Sinking ships and it’s rewards

  • Just before you sink a ship there’s somewhat of a frantic rush to get their supplies. It would be good if when you sink their ship, their barrels of bananas, cannonballs and wooden planks floated to the surface for collection.

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  • @swiftdb A good idea that's been mentioned before, it could also help deter ships from returning for revenge quite so quickly.

  • That makes sense. Why not?

  • Makes sense, but would also shift the game further into kill-on-sight because "hey these guys have no loot but let's sink em for supplies!"

  • @mighty-ace123 said in Sinking ships and it’s rewards:

    Makes sense, but would also shift the game further into kill-on-sight because "hey these guys have no loot but let's sink em for supplies!"

    They already do that. Attacking a vessel for supplies seems a legitimate reason, at least for a pirate. In a way I’d prefer that people are attacking me for a reason other than random violence. I’m not (usually) aggressive, but I support this idea.

  • @swiftdb a while ago I suggested this too, but I usually got "Omg, if you sink and had loot that's enough for them. If you sink and had no loot, their loss" I mean, that's not how pirates work. They attack not only for loot butthings to keep them alive

  • @genuine-heather still a difference between getting some hard earned supplies during a fight, or sinking someone and getting all their supplies afterwards?
    I get the idea, just don't believe it will improve the game.

  • @swiftdb This is a good idea after all the barrels from sunken ships spawn anyway so why should we have to wait. Its not like resources are of any particular value.

  • This is, I feel, needed in order to make PvP actually worth while; there's no guarantee/indication that the ship you are battling actually has loot on it. At least gaining supplies at the end of an encounter will go some way to making players feel better about the hour long fight they just had @Hey, they didn't have any loot, but at least we can replace some of the supplies we used'.

    Alternatively, you could allow the ship to persist so that the victor can dive into the shipwreck to pilfer the supplies; giving the player something else to do besides waiting for the supplies/loot to surface.

  • @swiftdb I would be ok with this as long as the crew being chased or fired upon was able to take the supplies out of the barrels to put in crates and throw overboard/or drive by while being chased.

  • @tyronius-89 said in Sinking ships and it’s rewards:

    This is, I feel, needed in order to make PvP actually worth while; there's no guarantee/indication that the ship you are battling actually has loot on it. At least gaining supplies at the end of an encounter will go some way to making players feel better about the hour long fight they just had @Hey, they didn't have any loot, but at least we can replace some of the supplies we used'.

    Alternatively, you could allow the ship to persist so that the victor can dive into the shipwreck to pilfer the supplies; giving the player something else to do besides waiting for the supplies/loot to surface.

    Think I'd rather the supplies sink and have to dive after them, at least that's interesting.

  • Agreed. You used to be able to loot the supplies after they sink but before the ship disappears. Now, you have to keep the ship alive and spawn kill the crew repeatedly to take supplies before it sinks. Not sure why this change was made.

  • See, I'd be inclined to disagree with this - I was never a fan of the loot floating either.

    If you attack a ship for it's loot or supplies - the risk is always that it will sink before you can board and get them. That's supposed to be the risk, this is why Pirates historically rarely sank a ship before boarding it. They would scuttle them after they raided them if that was the desire, but sinking one before hand served zero purpose unless they were attacked.

    I would have loved to see ships persist after sinking for a short time to allow diving expeditions to obtain loot and or supplies before the last air pockets leaked out and the ships sank to unattainable depths taking with them all of the remaining un-pilfered supplies and loot.

    The last thing the game needs is another reason to needlessly attack and sink vessels. It's honestly quite bad enough to simply "spend" that forty minutes attacking someone you know has no loot because you just watched them leave an outpost - there is rightly no reward for wasted time. Hunting makes more sense when you're tracking a vessel that's hopped a few islands and you know is loaded with loot.

    While I don't condone the spawnkilling either, I know it's somewhat necessary to sink a ship if you're fighting even a decent crew (or at least protecting the lower deck's damage from being repaired) - but really, if I've been killed multiple times and I can see it's a supply gathering expedition I will gladly scuttle and deny the supplies to prevent this behavior. There are plenty of islands, and a single stop at a fortress is often enough to provide a considerable number of supplies. There is just no need to make supply spawn killing, or rewarding players for randomly sinking ships for supplies.

  • They need to put the game back the way it used to be so you can loot stuff as the ship goes down. This "nope, no more looting!" as soon as the sound hits is kind of dumb. At least you could get a little bit while you were being zerged at a fort...

    Ever since they changed it there is this zerg and scuttle mentality that just ends up being repeated in the hope of running you out of supplies and being the last man standing without ever actually having to "win".

  • @kzoo-kid said in Sinking ships and it’s rewards:

    Agreed. You used to be able to loot the supplies after they sink but before the ship disappears. Now, you have to keep the ship alive and spawn kill the crew repeatedly to take supplies before it sinks. Not sure why this change was made.

    Yah. I usually just spawn camp while my friend sword dashes back and forth draining their supplies. I miss when you could still loot supplies as the boat sank. Not sure why they took that out.

  • @treefittymonsta said in Sinking ships and it’s rewards:

    @kzoo-kid said in Sinking ships and it’s rewards:

    Agreed. You used to be able to loot the supplies after they sink but before the ship disappears. Now, you have to keep the ship alive and spawn kill the crew repeatedly to take supplies before it sinks. Not sure why this change was made.

    Yah. I usually just spawn camp while my friend sword dashes back and forth draining their supplies. I miss when you could still loot supplies as the boat sank. Not sure why they took that out.

    G******n loch Ness monstuh!

  • @swiftdb That would be a good idea, however if they had barrels full of supplies e.g. 100 bananas, 100 planks and 200 cannonballs lets say dropping all them on the water surface would incredibly lag the game. Maybe when the ship sinks you can take the barrel and load it onto you're ship, kind of like the crate of bananas but it holds more because it is a barrel.

  • @m457ersp00k said in Sinking ships and it’s rewards:

    I would have loved to see ships persist after sinking for a short time to allow diving expeditions to obtain loot and or supplies before the last air pockets leaked out and the ships sank to unattainable depths taking with them all of the remaining un-pilfered supplies and loot.

    Should have been this way since launch. As mentioned we used to be able to go over and as it sank grab supplies. But as it sinks collision gets wonky and always has... this was one of the reasons it was changed IMO as nothing can be interacted with once the 'gong' sounds. Which is stupid and frankly I'd like them to focus some time on this so that it can return. Not remaining persistent in the world likely has much ado with the instance of the vessel needing to be removed to another of the same instance can be spawned elsewhere. This could be fixed with a renaming of the ship variables at a certain sinking point so that it's no longer considered the same ship - but I am uncertain how that would affect the item in game and since I'm no programmer and talking code is above my pay grade... I'll leave it alone.

    My point is, as yours, that this sort of inclusion IMO should be obvious and should have been in game since launch. in fact, I once thought that was what ships found on the seas were.. until I sank a ship or two and it was obvious that wasn't the case. Then rumor convinced me that the supply barrels were the evidence. Again, experience quickly taught me otherwise.

    Just goes to show how little impact we have on the game and how little value our presence on the Seas is to the environment.

    Rare, get off your ascots - hire more devs - make things happen faster!

  • Defiantly a good idea as people who don't have any chests just scuttle their ship to avoid the enemy capturing the supplies 😔

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