kraken comandation qustion

  • u only get kraken comandation points if she spawns on your boat?

    yesterday me and my dad had a quick play we only had a hr and 30mins to play so we didt really grab anything from the outpost just grabed a parchment from a barrel and set sail then as we got to cannon cove spotted a gally leaving golden sands and kraken just started to attacked it

    so we turned the boat around keeped a eye on it and when kraken sunk the gally we sailed over to kraken and killed all but 3 arms (ran out of cannon balls made a few bad shots )

    and after attacking it with guns and swords and finished the fight we got loot but no points for the comandation

    so qustion it bc she didt spawn on our boat OR bc we coudent kill the arms with only guns and swords in time and she ran off to battle another day?

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  • @monkeybee11 When you sailed over to enagage, was your boat inside the black-inky water?

    I believe that (and killing enough tentacles) is the requirement :)

  • @thetwistedtaste
    yep wanted to make sure it woudent despawn so sailed right in to the middle of the ink befor rasingthe sails

    oso just saying

    im not sure howmeny arms she has at the start of the fight but it looked like she sunk the gally befor they coud kill any of the arms

  • @monkeybee11 Did the encounter play any sort of victory music after the Kraken sank back into the sea? I'm wondering if it actually just despawned instead of you and your dad actually defeating it. I know you don't have to take out all of the tentacles to defeat the Kraken but even still, if you two were in the ink and attacking it when it went under it should have counted for you.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie

    hmmm never heard any victory music in any of our encountes but that kraken shoud of been my 6th but im still only at 5 out of 10

  • @monkeybee11 Someone correct me if I'm mistaken but I do believe there is sort of a victory, it's short but it's there, tune that plays when the Kraken disappears. Perhaps that's just when you defeat tentacles? Haha, something plays to let you know that you defeated a tentacle, I know that much. So unless you heard a noise like that right after defeating a tentacle just before the Kraken itself disappeared I'm willing to bet it just despawned on you.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie it plays a sound when u hit the kraken with a gun or cannonball from a distance but in all of my 7 kraken fights only sinking to 1 kraken winning 5 krakens and this fight that im confused on dont really remember hearing a victory sound on defeating her

    hear a sound on defeating meg

    dont think theres a victory sound for the skele boat only when u land a hit with a cannon ball

  • @monkeybee11 there's for sure one for skeleton ships. I'm almost 100% sure it plays something when defeating a tentacle. I'll have to listen harder the next time I encounter one.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie hmmmmmm there is the posabillity when im killing the skele ship im to far away ive all ways used cannons never gunpowder kegs to sink them yes it takes longer but unlike pvp skele ships never do the gunpowder keg to u so im able to enjoy a good old ship v ship battle :P

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