Coop server? PVE

  • This community has been divided into 2 sides for a very long time. On one side we have a player base that just wants pvp and constant fighting and on the other side we have a player base that wants to play pve missions, forts and Tall Tales. Currently the situation is that people that try to do the pve aspect of the game just get third partied by the pvp players. Because of that the only thing that can pay of in the game is to sit around and wait then just attack the pve-ers when they do not expect it. When that happens pve players can do nothing becouse they have no experiance in pvp combat. Further more, nowdays more and more people are leaving the game because it just isn't fun for them. And atop of all that pve players don't get any proggress. In the end it all comes down to pve players leaving the game and all that we are left with is a whole lot of heavy pvp-ers, which for them is exactly what they wanted. Simple solution to this would be to give players a choice if they want to play on online server or on a coop server where only friends can join either on the same ship or on the diffrent ship. I know that this would sperate the whole comunity into two but that is already happening so i think something needs to be changed or this game will lose half of its player base.

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  • Welcome to the forum! Happy first day and first post

    If you want, you might find a bunch of threads discussing the same subject via the search option. Enjoy!

  • @croatcarlo its a pirate game, pirates steal and fight and there are like 50 other threads on this topic.

  • @croatcarlo this does not sound like a bad idea think rare should consider this

  • I do both PvP and PvE. Only doing one seems to be missing out on half the game.

  • The community is divided between people who do both PVP and PVE and the ones who insist on playing half of the game only.

    When that happens pve players can do nothing becouse they have no experiance in pvp combat.

    Well there you go, getting attacked gives you experience in pvp combat. You won't magically get better at it by asking shelter from it. Play and learn, it's not that hard, arena is great practice.

    Monthly data provided by Rare at the end of each update shows that the population is far from quitting in drove like you doomsayers like to pretend in hope to drive your point across.

    I know that this would sperate the whole comunity into two but that is already happening so i think something needs to be changed or this game will lose half of its player base.

    The game is doing fine by going the direction the devs intended it to be. There are plenty of PVE only game for your needs if this one does not suit you. I will trust Rare's data over people's "the game will lose half it's population because I say so" speculations.

    Fair winds!

  • @croatcarlo said in Coop server? PVE:

    This community has been divided into 2 sides for a very long time. On one side we have a player base that just wants pvp and constant fighting and on the other side we have a player base that wants to play pve missions, forts and Tall Tales. Currently the situation is that people that try to do the pve aspect of the game just get third partied by the pvp players. Because of that the only thing that can pay of in the game is to sit around and wait then just attack the pve-ers when they do not expect it. When that happens pve players can do nothing becouse they have no experiance in pvp combat. Further more, nowdays more and more people are leaving the game because it just isn't fun for them. And atop of all that pve players don't get any proggress. In the end it all comes down to pve players leaving the game and all that we are left with is a whole lot of heavy pvp-ers, which for them is exactly what they wanted. Simple solution to this would be to give players a choice if they want to play on online server or on a coop server where only friends can join either on the same ship or on the diffrent ship. I know that this would sperate the whole comunity into two but that is already happening so i think something needs to be changed or this game will lose half of its player base.

    That’s not the “Division” the division is those who got sunk and those who did the sinking.

    People only ask for PVE after they’ve been beat up. They love the game when they are the ones “Winning”.

    It’s a ridiculous suggestion. Before you asked for PVE just think for a second. How would this work?

    What about Gun Powder?

    What about fire?

    What about the helm?

    What would keep someone from sinking your boat even if they can’t “attack” YOU?

    Do the boats need to be invulnerable?

    If so what triggers this? When an enemy player is on it? Great now people will exploit that and have an enemy when they do Krakens and Skelly Ships....

    Can only the crew member touch the wheel?

    Can only the crew member touch the anchor?

    Can your boat be harpooned? Do you even get a harpoon? What if someone is “greifing” you by ramming into your boat while your on shore?

    So now your boat can’t take collision damage....

    What about alliance mechanics?

    If you do a Fort can I not just come right up and start carrying treasure to my ship? You can’t attack me. You can’t kill me. Why would I not just help myself to the loot after you open it?

    So now Forts are locked? For who? The first one to kill a single skeleton? First one who shoots it with a cannon ball? So what if someone shoots it with a cannon ball and leaves....Forts now locked for everyone else on the sever?

    If you do all of FOTD but I get the killing blow on the boss can only I pick up the key? Only I get to pick up the stuff in the vault?

