stick to how you feel about the balance of the doubloon vs rep we have now and any ideas you have about changing it. They said they made it a full level after player feedback so it's still a work in progress.

    @EngineFEAR I totally agree! I can't see myself purchasing any for some time now. @Ant-Heuser-Kush and I were discussing how it could totally change and by the time I'm ready it won't be worth as much as it is now. These are all things to consider. I'm in no hurry though so even if they remove them I know I'll still make Legend some day.

    I honestly wouldn't mind saving mine for cosmetics. I know many people would probably hate it, but I even wouldn't mind if they had a rare cosmetic that could only be afforded if you had saved up Dubloons from a previous Bilge Rat event. Such as an awesome ship skin/sail

  • I'm 50 gh50merch 49oos. I had the option to buy my last level in OOS right when I hit 49 but I decided not to and just play the level out till legend.. save my doubloons!

  • Mainly I'm hoarding mine initially for cosmetics due to my current schedule conflicts. This way should a cosmetic outfit come along that I like I don't have to worry about having the time to participate in the event. Event safety net so to speak. Anything extra may go to rep but right now I'm in the low 30's across the board so I'm not even in a hurry to buy them either.

    Oh man if they did that I could see my safety net waver. Fingers crossed it's a cosmetic I don't have an interest in!

  • @greencamillion1 said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    Read all I said again, cause you cant just ague one line of what I said

    Thankfully I can if that is the part of your comment I disagree wit so that, you know, we can focus back on one bit and discuss that.
    You're right though, server hopping isn't fun, but people still use it to level.

  • @sshteeve said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    @greencamillion1 said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    Thankfully I can if that is the part of your comment I disagree wit so that, you know, we can focus back on one bit and discuss that.
    You're right though, server hopping isn't fun, but people still use it to level.

    So I should be so narrow in my focus, that I only take one line from you.
    You're right though
    So im Right :P thanks

    I dont think you should be able to buy any rep. only cosmetic for you or your ship, or pet in the future.
    An I ask a Simple question last at what I said in the beginning that knowone hast yet to answer
    why should you be able to buy a free lvl ? that is my question.

  • @greencamillion1
    Why shouldn't you? But I'll bite.

    Because you aren't buying a free level. It just depends on if you choose to admit the cost or not.

    From my perspective the level is bought through currency and more realistically the labor of doing the event tasks. Therefore nothing is gained for free. I know people don't agree with this logic but that is how I answer your question.

  • the letters give a new way to grind to PL, but there op. I think it should not be one flat level, but a set amount. just more than it was at the thrones event

  • @greencamillion1 said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    @sshteeve said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    @greencamillion1 said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    Thankfully I can if that is the part of your comment I disagree wit so that, you know, we can focus back on one bit and discuss that.
    You're right though, server hopping isn't fun, but people still use it to level.

    So I should be so narrow in my focus, that I only take one line from you.
    You're right though
    So im Right :P thanks

    I dont think you should be able to buy any rep. only cosmetic for you or your ship, or pet in the future.
    An I ask a Simple question last at what I said in the beginning that knowone hast yet to answer
    why should you be able to buy a free lvl ? that is my question.

    This isn't about being able to buy them! I've stated this many times!! You are going off topic.

    The letters are in the game. Rare put the letters in the game. Rare adjusted the amount of rep due to feedback. Rare wants them and so do many players. Go to one of the at least 3 threads I know of that discuss the fact they are in the game and you might get an answer.

    We are only (ONLY) discussing the amount of rep you receive, the cost of that rep, and the frequency you can purchase the letters. Feel free to discuss that, but please move along if you don't want to discuss the topic of this thread.

  • @chidskid22 said in Discussion on Bilge Rat letter Rep:

    the letters give a new way to grind to PL, but there op. I think it should not be one flat level, but a set amount. just more than it was at the thrones event

    This is how it was before the last patch but it seems people weren't happy with it. Rare has stated that they changed it to one level due to player feedback. I'd like to hear your ideas on how the amount of rep would work better! Should it scale up or down with levels? Should higher levels cost more? I really do want to hear your opinion.

  • they really shoulda just increased the rep gain, so in your 40s it gave you like half a level. I don't know why they needed to go crazy and make it scale. No one woulda complained about lower level people gaining like 5 levels at a time.

    Although if they get it fixed so you can only get one per event, then it's fine how it is now.

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