Sea of Fashion!

  • Hey Guys! I spent a while saving up for the Cursed Sails sale. Since the release I've been able to afford to buy most of the items in the game, or at least the ones that took my fancy. I thought I'd share some of the looks that I've rocked before and during the update. Feel free to share your own pirate styles! Lets hope Rare continues to add epic outfits or even the ability to dye clothing.

    The Rogue
    The Rogue

    The Viking
    The Viking

    The Admiral
    The Admiral

    The Hermit
    The Hermit

    The Gold Hoarder
    The Gold Hoarder

    The Stylish
    The Stylish

    The Black Beard
    The Black Beard

    The Mercenary
    The Mercenary

    The Lieutenant
    The Lieutenant

    The Demolition Expert
    The Demolition Expert

    The First Mate
    The First Mate

    The Barbossa
    The Barbossa

    The Helmsman
    The Helmsman

    The Skeleton Hunter
    The Skeleton Hunter

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  • Ahoy,

    I love it! You can do a series out of it, like Sea of Outfits, you make outfits once a week and see how it goes, this can go big and incentive players to do the same!

  • @lukayzarell Thanks! I may have exhausted my options for now but I'll certainly add more if I discover any new combos.

  • @expoalt Totally man!

  • I love what you put together and I will use this opportunity to once again ask that we get favorite slots to save 5 or 10 outfits in our trunks.

  • Excellent post OP.

  • @expoalt Your pirate has excellent style! Love how we can change up what our pirate's wear and how they look with different hairstyles and colours.

  • Oooh! I have a great Burglar outfit I'll share if I remember to after work.

  • @expoalt there is a way to make Jack Sparrow but I’ll let you figure it out, but a good hint is that you only need to change a little bit of the Barbossa outfit ;)

  • @expoalt

    Haha! I love the idea of themed and named outfits, you've just inspired me to create some (after the update lol).

    I particularly love your first one, the dress looks oddly appropriate for a rogue :D

    We've recently started to match crew outfits in terms of colour or style, just for fun, sometimes with the hull or sails too - here's a yellow themed set we put together recently -

  • @katttruewalker Very nice! The coordination is perfect, I'll have to convince me first mate to do the same.


  • @weststormborn I gave it a try but honestly cant do the look justice with the current outfits in the game. Would be cool to see a warn waistcoat style jacket and tricorn with bandanna, that would do it.

  • @stacky-a Thanks! Hair dyes where a great addition just wish the colours looked a tad more natural...

  • Whoops missed one off the list!

    The Buccaneer
    The Buccaneer

  • @expoalt whoaaaa dude u have more cloth in game then my gf real life u deserve a achievement

  • The Suave
    The Suave

    The Raider
    The Raider

    The Sovereign
    The Sovereign

  • Love the Atlantis: The Lost Empire reference!

  • @katttruewalker Me n me crew have a set of Spanish themed armor we use with a orange-yellowish hulled ship. Can’t think of the names of the items bless me.

  • @expoalt This is probably one of my favourite go to outfits

    @Ecljpse Interested in seeing that burglar outfit too haha!

  • Welp, it's the end of the Cursed Sails sale and I have accumulated just shy of 200 cosmetic items and have become perpetually poor in the process. Thought I'd share a few more looks I have discovered as well as shine a light on a under looked dress that has a pretty unique feature!

    So it turns out that the Ruffian Sea Dog Dress allows you to visually display the sleeves of a jacket or shirt underneath it, since the dress has no sleeves or accessorises that obstruct the arm slot. It allows for some pretty unique combinations that I never thought to be possible before.

    The Sea Dog
    The Sea Dog

    The Ace
    The Ace

    The Sparrow
    The Sparrow

    @weststormborn I took a crack at Jack after all seeing as the dress sort of acts like a waistcoat and the sea dog hat has the same iconic red bandanna. It's not perfect but I think it's probably as close as we can get at the moment.

    The Regal
    The Regal

    The Ruffian
    The Ruffian

    The Midas
    The Midas

    The Cobalt
    The Cobalt

    The Captain
    The Captain

  • Skelly Hunters

  • @expoalt Interesting results with the sea dog dress, actually looks great! kinda like a kilt on your character ☺

  • @blam320 I realise now that the Imperial Sovereign Jacket would have made a lot more sense for Vinny, but the colours would have been all wrong so I corrected that in Photoshop!


  • Missed one off again...

    The Shipwrecked
    The Shipwrecked

  • @expoalt
    Hey lad, where do you get those pictures from?

  • @expoalt said in Sea of Fashion!:

    @blam320 I realise now that the Imperial Sovereign Jacket would have made a lot more sense for Vinny, but the colours would have been all wrong so I corrected that in Photoshop!


    Rare, make this happen.

  • @sgt-palooggoo All captured from within the clothing chest in-game excluding the Vinny mock up which was taken in the main menu and edited with Photoshop, oh and the reference image of Vinny is from the movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

  • @expoalt
    Oh, well done lad.

  • @expoalt i love the fashion aspect of the game. you know what i discovered the other day is that sparrow outfit you have that dress its green and tan i think its seadog stuff that has no arm covering and when you equip a shirt the shirt shows through and covers your arms. that is so cool id love to see more like that. the admiral dress has no arms as well. wish it worked on that too as i feel it looks a bit done without arms haha. id love to see more of clothing weaving together like that for unique looks. like jackets ontop of dresses and more flashy pants that stand out some.

  • @RevanJStone
    Yup discovered that recently too! I did try experimenting with the Executive Admiral Dress but unfortunately it doesn't act the same. My guess it that the bandage on the right arm obstructs the arm slot so does not allow jackets or shirts to display underneath. Would love to see more items like this added to the game, really opens up the possibilities for extended customisation.

    @expoalt said in Sea of Fashion!:

    So it turns out that the Ruffian Sea Dog Dress allows you to visually display the sleeves of a jacket or shirt underneath it, since the dress has no sleeves or accessorises that obstruct the arm slot. It allows for some pretty unique combinations that I never thought to be possible before.

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