    We should change access to the forbid someone gets on your boat on a PVE Server. How you gonna get him off? He can just sit there and eat all your bananas and you can’t do a damn thing about it!

    Can he pick up your treasure? No? Yes? So let’s have them redevelop all of That now! Can he pick it up? Can he drop it?

    What if you drop it at the dock? Are you the only one that can pick it up?

    What if you sink and your treasure is floating? Does it just sit there until you come get it? Can I pick it up then?

    No, you come here an make a suggestion without any thought to it!

    No one can climb your ladders...can they cannon onto your ship? Can they jump on it? Is your ship immune to Gun Powder?

    I’m not trying to be mean. But you have to understand there is a reason there aren’t PVE Servers. It would require a whole new game!

    So start asking for a whole new game or push for Private Servers that give no progression cause that’s your only chance of getting what you want.

  • @croatcarlo
    Why would you go into adventure mode when there's a pve mode with full progression for pve? There's no reason. This would cause adventure to be mostly pvp, which would make you playstyle a choice at the menu, not as you play.

    Rare does want to add a private server without progression though, so you can mess around there.

  • @croatcarlo I play PvE and use the tools in game to adjust to the situation. I ensure that I keep an eye out on the seas even when solo and rarely do not see them coming.

    Being good at PvE takes practice and self reflection. Instead of blaming PvPers from being the type of pirate they want to be, look at where you can improve to become the pirate you want to be.

    I do not fear PvP and know how to flee, ensure the objectives that I set out to get. My win conditions are not the same as theirs, so I can just deny them the fight they seek and get what I want. This is a shared world with the tools provided to play as you want, master your style.. don't destroy the fundamental principle of a shared world. #BeMorePirate there are many different ways to be a pirate and not all of them revolves around close quarter combat.

  • This community has been divided into 2 sides for a very long time.

    True, but not between PvE and PvP players, but between normal people and people with buyers remorse. Plenty of people fight ships while simultaneously doing voyages. Its only the subset of people demanding for this safe space that can't multi-task.

    Currently the situation is that people that try to do the pve aspect of the game just get third partied by the pvp players. Because of that the only thing that can pay of in the game is to sit around and wait then just attack the pve-ers when they do not expect it.

    First, their is so much down time between fights in this game its rather unbelievable that some people can't get stuff accomplished. It can go between hours of sailing before a ship even approaches you let alone outright attack you. At this point, the PvE sailors come off as drama queens, you certainly aren't these victims of never ending attacks.

    Second, this idea that all PvP players do is just wait in the shadows to steal those poor PvE players of their couple of castaway chests. Lets get one thing straight here, solely stealing in this game is extremely unprofitable. If you want to make bank, drop voyages or do neutral events like Forts. You know what stealing is though that makes it worth it? Its extremely fun, try it sometime, you might finally get that experience you say you don't have. No one starts off good in this game at combat. Time to put in the effort to get good like the rest of the population.

    Simple solution to this would be to give players a choice if they want to play on online server or on a coop server where only friends can join either on the same ship or on the diffrent ship.

    No, the simplest solution is for people to read the tin before they buy a game. I see no point in trying to cater to people who aren't interested in the main point of the game. Right there on the box, unknown encounters with other players.

  • Wow, another 1 day old account making a PVE/PVP/CROSSPLAY post and not responding to any comments. What a wacky coincidence

  • Having PVE only will absolutely ruin the game.
    Im not going to say the usual "Is not Sea of Friends" but you know what I mean.
    If you want to be pacific and grind a lot is ok, but you need to be aware of your surroundings.
    The essence of this game is knowing that anytime you can get F up and ruin all your playtime and that's one of the things that, in my opinion, make the game enjoyable.

    This game is about learning about your mistakes and improving yourself.

  • @tak225 Puting a PVE server is just ridiculous and will ruin all the game experience.

  • @juan-823 how so

  • @croatcarlo Let me correct you because thats where you are completely wrong the side who dont want PvE servers arent "just want pvp and constant fighting" you can find most of us in diffrent discussions in the forum lore feedback and random fun PvE side is mostly just here and rant and chant their demands.
    If you agree for a private server with 0 progress to your main character and youll just get another character for privates servers we all have an agreement but if you want "sailing with friends" servers who is mainly just to grind gold and rep and devalue progress in the game then we dont.

  • @sandaledpond889 Spending hours on something and risking not losing it all and getting it in the end holds a value and a server with no risk will destroy the economy of the game.

