All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...

  • As Sea of Thieves player that play on both Xbox and PC I find it frustrating to see these post coming almost daily now.

    It's the same old story over and over. "I cant kill PC players and they either cheat or/and their keyboard & mouse setup is too precise and fast".

    I'm by no means a hardcore player. But I can handle myself.

    And I got a message to Xbox players complaining about crossplay. Get better. Stop complaining. I play as mentioned on both PC and Xbox. So it's relative easy for me to see when I encounter console or pc players by the way that they move and fight.

    And I'm not ashamed to say that while playing on PC I've been owned hard at times by console players. And when on Xbox I've sent large numbers of PC players to Davy Jones locker.

    Just practice. Get better at the game instead of complaining about crossplay that should be the future for all games. Bringing gamers together and not keep us divided like one certain company want to....

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  • I'm an Xbox player and I'd hate to see the community be split. I've won and I've lost numerous times, can't ever say I've been able to tell what the other guy was using at the time though. I just can't see how it really matters.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    I'm an Xbox player and I'd hate to see the community be split. I've won and I've lost numerous times, can't ever say I've been able to tell what the other guy was using at the time though. I just can't see how it really matters.

    Yeah if for some reason crossplay was optional it could mean disaster for the game I'm afraid. Splitting the userbase is probably the worst thing Rare could do at this point.

  • @binaryplayerone I do think the same.
    It's a casual and social game, we are encouraged to play with others. So I think we can turn this "disadvantage" to our side by sharing ships with players from the other platform.

    It's the beauty of crossplay, we can complement each others disadvantages, we can play without boundaries and make friends to play with in other way wasn't possible.

  • @binaryplayerone well said that man!

  • I play on both PC and XB I play with controller on both
    Tbh apart from FPS there isn't a great deal of difference
    I load in super quick on pc and the game on a whole runs smoother
    Both are connected to the same 4k gaming monitor
    Graphically there's not much in it
    (I can adjust the brightness more on the xb for night time sailing)

    But does it give me an advantage... Not really
    Combat against others is slightly better on pc but that is down to it being a smoother experience
    The best thing about pc playing is the fact I can be in both party chat and game chat at the same time!!!

    I've won against both playerbases and lost against them on both platforms but because of growing knowledge of game mechanics and a great crew (who have also gotten better with time and are playing on both platforms)
    We lose a lot less than we used too

    We do tend to choose our battles a little more carefully
    Our boats are always stocked up
    And now it's just more fun to engage our foe in different ways

    My 2 cents

    Doc 👊☠️

  • @binaryplayerone You certainly like to open up a thread about this topic. For what reason though?

    I've read those "arguments" plenty of times here in the past when the forum was more populated. Well, before Rare implemented censorship and banned people left and right for made up reasons and lack off proof.

    I don't care anymore if optional crossplay gets implemented. Rare doesn't care about the facts when it comes to this issue and neither do you so its all good.

    So enjoy your little echo chamber here and feel validated. Not many people around here anymore that would deconstruct your "arguments". Not that its difficult to do, its just so tedious to see the same lame "git gud" comments.
    How about you tell a paralympic to "git gud" when he's forced to compete against an olympic. This is what forced crossplay boils down to when it comes to the differences between console/controller and pc/mouse kb.

    Now go ahead and report me for whatever reason :'D

  • Just increase turn speed and aim-assist on Xbox. I'm sure we PC players won't mind. Definitely a better solution than removing crossplay.

  • @binaryplayerone I agree....My take on it, for what its worth.....

    I'm not the strongest pvp player. Never have been. I can hold my own, and I'm getting better, but I'm self aware enough to know I shouldn't be leading the charge.

    So, I make a strategical decision to play with at least one other person who is a decent pvp player. Sometimes they are PC players, but not always.

    I enjoy the mix. That is the point of this game....find others that excel in areas you are lacking. Likewise, strive to excel in the areas other's may be lacking in. Know your own skills and talents and use them to your benifit!

    If you think PC players have an edge, then recruit some! Don't scream to make crossplay optional....use it to your advantage!

    We are a diverse community....use that fact to enhance your gameplay!

    Happy sailing!

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    @binaryplayerone I do think the same.
    It's a casual and social game, we are encouraged to play with others. So I think we can turn this "disadvantage" to our side by sharing ships with players from the other platform.

    It's the beauty of crossplay, we can complement each others disadvantages, we can play without boundaries and make friends to play with in other way wasn't possible.

    Another terrible argument. Really? Now you guys are just saying put a PC player on your boat to level the playing field. This is a joke right? I could eat this argument up without trying.

  • @sanni sagte in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    Just increase turn speed and aim-assist on Xbox. I'm sure we PC players won't mind. Definitely a better solution than removing crossplay.

