Calling all Well Dressed Pirates! Time for a Lizalaroo Giveaway!

  • Ahoy me mateys!

    Tis time to give away another of me Sea of Thieves inspired props!
    To have a chance of winning this tiny Clothing Merchant Sign all you have to do is impress me with your favourite choice of clothing and interesting place whilst wearing them.

    I shall be picking the winner on Halloween.

    So buddy up and get your shipmate to take your photo! Whether it be flying out of a cannon or deep under the sea I am sure you pirates can impress me with yer shenanigans!

    Only one photo per pirate please, any duplicates or vids will be removed.

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  • @lizalaroo well done as usual! BRAVA! :-D

  • @lizalaroo That is fantastic. I didnt even think I was looking at an actual sign for a second and though it was an odd in game pic lol.

  • Hello Mrs Lizalaroo, i saw earlier " miniature" work from you on the Twitter pages , but your quality and eye for detail is simply unbeatable...
    i'm pretty sure that many Pirates are going to do their best to place their most beautiful picture on this page...Give it yer best Lads and Lasses of the Sea because Mrs Lizalaroo's Originals will one day become priceless...

  • Who’s willing to be the first pirate to post their pic?

  • @lizalaroo i'll try lizalaroo

  • No takers? You lubbers have just over a week to post her pics otherwise I’ll be keeping the booty all fer me-self! 😂

  • @lizalaroo

    In an attempt to kick-start proceedings, my favourite outfit (not sure I have changed it since launch :D )

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    I really don't expect a prize for such a lame entry...merely encourage others!! someone has to be first!!

  • This is such as hard one to pick as I have a few favourite outfits :)
    This would have to be one of my favourites though-

  • somuchswagitisridicilous

  • Yarr

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  • @stacky-a Which outfit is that?

  • @nofears-fun Its a bit of a mixture of items-
    Executive Admiral shirt, Sovereign hat, Royal sovereign gloves and boots, and ferryman trousers.

  • Taking a wee break while stocking up at the Fort for a Kegger Party wearing me Favorite The Black Dog Pack

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  • @cutthroatmcrage BOOM THERE GOES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @closinghare208 ROFL .... Naw mate that there be just for a quick snappy. I always tucks em away up in me crows nest for safe keeping. I was looking round every other second figuring second I go to take a pic I'm gonna become a atomic shroom from a sneaky sharp shooter or somethin lol ;)

  • @cutthroatmcrage AYE!!!!!!!!

  • Ahoy there!
    I think it's safe to say that my Sea Mercenary outfit is the best on the seas:

  • @lizalaroo oh look a par-ott

  • @lizalaroo I hope you like my hat....

    *Blummin' plants always gettin' in the way!

  • @parz1val04 fixed your post! Just post the imgur link directly in your post next time :)

  • @lizalaroo I picked the wrong image I'm going to upload it later

  • @lizalaroo this is a re uploadI picked the wrong image
    Here u go😉

  • @lizalaroo darn a bad time to be grounded from my game DX

  • I always say: "You have to be daring to look dashing"

    Tremble before my attire

    Also I can't figure out, how to make the image preview, I guess looking fashionable doesnt teach you the miracles of the interwebs

  • @azrael278 You just post your imgur link directly in your post :D

  • @lizalaroo just for kicks skeleton man in cannon XD

    All I wear is my bones, who needs skin or clothes XP

  • This has been my style and I think it suits me.

  • Not wearing a hat (shocking, i know!), but this is my Outfit, very recognizable from near and far - and i consider myself to be a well dressed Scoundrel Pirate!

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