Original Reddit Thread
I'd like to suggest that the circle we can place down on the map can have it's colour changed, maybe via a toggle such as right click. This would allow at a glance for us to identify the locations marked up by crew and their purpose.
For example when doing a Tall Tales we wanted to mark up the journal locations as well as the tale locations however it led to confusion and constant repetition of what island was for what. I think here an agreed colour scheme among the crew at the time e.g black for our objective, red for journals, green for our side quests, blue for cargo drops would have made things a long easier to communicate and also planning a navigation route.
One piece of feedback I received was that icons might be a good addition instead for colourblind players, improving accessibility. Colouring would help with accessibility for players who may have external distractions, difficulty with memory recall or are simply new to navigating and planning an optimal route with purpose.
Thoughts and feedback?