    First. There is no Aim-assist in Sea of Thieves on Xbox.
    Second. The highest Sensitivity on console we can have is 10, which is compared to a Mouse sensitivity slow as f***.
    Third. Somehow i have the feeling that in every Thread about this topic, most of the people dont get the point, WE DONT WANT CROSSPLAY REMOVED, WE WANT IT TO BE OPTIONAL, so that the people wo dont want to play with PC players dont have to.

    The Arrgument, most from pc folks, that if Rare makes Crossplay Optional that they will find not longer players is first not true, because even if the pc playerbase is the smaller one, there are still thousands or ten-thousands pc players out there who playing the game at any given time, and dont forget the console players which will still use Crossplay.

    And second. The Players which are against to make Crossplay optional, will simplie gain nothing from it to try and force the people to play the game with non-optional Crossplay if they dont like it, most of them just will quit the game forever when they get to tired of forced Crossplay. I remember at the release of the Game i had arround 15 People on my xboxfriendlist who played Sot every day (not just 1 hour per day and most of them also played in a serrious way, not just pvp, most of them wanted to reach personal goals etc. you know what i mean.) Now it looks slighty different, just 2 Xbox friends and I are left, i mean ok its normal that people move on and play something else, but some of them where pretty hardcore in terms of playing a game over a long time period.
    If I ask now some of them the answer is most of the time "NO" if i ask why most of the time the answer is that they dont want to be forced to be playing against pc players and that they come first back when Crossplay is a optional thing. Even Forza has Optional Crossplay why SOT not?

    I Hope you guys get my Point. If you find some Grammar errors i'm sorry ;)

  • @captgraykid said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    Okay, this thread was written by a communist that hates choice and will cry hard when the advantage is lost. Rare should nerf the PC gamers all the way down to xbox controls. Then the forums will be full of PC try hards crying because they are not as good as they were. Anyone that still says that there is no advantage should get an MRI. Frankly, it's a window licker statement to say, there is no advantage get good. I honestly hope that instead of a choice that they just nerf the s**t out of mouse and keyboard.

    Choices are good. But not if it will damage the game. And giving players the option to disable crossplay is not a positiv thing for this game. Sea of Thieves is not a twitch based game where you need fast reflexes to win. If it was then I would agree PC users would have an advantage against many console players.

    Sea of Thieves is strategy and perfecting the tools at your disposal. When you look at the game from afar it's actually quite a "simple" game. With very predictable attack and defense patterns. An experienced player can read the battle or an upcoming one and come out as the "winner". And that goes most definitely for console players also.

    I've meet som really good and smart players on console while on PC and they just destroyed me. Even with my mouse & keyboard setup. They were better and smarter players. It's that simple really.

    So instead of name calling and lashing out. You should maybe watch some Sea of Thieves YouTube videos showing various strategies and tips.

  • @binaryplayerone I could just post video of myself solo sinking galleons. You have no argument. Most of the players in Sot want a crossplay opt-out. Making the game better for everyone. It's a small percentage of people who share your opinion. I think the game will be better with choice, choice has not killed any crossplay game and it won't kill this one. [Mod edited]

  • @captgraykid said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    @binaryplayerone I could just post video of myself solo sinking galleons. You have no argument. Most of the players in Sot want a crossplay opt-out. Making the game better for everyone. It's a small percentage of people who share your opinion. I think the game will be better with choice, choice has not killed any crossplay game and it won't kill this one. [Mod edited]

    There are thousands of people playing Sea of Thieves. This forum is not representative at all for what the player base want.

    We could post videos about console players out besting PC players and PC players out besting console players. The conclusion would be the same that good and smart players comes out the winners no matter what plattform or control device they use.

  • @captgraykid said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    @binaryplayerone your just plain wrong, if you truly believe that PC gamers have no advantage then I will agree to disagree with you. I am done responding to you. As I will not rehash all the reasons why PC gamers hold advantage over consoles. Done with you, there is a wall over here I would rather debate.

    As a PC and Xbox player in regards of Sea of Thieves we will have to disagree then. You have a nice day now. I'll close the door behind you :)

  • I play both also. There is a distinct and clear advantage to playing on PC which makes the game uneven. The point is, a decent PC player has an advantage over a decent Xbox players.

    Not to mention the ability, if they really want to, to cheat. Not all PC players are cheaters, but all cheaters are PC players.

  • Thanks for keeping the discussion alive! I play on both as well and the advantage is blatantly obvious. Should be OPTIONAL. Would not affect the game for pc players at all

  • @lc-slyder said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    First. There is no Aim-assist in Sea of Thieves on Xbox. Second. The highest Sensitivity on console we can have is 10, which is compared to a Mouse sensitivity slow as f***.

    I obviously meant Rare should increase aim-assist and turn speed, not you...

    Just because right now 10 is the highest speed setting doesn't mean Rare can't add a 20 setting. Same is valid for aim-assist, just because it isn't there now doesn't mean Rare can't add it. Heck just give console players z-targeting like in Zelda. PC players don't care.

