Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7

  • Patch Notes - 1.1.7

    Ahoy pirates!

    We're in the final week of the latest Bilge Rat Adventure – The Sunken Curse! It's your last chance to get all the Doubloons available if you want to ensure you have all the time-limited cosmetics in your inventory before they disappear from the shops. The Commendations and Titles will still be available after the event ends, but the time-limited cosmetics and Doubloons will no longer be up for grabs.

    Patch 1.1.7 brings bug fixes and performance improvements, along with extended lore around the story of Merry Merrick. You may notice the Pennant flags no longer change when you raise a Ship flag... this may be a hint to an exciting change on the horizon.

    Many long-time wanderers on the Sea of Thieves will remember Salty, one of the first entrepreneurs to set up shop at an Outpost. He informs the Pirate Times that after many months spent seeking a 'killer' item to sell, he's found something special that will surprise new and old customers alike. Salty even has a new business partner, but is keeping details quiet until it's time to make a splash.


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    • Merry Merrick - More of Merrick's lore books can be found! This time Merrick recounts the stories from during The Hungering Deep, as well as immortalising his son Derrick in a new family portrait...
    • Pennant Flags - When raising a ship flag, the accompanying Pennants will no longer be equipped. Pennant flags are returning to the Sea of Thieves very soon, with a new and improved purpose!

    Performance Improvements

    • Improved connection stability to resolve the infrequent Alabasterbeard errors.
    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • Changes to pirate appearance (such as hair colour / scars) have been reverted to their initial selection.
    • Messages in Bottles will no longer spawn on top of one another.
    • The correct animation now appears when repairing holes in a ship.
    • Textures of the Sea Dog Jacket now appear as intended.
    • Caged Pigs and Chickens no longer get the cannonball impact decal applied to them if dropped on to one
    • Players can no longer drop crates behind the clothing and equipment chest on the Sloop.
    • It is no longer possible to clip through the Kraken tentacle when it is wrapped around a ship.
    • Cursed Mermaid Statues have been increased to match the intended model scale.
    • Viewing textures on Plunder Valley from long distances no longer displays gaps in the terrain.
    • It is no longer possible to get permanently stuck in the half submerged ship on Plunder Valley .
    • Athena's Fortune Bounty Quests are no longer incorrectly blank.
    • The Legendary Gunpowder Title has been removed from the Bilge Rat progression UI due to it incorrectly tracking progress. The Title is currently available to players through the Bilge Rat shop once all 3 Legendary Gunpowder Skeleton Commendations have been completed.

    Known Issues

    • The Gunpowder Plot Commendation and its Legendary Commendation counterpart may not unlock.
    • The Hungering Deep rewards were not received by a number of players who earned them.
      We are investigating a resolution for this and will share information when available.
    • Some Skeleton Thrones Titles were not correctly awarded to players who completed the required Commendations.
    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
    • Some players may continue to hear muffled sound after being fired from a cannon.
      We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.
    • The UI and pirates in the 'Select Your Pirate' carousel may not be visible for some players.
      We have reports that the UI and pirates become visible after a few minutes.
    • Pirates created between Patch 1.1.6 and 1.1.7 may experience a change in their hair colour.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 700MB
    Xbox One X: 700MB
    Windows 10: 1.46GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • Wow! This was unexpected!

    Fantastic addition!

  • Thanks to the team for all those bug fixes.

  • raises tankard of grog

  • "Pennant Flags - When raising a ship flag, the accompanying Pennants will no longer be equipped. Pennant flags are returning to the Sea of Thieves very soon, with a new and improved purpose!"

    Guessing this will be the Alliance system?

    New and Interesting Ways..... :-)

  • Well done! nice to see some fixes getting knocked out each patch

  • Thank you!

    Maybe i've got a lead on the muffled sound on cannon shot. @khaleesibot
    It looks like it that if you climb into the cannon, and shoot yourself out the moment you went in (so spam the shoot button) it seems ur sound gets stuck on the "Muffled inside cannon" sound. If you wait a second before shooting, it doesn't appear to happen.

    Also when you shoot yourself out of the cannon the moment you went in other people also not seem to hear you shooting out of the cannon. Maybe a small 'delay timer' before you can shoot yourself out of the cannon could work? (seems an easy fix to me :-D )

    I have no idea on how the "shooting into the wrong direction" works.... I do come across it a lot, but it's not really reproducible.........

  • I will miss my random pink beard but it's a good fix ^ ^

    Anyway, I hope we can learn more about the parrot that stole Merrick's eye from these books.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    • Merry Merrick - More of Merrick's lore books can be found! This time Merrick recounts the stories from during The Hungering Deep, as well as immortalising his son Derrick in a new family portrait...

    Excited to see more Merrick mythology!

    • Caged Pigs and Chickens no longer get the cannonball impact decal applied to them if dropped on to one

    Aww, admittedly a little sad to see this one go, was pretty funny.

    • Some players may continue to hear muffled sound after being fired from a cannon.
      We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.

