3D Printed Pirate Figures

  • How great would it be if we could export our pirates and get a 3D printed figure made? Rare/Microsoft could easily make an app or section to their store where you can upload your character, get them in the pose you want and then make the figure purchasable through the store. Microsoft just needs to get in touch with some company that can be able to get them 3D printed and ship them out directly to customers.

    This feature could be duplicated to their other games, whether it be first, second, or third party games.
    Additionally, it would be nice if there was an option to export the 3D file for those DIYers who wants to do it on their own.

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  • @mad-jim-rogers That would be absolutely amazing! In the meantime, I've been using hero forge. It's not the same as my pirate but it's pretty cool.

  • Truly, great idea... but I've seen some off ya'lls "Rare Generated" cave dwelling looking characters... ( No offense to Cave Dwellers - Article 1 The Sea Calls To Us All. Everyone is welcome on the Sea of Thieves regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality or creed. )


  • @mad-jim-rogers Would see a lot of people profiting off of Rares work on Etsy.

  • @zormis Well Microsoft/rare can easily ensure people want to buy figures from their own stores by including in-game items/skins with purchase.

  • @mad-jim-rogers this is a really good idea. Would be pretty cool to have an actual physical representation of our in game characters. Great suggestion here.

  • Super cool idea mate! Let's not stop with figures of our characters. Would be awesome to have scaled model of our sloop so my spouse's pirate and mine can stand on it. Have always thought it would be so much better to have a figure of the characters I created in all the video games I played, than the NPC ones sold in the store. Not that I do not have many of the latter though. : )

  • @xcalypt0x just checked out hero forge. They have a great and simple UI that microsoft/rare can copy (or buy them out). cool site

    @x-crowheart-x said in 3D Printed Pirate Figures:

    Super cool idea mate! Let's not stop with figures of our characters. Would be awesome to have scaled model of our sloop so my spouse's pirate and mine can stand on it. Have always thought it would be so much better to have a figure of the characters I created in all the video games I played, than the NPC ones sold in the store. Not that I do not have many of the latter though. : )

    Yeah they would make great surprise gifts for significant others if you can upload their characters and get them printed out.

    And yeah, I suppose you can get other in-game items printed out as well.

  • Oh yes i then order chickens in coops when they stick the head out and look at you funny like "dude be carefull"

  • @ruigtand-nl lol the possibilities are endless xD

    It wouldn't really add much additional cost since everything will be printed on demand.

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