Tales of the Tuesday Night Pirates: A Crew Laden With Treasure

  • A few weeks ago, my trusty first mate, Mister Red and I were on a training voyage for one of our newest crew members. During the voyage we managed to find 16 treasure chests but before we could get the last 4 we were attacked by the Kraken and our ship was lost, along with our treasure.

    This past weekend, Mister Red and myself, along with two more crew members set about to obtain the elusive 20 treasure chests. The voyage started off rocky, as we were attacked by a sloop just as we were leaving port, whose captain managed to get on board and dropped our anchor. As my crew scrambled about, this captain managed to send us all to the Ferry. Thankfully, our ship was still afloat upon our resurrection and we continued on our quest.

    After finding a few chests we were attacked by the Kraken...again. I tried to steer us out of the inky waters and away from the monster, but we lost our ship and our little bit of treasure. After this rocky start, I was about to just call it a night and pull into port. However, we persevered. Sticking to it and trying to avoid danger at all costs, we continued on. After fighting off skeletons, sloops, and even being chased by a megaladon, we managed to secure the 20 chests. Once we sold off the treasure and got our gold, we called it a night and celebrated our accomplishment with song, dance, and grog.

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