My Sea of Thieves Comics

  • Hello fellow pirates! I've been working on these sea of thieves comics for a few months now and one of my fans suggested that I share them here too!

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    If you wish to see more please consider following me on twitter and facebook ^_^

    My Twitter

    My Facebook page

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  • @wetscuttlebutt awesome! Can't wait to see more of your adventures!!!

  • @wetscuttlebutt love it

  • Lol the art style is perfect. The guy peeking up the ladder was the best.

  • Awesome, very funny! Can't wait for one with Meg in it.

    Edit: Saw the one on fb with Meg! Loved it.

  • @wetscuttlebutt

    OMG, These are fan-flippin-tastic! Please keep doing these.

    The mermaid skull one had me in stitches!

  • For me it was the first comic in the pair that hit the funny bone. @Admiral RRRSole and my wife (in her case it's shinies) behave exactly like the overboard pair as a daily occurrence!

    Much love matey well played!

    I envy your efforts at a web-comic series, I've considered doing it in the past and just never keep focus. My stylings aren't comical but the idea is the same despite the flavor. Good job!

  • Tight work dude. Great timing, especially in the second one. Keep them coming!

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