If you are experiencing Beard errors (Fish, Cinnamon, Alabaster, Bronze), this is an issue with our servers, the team are hard at work, we will get everyone back in and playing as quickly as possible!

  • Please post beard errors here as you're experiencing them as this will help the team to pinpoint and monitor the issues we are experiencing. Thanks!

    From Community team on discord:

    If you are experiencing Fishbeard, this is an issue with our servers, the team are hard at work, we will get everyone back in and playing as quickly as possible!


    Stampede! Thousands upon thousands of pirates are making for the #SeaOfThieves to do battle with the skeleton ships. If you find yourself up against a beard error, try again a little later. We're working on it right now and our top priority is getting everyone in!

    11:53 - 31 Jul 2018

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  • @katttruewalker I just want to hop in the brigintine

  • We are 3 people me in sweden Queen in norway, savadge florida

  • @roughleech03117

    As do we all, mate

  • Ehm.. only fishbeards?

  • @guepard4

    Any and all beard messages please

  • Repeated bronzebeard but made it past that twice and got alabasterbeard

  • I got server miss match and now alabasterbeard

  • Updated the Topic title.

  • I started with fishbeard but also had matchmaking issues
    so CinnimonBeard and Alabasterbeard for me too.

    many Bronzebread now.

  • @nofears-fun and now cinamonbeard. Lol

  • I was getting Fishbeard initially, now it's just constant Cinnamonbeard errors. "Searching for Seas" forever, then Cinnamonbeard. Occasionally it looks like I'm going to load in and I see the first loading screenshot and then "Alabasterbeard".

  • @katttruewalker Also when you enter ina map, there are problems with money.-

  • @katttruewalker either cinnamonbeard or gingerbeard

  • Cinnamons, Alabasters, and Bronzebeards.

  • Cinnamon beard

  • So it’s crashing to dashboard evertime I get to the ship selection screen

  • I got in on a sloop and sailed about, that gave me confidence to leave and try and get on a brig.... I regret leaving my sloop.

  • Fish, then Bronze, then Alabaster, now Cinnamon :-(
    Take your time guys & get the servers up proper - we can wait (our Party Chat is awesome just now, 9 and counting, while we count them Beards).

  • We all get the same errors

  • Not sure if this helps. But checking for fake coins takes waaaay longer than before.

  • Currently cinnamonbeard. Occasionally it’ll make it to the loading screen to be met with alabasterbeard though.

  • Cinnamonbeard back to back, giving me some nasty launch flashbacks.

  • Started with Fishbeard, then bronzebeard, after that we got to load in screens and got alabasterbeard, now stuck on cinnamonbeard at set sail screen

  • Fish beard, Kiwibeard, and Alabsterbeard. But in now! Can’t buy the Hunter flag...says can’t find it try again.

  • While we are all waiting, what do we know about the alliances and how they will work when doing Athenas?

  • Cinnamonbeard, Coarsebeard, Bronzebeard, Alabasterbeard......beards everywhere.....

  • Thanks for making one main post. It was getting crazy.

    Patience is a virtue.
    I'm sure update rollout has to be a nail-biting experience for the rare team. But I'll just sit here at the gangway!

    No ship types loading. Game froze 2x in the "searching seas" prompt. Character disappeared.

  • @seminolefire said in If you are experiencing Beard errors (Fish, Cinnamon, Alabaster, Bronze), this is an issue with our servers, the team are hard at work, we will get everyone back in and playing as quickly as possible!:

    While we are all waiting, what do we know about the alliances and how they will work when doing Athenas?

    Thats a horse of a different color, and by that i mean different forum post. Stay on topic 😉

  • @flippin-loud Fine... I recently got a CinnamonBeard error... how about you? (this is much more interesting)

  • My game load so it set sail and i come to loading screen and it then kicks me out (server problem) it says

  • Alabasterbeard here

  • Coarsebeard now too.

  • Oh no! I thought Rare's decision to disable Skull Forts was intended to give us a performance boost...

  • At work and hoping all this gets settled by 5!!

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