Merrick and Derrick's Portrait

  • Met me son Derrick for the first time! Well, he says he's me son. How can I deny it wiv a handsome mug like that?

    This is the text that accompanies the portrait of both Merrick and Derrick on Shark Bait Cove. You can find this text when you interact with their portrait leaning on a rock next to Merrick's camp from the Hungering Deep.

    • My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)

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  • @d42striker he's a chip off the old block alright!
    Derrick can perhaps join Duke in the Bilge Rat adventures?!

  • @sshteeve That would be cool, but I think Rare might have bigger things planned for the both of them in the future.

  • @d42striker i want to see merrick in the pl hideout joining in the band o legends

  • @d42striker your a pioneer you should know whats gonna happen to him. Thanks for a hint

  • @RoughLeech03117 Even if I did give a hint I wouldn't be able to because of a strict NDA. So what seems like a "hint" is just my speculation.

    If I break the NDA I would lose my Pioneer status. So why would I risk losing my status to give a "hint" towards future content?

  • discovered the portait some hours ago,it was wonderfull :D

  • look who I sailed with today :D

    [edited picture to display - triheadedmonkey]

  • @nayfe-Pacewell awwwh :(

    My apparently blank comment is a link to a screenshot I took last night..

    It works, just cant see it :(

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