Old Wailing Barnacle Set

  • Can the wailing barnacle hat and jacket please be brought out again for the people who where either new to the game or not playing at the time considering there is a new set now?

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  • There's a new WB set? Where!? 😯

  • Old items wont come back, only in different variations

  • I need this for the Forsaken Ashes figurehead.

    I don’t even need it to glow just put it back in!!


  • @galactic-geek at the tavern when u speak to stitcher Jim and look at the archives

  • @jakehalo04 that's not new, it's all part of the same set. Also the OG coat, dress, and hat will not return. They were tied to a bilge rat adventure.

    edit. If anything we will see something g similar to fearless bonecrusher vs reg bonecruaher

  • @captain-coel it’s newly out and they might bring it back out

  • @jakehalo04 Are you referring to the new parts to the original clothing set? Yeah, that's not a new set; that's just the rest of the original time-limited exclusive set. I already have those.

  • @galactic-geek no I mean it’s newly out

  • @jakehalo04 the hat, jacket, and dress are from July 11-25, 2018. Those parts are not new.

  • @captain-coel I’m talking about the new part of the set

  • @jakehalo04 and the dates I listed are when the jacket, hat, and dress were available. There was no newer one.

  • @jakehalo04

    The original should never come back, it should only be a color variant...

    Rare said their plan is to bring back old time limited items as color variants, and to let the originals remain exclusive to those who earned them.

    Honestly, keeping the time limited items as exclusives is literally the one thing Rare are actually doing to show any respect to their veteran players, just let us have that.

  • @sandaledpond889 said in Old Wailing Barnacle Set:

    @chronodusk said in Old Wailing Barnacle Set:


    Honestly, keeping the time limited items as exclusives is literally the one thing Rare are actually doing to show any respect to their veteran players, just let us have that.

    Golly I cant imagine hanging my appraisal of how much Rare respects that I've been playing forever on denying other players cosmetics that I have.

    It’s not that I’m hanging the entire appraisal on this, it’s for the sheer fact that they do literally nothing else for veteran players... no Pirate legend/endgame content and literally every monthly update is geared toward new players. Even with the Calendar of Giving stuff, it was just a marketing campaign geared toward new players.

    My appraisal of how much Rare respects veteran players hinges on many different things, but my point was that letting us have exclusive cosmetics to ourselves would at the very least be a small gesture to show that they care since they won’t do anything else.

  • @captain-coel I never said there was

  • @chronodusk older players have other things to. I was playing since day 1 but just took a break. They should bring it back

  • @sandaledpond889 exactly!!

  • @jakehalo04 you said it was newly out like 2 or 3 different times. If you chose not to play for a bit, that's on you.

  • @captain-coel the new PART of the set is out!! And it’s not effecting u if they bring it out again. So there’s no need to have a tantrum about it

  • @jakehalo04

    On the contrary, it does affect those who have these cosmetics if they are re-released. The cosmetics someone owns tell the story of their pirate, albeit not the whole story, but a part of it nonetheless. They tell of some of the adventures that pirate had at one point, giving them a reason to be looked up to by other players, and inspiring those who didn't take part in such events in the past, be it because they weren't there or simply decided not to, to do so in future events for rewards of their own. It also distinguishes between players, given that cosmetics and titles are the only outwardly showing rewards in the game. Taking away the uniqueness of these sets by simply giving them out to those who did not earn them would be an act against those who did earn them, something which has already been done a few times and should not do again.

  • @ultmateragnarok fair enough but players wouldn’t look up to these “OG” players and be “inspired” by them but instead would want the same cosmetics. I’m not saying every original cosmetic should come back, I’m just saying things as small as the original wailing barnacle jacket and hat. I don’t think that’s too much to ask

  • Ewww barnacle set is trash. I’m literally irritated when I get on a boat with it

  • @jakehalo04 you are the one having a tantrum about not having it. you didnt play sorry you dont deserve it.

  • Ive said it before and I'll say it again. Exclusive cosmetics and cosmetics in general don't do anything for anyone.

    Some players want to say its about the developers giving the original players a sense of pride having something that no one else does, but I think that is just nonsense, or even like @UltmateRagnarok stated how the cosmetics tell a story, they really don't.

    The story is only told for as long as it is still around. Cosmetics in any game has a shelf life. The cosmetics players are protective over don't even appear in the game anymore.

    Like the completely frontier set. Anyone see that recently? How about the yearly pirate legend anniversary colors? I'm probably the only one I know who wears it because of double work I had to do to get the cannons, capstans, and wheel. (Rare with their lying saying they weren't tracking it. LIARS)

    There is no story to tell if there is no story. Cosmetics that players are hording in their chest, never bother looking at them, and ONLY throwing a tantrum when its mentioned that other players are going to have the chance to get them is childish.

    Honestly it really is. Its the same as that one paraphrase from whatever show I can't remember.

    "You ignore your sandbox because its boring, until you see another kid playing in it, now you want to be in your sandbox"

    You guys don't care about the cosmetics because you eventually never wear them anymore or even mention them. The only time you care is when someone else is about to get a chance to get them.

    Exclusive, time limited, all of that is really just dumb.

  • @captain-coel how am I having a tantrum I’m literally just asking to bring it back. You’re the one going of on one and crying saying OG players don’t get anything. It doesn’t effect u in any way so stop having a fit about it

  • @xultanis-dragon I couldn’t agree more

  • @jakehalo04 well you are the one who missed out, you are one who is getting over responsive when people tell you its probably not gonna happen. That seems like a tantrum.

    It is better if they just introduce a recolor, maybe it work well, maybe it won't. But atleast you could get that if you're here for it.

  • @captain-coel yeh but there may also be a chance of the original coming out. And I’m not being over responsive I’m just replying to a comment. If anything u where the one being over responsive.......just saying 👍🏼

  • @jakehalo04 It was a bilge rat reward cosmetic. The one type Joe said weren't coming back.

  • @captain-coel well then hopefully they bring something like that out

  • @jakehalo04

    They're bringing reskins of the limited edition sets back, as the Fearless Bone Crusher set shows. I assume the set of the Wailing Barnacle and the Forsaken Ashes sets will get their own reskins, too. Perhaps the Mercenary set may as well, but I do not know for that.

  • @ultmateragnarok dude a yellow or green or orange wailing barnacle. and I wanna see a blue forsaken set

  • @captain-coel

    I have thought that the forsaken ashes reskin set should glow blue or green. As for the set of the Wailing Barnacle reskin, I don't know. Yellow and green seem too close to the original, but that said, the Fearless Bone Crusher set is quite close too. One thing I do want to see is a red reskin of the Ghost set, a Pirate Legend exclusive item which would cost many millions to buy. It'd solve a few problems, at least partially.

  • @ultmateragnarok honestly I've been wishing the ghost set would go through "seasons" so green then yellow, blue, purple, orange, etc.

  • @captain-coel

    Perhaps that could be another version of it, but the green and black is the scheme for the existing one. It's the energy of the Sea of the Damned or something similar, given that the Ferry and the Fort of the Damned share the same look and colors. A set which has glowing parts that change color would be quite interesting, though.

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