  • @tak225 said in Coop server? PVE:

    @juan-823 how so

    Use the search function, this has been explained many times already. People shouldn't waste time trying to explain anything to you since you will ignore it anyways.

    @sandaledpond889 said in Coop server? PVE:


    You cant devalue that which has no worth.

    Cool so that means you agree that every time someone comes stomping on the forum complaining that they lost 4 hours worth of loot and time because they got sunk, they didn't lose anything in fact! Glad you understand, we can at least agree on that.

  • @sandaledpond889 That is so not true every effort that goes into something holds a value and the game spends alot of time and money to create a balance and PvE servers will abuse it.
    You say black i say white lets end it here.

  • @croatcarlo

    If you get to "escape" to pve server, how does that give me a chance to rob you?

    There needs to be a balance between pve and PvP.

    If there was a pve server, a lot of people would go there, and leave the rest of the actual pirates with no one to rob.

    You're in the Sea of Thieves! Let's keep the thieving part of this game alive!

  • @cotu42

    So much this. I am just about PL-10 and have taken to the tall tales. I am doing them all solo for the first run through. I also do not fear PvP I am just realistic about fighting fully crewed brigs or galleons.

    I have adapted, I don't stock my ship, I don't pick up treasure w/ the exception of the TT items and they are small enough to be hidden in the event I come across a sweaty galleon, The loss is not a painful one unless I have to restart the TT.

    You said "#bemorepirate there are many ways to be a pirate" and that is spot on.

    I don't think a co-op server will ever see the light with this game and I kind of hope it doesn't.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx said in Coop server? PVE:

    If there was a pve server, a lot of people would go there, and leave the rest of the actual pirates with no one to rob.

    Well wouldn't the "Actual Pirates" still have other Pirates who enjoy the fighting to rob?

  • @brimstone-love
    But there wouldn't be much loot to steal, and the game would become predictable.

  • The game is doing fine by going the direction the devs intended it to be. There are plenty of PVE only game for your needs if this one does not suit you. I will trust Rare's data over people's "the game will lose half it's population because I say so" speculations.

    Fair winds!

    Funny thing about direction, it tends to change over time. If you would of gone back pre-launch and told the development team a Battleground Game mode would be a good addition, most would of said it goes against the core vision of the game.

    At the heart of Sea of Thieves was a concept called Group Shaped Narrative. The developers were fans of Survival Sandbox Games, not for the PvP aspects, but for the stories that could be created in those games. The idea that players create a fun and engaging experience that keeps you returning for more. Additions and new content would simply be new props and tools to add to the experience. PvP was never the point but just another tool. Some content creators exemplify this perfectly. Watch the videos of the Harbor Patrol Sloop flashing red and blue lanterns and chasing down ships to board and search for illegal contraband. The reverse pirates who would raid ships to deposit chests and other treasures. There was even a group who would kidnap other players and ransom them back to their crews. These moments are what Sea of Thieves is about.

    In regards to dedicated PvE mode its a mixed bag. I think it can happen but not before revisting and releasing Reputations and unlocks that can be only obtained via old fashion Piracy in the open world. Honestly I would allow standard progression in Story mode which can be open or private. Then Adventure Mode would be less about preset voyages and more about forging ones own path. Add random treasure to all islands. Set it up so players can get updates from outposts and traders showing the last known location of player ships. The more treasure you carry, the more frequent you location updates.

    The point is I am fine with a PvE as long PvP gets some serious love to make it attractive outside the normal Salt Farmers.

  • @croatcarlo This is a false premise. I'm not on either side. To me, this is a PvPvE experience in a shared world. Sometimes I PvP (note: PvP doesn't always mean fighting... sometimes I steal without them even noticing. Stole 6 villainous skulls, a collector's chest, & a rowboat... and they never knew I was there until I was gone)... most times I PvE. It's a PvPvE game. If anyone claims it should be PvP or PvE, I feel that's wrong.

    It's an ecosystem... there will always be predators and prey. Without prey, the game falls flat... without predators, the game also falls flat. The game is intended to be a shared world where the risk of losing to other players is always there. I don't feel that should change.

  • @blazedrake100

    @blazedrake100 said in Coop server? PVE:

    But there wouldn't be much loot to steal, and the game would become predictable.

    One could argue its already predictable. Honestly having no loot or supplies doesn't prevent a PvP player from attacking a PvE player. Listening to PvP players, its about defeating others, wasting their time, and preventing them from progressing. If your looking for the steal treasure experience, wouldn't the Arena be a more fulfilling mode to play?