  • Some of the best players I’ve come across have been on Xbox. When I was in their crew, they completely dominated the server. It didn’t matter whether their opponents were PC or Xbox. That experience changed my mind on any perceived PC advantage. It’s all a matter of personal preference. The best platform is the one you are most comfortable with. Plenty of PC players choose to use controllers because they’re better with them.

  • I have zero issues with crossplay. I’m all for it. However, don’t give win10 users extra ways to communicate. Put text speak on Xbox please. They can already use party chat and game chat at the same time. I’ll have nothing to moan about if we Xbox players get text speak.

    We are meant to be playing the same game so why do they have additional features? :(

  • @hudson-rl said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    I have zero issues with crossplay. I’m all for it. However, don’t give win10 users extra ways to communicate. Put text speak on Xbox please. They can already use party chat and game chat at the same time. I’ll have nothing to moan about if we Xbox players get text speak.

    I think everyone would benefit from that.

  • @captgraykid said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    @binaryplayerone I could just post video of myself solo sinking galleons. You have no argument. Most of the players in Sot want a crossplay opt-out. Making the game better for everyone. It's a small percentage of people who share your opinion. I think the game will be better with choice, choice has not killed any crossplay game and it won't kill this one. [Mod edited]

    If you're solo-sinking galleons, then what is the problem? Hmm?

    @Deckhands @Global-Moderators Why is this guy not on a forum ban yet? All he does is accuse people who disagree with him of being mentally unstable, while misusing ideological labels.

  • Yep, played both platforms too. Obvious differences there. Should be optional.

  • @sanni said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    @lc-slyder said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:

    First. There is no Aim-assist in Sea of Thieves on Xbox. Second. The highest Sensitivity on console we can have is 10, which is compared to a Mouse sensitivity slow as f***.

    I obviously meant Rare should increase aim-assist and turn speed, not you...

    Just because right now 10 is the highest speed setting doesn't mean Rare can't add a 20 setting.

    "Why don't you just make 10 louder and make 10 be the top number, and make that a little louder?"

    "... ... ... these go to 11"

  • Whenever I see these complaints I always think:

    PC has more accurate controls, for a first person shooter type game. This is true. But that is why we play on PC, we prefer these controls. Most XBOX players get to enjoy sitting on a big comfortable couch with a big screen TV, while most of us PC players are hunched over a computer desk. It's a trade off!

    I say, if PC controls need to be nerfed, XBOX players should have to give up their couches!

  • @denverdecoy

    But I play PC sitting on my couch... do I get nerfed and have to give up my couch???

  • In response to the original post, I mean honestly the problem for Xbox players isn’t to “get good” or “get better”. I play on Xbox. I have many pc players I always play with and against. I don’t mind pc players at all.

    As an Xbox player, I can say I really am limited in pvp scenarios compared to a pc player though. Simply because my sensitivity cannot go as high as a pc player’s can. Which makes it hard to quickly turn around in a close quarters fight. I don’t care to opt out of cross play. Just let me turn my sensitivity up please :)

  • @captgraykid Your posts have been deleted as they violate the Forum Rules, please read and abide by these rules going forward.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @deckhands so do I have to say what I think or can we get this thread locked for “baiting and causing unrest” already???

  • @binaryplayerone

    It's very simple why the topic keeps coming up.
    People would rather have an excuse to why they failed than have some selfreflection and see their own mistakes.

    It has been like this since the start of time and it will always be like this.

    As long as there is an escape goat to use, people will use it. Even when they themselves messed up.

    This topic has the same ending as "The boy who cried wolf" though, it's been brought up so many times that all topics are/get closed and there isn't even a megathread anymore to discuss it. All because people are incapable of having a normal discussion with baiting, insults, name calling, trolling etc.

  • @binaryplayerone
    If it is easy to tell who is on pc & who is on console by the way the move & fight, that therefore means there is disparity in the controls.
    I play on both, can easily tell who's playing on what format & can easily see the advantages kb+m has.
    Your statement is nothing more than a thinly veiled GIT GUD post & is baiting an argument.

  • @caisterkaos said in All this complaining about Xbox vs PC players...:


    Your statement is nothing more than a thinly veiled GIT GUD post & is baiting an

    On the contrary. I'm sharing my experience as a PC and Xbox player in Sea of Thieves. With my experience being that it's not a problem with cross play. And that those who struggle just need to practice and get better at the game.

    A post I wish more of the Sea of Thieves community made to be honest. To much complaining about this when the problem is not cross play at all. But player skill.

  • @binaryplayerone
    I don't have a problem with crossplay either, i just have a problem with the disparity it has brought.
    If you cannot see that being able to turn 5 times as fast or being able to pretty much 'point & click' at targets isn't an issue, then i would say your experience isn't really worth sharing :)

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