    You don't have to actually fire yourself, just getting into the cannon and then backing out of it will fix it.

    Thanks for the continued rollout of improvements! Happy sailing, everyone.

  • Love the improvements

  • Know bug since the beggining but ignored in the list:

    And no, it is not hilarious when it happens you a lot of times and you can't walk properly due to that.

  • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.

    This is way beyond embarrassing. Fix it.

  • Good patch, nice to see that "Derrick" is appearing along with Duke in the Bilge Rat lore! Does this mean that just Merrick's books are found, or is he back to grace us once more?
    Also - now that the bottles stacking is fixed, does that include other items that would spawn multiple times on beaches?

  • @khaleesibot Whoohoo! I finally caught an update thread on the same day it's announced. In fact a sizzling 20 minutes after post. lol
    I'll have to note the time and check for future updates before they drown in the sea of threads.

    @guepard4 It's happened to almost everyone at one stage or another but only visible to others in the same game at the time. I don't think it effects the player themselves as we usually have to be told that we're leaning.

  • I liked bottles stacking ;D Still I am happy it was solved. But I noticed other things were stacked too. For example I found 3 skulls on eachother and that was a very disturbing thing to see (and happy thing to get gold for :D)

  • @khaleesibot sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    • Cursed Mermaid Statues have been increased to match the intended model scale.

    Will the damage range be increased too, or is the change only for the statues?

  • @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    Know bug since the beggining but ignored in the list:

    And no, it is not hilarious when it happens you a lot of times and you can't walk properly due to that.

    Yeah, we call it the Swim-bug and I'm pretty sure I know how to replicate it. If you sword dash in to the water and land on the shore before the end of the sword dash timer you'll appear at an angle related to the shore you arrived on. Hoping in to the water and back out fixes it.

  • I just noticed this "The Commendations and Titles will still be available after the event ends, but the time-limited cosmetics and Doubloons will no longer be up for grabs."

    I did not know this, I feel this is not communicated well enough because I seen a lot of complaint on forums about "what is the point of the chairs and statues after the event?" And I thought they are somewhat right, because somehow I never knew I can still get the commendations after the event. This is important. I think lot of people miss this just like me.

    For example I stopped doing the statues because I maxed out the blue ones for the doubloons and commendations, also the 3 green one. I had no time for more, especially for the red ones and I would never touch them again. Until now. Now I am happy because in time I am sure I will finish most of the commendations slowly as I find the statues on my unrelated voyages. And that is something I enjoy.

  • @piratecraggy That's an excellent prediction!

  • @khaleesibot

    Should really think about the 3 week running time and maybe extend it for the new DLC (you do realise right that its the start of the summer holidays in the UK, so there are going to be a lot of players that may miss 1 or so weeks)

  • I’d still very much appreciate Xbox text speak. Maybe next week. :(

  • @piratecraggy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    "Pennant Flags - When raising a ship flag, the accompanying Pennants will no longer be equipped. Pennant flags are returning to the Sea of Thieves very soon, with a new and improved purpose!"

    Guessing this will be the Alliance system?

    New and Interesting Ways..... :-)


  • As much as I hate to see clumping go I get it lol it wasn't intended. A lot of good QOL changes here.

  • When trying to fix the cannon sound glitch just climb back in the same cannon you shot your self from and just get back out again no need to fire your self a second time as it doesnt always work :D

  • And no cannon bug fix.................

  • Loving the improvements and wondering whats the surprise will be :O

  • @yzahkin I mean they do state in multiple post's during and coming to an end these commendations are available after check there twitter dude all the information you need gets put on there.

  • @yzahkin i do it the same way, i just need 20 more dubloons for the the female coat( for collecting).mermaids r increased now thats not fair....

  • @khaleesibot dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    Fixed Issues

    • Changes to pirate appearance (such as hair colour / scars) have been reverted to their initial selection.

    Any news about the ability to customize the initial selection (not only the hair colour)?

  • @h3ad-hun7er-420 Yeah I realize that now, and I follow them everywhere :D Still I missed this one piece information so far. For example at release notes I jump to the notes mostly, and watch the video afterwards. At other places it just went unnoticed for me.

    I wrote it out because I really seen a lot of posts about the meaningless of these stuff after the event. And while I did not care about it (I accepted them as a 2 week fun for bragging rights), lot of people feel that they miss out or missed out of them and don't even try to do anything about them after the event.

  • Excellent! Particularly good Dev Update I thought! Glad to hear that hair customization is in the pipeline. Well done Sea of Thieves team! :-D

  • @weedstar-deluxe They are increased in size, not in numbers.

  • Good to see more and more bug fixes. Thanks Rare!

  • @yzahkin No worries dude add me up on xbox i always get the event's done within a couple of days so if you need some one to sail with hit me up my GT is the same as on here

  • You guys increased the size of the statues but forgot to increase the damage range. I can break the statues without taking damage if I stay far enough away.

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