  • @entspeak said in Coop server? PVE:

    It's an ecosystem... there will always be predators and prey. Without prey, the game falls flat... without predators, the game also falls flat. The game is intended to be a shared world where the risk of losing to other players is always there. I don't feel that should change.

    I like that analogy. Sadly I think SoT has a defining element which is also a major draw back, simplicity. It would be interesting if AI would be added to the game to help balance the world out a bit. Imagine being able to align with a faction which grants you some protection such as AI of that faction assisting you during battles and actively attacking players who have been marked hostile to the faction. In exchange a percentage of all treasure turned in goes to the faction. Imagine trying to taken down a ship laden with treasure , plotting your course and trying to sink them before they locate a friendly AI vessel or port.

  • @brimstone-love Balance out the world? I don't understand the need to balance out the world in this way. I sucked at the PvP aspects of the game when I started. I practiced and got better. People need to stop expecting the shared world to accommodate their inexperience with certain aspects of it. Learn and adapt - that's the game.

    It's a skills-based game. The only true progression is what you learn to do in it. That is the beauty of the simplicity of the game. For instance, I can navigate the world without ever really needing to look at the ship map. Sailing, swimming, rowing, I can (more often than not) find my way around and get to where I want to go. That's a skill I learned. I have pretty much mastered sloop operation - so much so, that I've had people coming at me believe I'm a duo crew and look for my crewmate. That's a skill I learned. PvP is no different and should be viewed no differently.

    If people don't want to learn or practice the PvP aspects of the game, well... that's on them. It's like playing Mario Bros, refusing to learn how to do the jumps, and asking Nintendo to add bridges so they don't have to jump.

  • @croatcarlo

    You sound like a real master of projection here with your lofty claims that the community is in some sort of crisis of PvE versus PvP division...

    Sea of Thieves is a PvEvP game. It was sold to you as a shared world game where PvP would be a part of it at all times, and never represented to you as anything else. This is 100% a matter of fact. Because of that, there is no leverage for this PvE server request at all as it would be out of place, and a diversion from the game's vision.

    Apart from being out of place, it would actually hurt the game. Sea of Thieves' multiplayer dynamic is dependent on having all play styles present in one world colliding with one another, PvE servers would have a huge negative impact on the way different types of players are distributed.

    It would ultimately split up and categorize what is supposed to be one mix bag of player variety, which would change the way sessions play out for everyone and kill Sea of Thieves as we know it.

    In Sea of Thieves, there is no PvE community and there is no PvP community. Everyone playing this game will always expose themselves to elements of PvP and PvE and this is just part of what it is to play Sea of Thieves - plain and simple. If you add PvE servers, then its an entirely different game.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Coop server? PVE:

    Rare does want to add a private server without progression though, so you can mess around there.

    This WHOLE GAME is without progression. You collect cosmetics, that's it. A new player is just as powerful as a PL10.

  • @entspeak said in Coop server? PVE:

    If people don't want to learn or practice the PvP aspects of the game, well... that's on them. It's like playing Mario Bros, refusing to learn how to do the jumps, and asking Nintendo to add bridges so they don't have to jump.

    That's a false equivalency and happens allot with this community as a whole. Learning to Jump or how to complete certain jumps is essential for progression in Mario brothers. If you don't complete the jump, you don't finish the level, you don't find out the princess is in another castle. PvP is not a core mechanic nor is it essential to Sea of Thieves. Some players can go entire sessions never encountering another ship/crew. When this happens they still progress in the game via story, reputation, gold....ect. PvP is not necessary by any stretch of the imagination.

    The other thing is that SoT is a Living game such as Sandbox Survival titles, MMOs, MoGs, and Mobas. This means like those types it is in a state of perpetual development. They are tweaked and changed to based on user feedback. They add new content to attract an influx of new players and appease existing players.

    This is why a feedback and suggestion forum exists. Player comes here talks about an existing feature or a requested feature and Rare has an opportunity to change the game. It may not always move in the direction some of the player base want, but that is the nature of game development.

    In my previous post I was simply offering a suggestion because as it stands, right now, PvP and allot of players who represent that game play style and mentality are a problem. We have players such as Summit defender of Pirate play style telling his base that negating another persons hard work is the best reason to play. Games shouldn't be zero sum yet the latest wave of PvP Champions is treating it as such. We are only happy if someone else is miserable is becoming the representation that people see when they look into returning to the game or buying it for the first time. Simply spend some time looking at the feedback on gaming related news sites. When Sea of Thieves news appears the talk back always reflects that this game isn't worth picking up because of the one sided PvP.

  • @wickeddeath said in Coop server? PVE:

    This WHOLE GAME is without progression. You collect cosmetics, that's it. A new player is just as powerful as a PL10.

    The belief is that gaining rep or gold without having to deal with being randomly sunk, spawn camped, and chased is unfair to players who enjoy sinking, spawn camping, and chasing others.

  • @brimstone-love Being that it is part of the ecosystem without which the game would fall - a sentiment you agreed with, it is essential to Sea of Thieves. The game is a PvPvE experience - Mike Chapman reiterated this on Twitter recently. Yes, you can reach PL without ever engaging in PvP. But, you can also reach PL without ever buying a voyage - does that mean voyages aren’t essential to the game? You can earn gold and level up without ever sailing your ship (I’m currently doing this and am in my Level 20’s across most Adventure factions with 0 meters sailed), does that mean that ships aren’t essential to Sea of Thieves? You’re making a specious argument. While not a core mechanic, PvP is a fundamental aspect of this PvPvE game.

  • @entspeak said in Coop server? PVE:

    @brimstone-love Being that it is part of the ecosystem without which the game would fall - a sentiment you agreed with, it is essential to Sea of Thieves. The game is a PvPvE experience - Mike Chapman reiterated this on Twitter recently. Yes, you can reach PL without ever engaging in PvP. But, you can also reach PL without ever buying a voyage - does that mean voyages aren’t essential to the game? You can earn gold and level up without ever sailing your ship (I’m currently doing this and am in my Level 20’s across most Adventure factions with 0 meters sailed), does that mean that ships aren’t essential to Sea of Thieves? You’re making a specious argument. While not a core mechanic, PvP is a fundamental aspect of this PvPvE game.

    Again you are using a false equivalency. You may not have to buy a voyage or sail a ship to progress but someone has too. The treasure turned in was collected by someone. The core aspect of the game was utilized. You can completely remove PvP and the average player wouldn't notice. The game has enough content now that never engaging another player would not change the game experience for you in any shape or form.

    The game vision is that of a "Group Shaped Narrative". A pirate theme cooperative action adventure in which players would create "experiences that are entertaining to watch". Players watch the game play videos and get excited to play.

  • @brimstone-love

    Actually, you can progress without buying voyages, engaging in PvP, or sailing your ship. You won't ever complete everything, there are commendations for buying and completing voyages, for sailing your ship, and for fighting others, but you can make progress regardless.

  • @brimstone-love said in Coop server? PVE:

    @entspeak said in Coop server? PVE:

    @brimstone-love Being that it is part of the ecosystem without which the game would fall - a sentiment you agreed with, it is essential to Sea of Thieves. The game is a PvPvE experience - Mike Chapman reiterated this on Twitter recently. Yes, you can reach PL without ever engaging in PvP. But, you can also reach PL without ever buying a voyage - does that mean voyages aren’t essential to the game? You can earn gold and level up without ever sailing your ship (I’m currently doing this and am in my Level 20’s across most Adventure factions with 0 meters sailed), does that mean that ships aren’t essential to Sea of Thieves? You’re making a specious argument. While not a core mechanic, PvP is a fundamental aspect of this PvPvE game.

    Again you are using a false equivalency. You may not have to buy a voyage or sail a ship to progress but someone has too. The treasure turned in was collected by someone. The core aspect of the game was utilized. You can completely remove PvP and the average player wouldn't notice. The game has enough content now that never engaging another player would not change the game experience for you in any shape or form.

    The game vision is that of a "Group Shaped Narrative". A pirate theme cooperative action adventure in which players would create "experiences that are entertaining to watch". Players watch the game play videos and get excited to play.

    Define average player.

    I consider myself an average player. I don't play daily anymore. I play other games and jump back on occasionally.
    As pvp has decreased, the game is very dull. No more having to keep your head on a swivel.
    Also the PvE is too easy. Occasionally we encounter a mixture of pve elements that makes it more difficult but the heart rate does not increase like it used to two year ago. It is the other players that makes each voyage so unique. I tend to sign out without cashing in. What's the point?

    I am not good at PvP in close combat. Ship to ship i am pretty decent. But it is not about the actual fight. It is about the potential of the fight. It is what gave the game life for me. Now it is usually really dull on the seas. I play once in a blue moon now, so perhaps I am not what you would consider an average player.

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