Stitcher Jim's Journal #4 - A Chest of Rage...

  • Now I understand why they call it a 'Chest of Rage'. I can hear the souls inside and they ain't stopped yelling and screaming, not once.

    I says to 'em, it's nothing personal, just that I already had their belongings lying around from that Pendragon business.

    Dunn was the easiest to find, snoring his head off at a sea post with a Splashtail in one hand and a drink in the other. He didn't even wake up!

    Cavendish was next. Her Dad was the one whose soul got trapped on the Blackwyche back in the day, so bad luck must run in the family.

    Rodriguez put up a fight and nearly stuck me. Too bad I'd already slipped something into her grog. Well, she don't need a stomach no more...

    This is Stitcher Jim's fourth journal you can find when doing the Heart of Fire Tall Tale. You can find this journal in the Path of the Eternal King in Flameheart's Lair at The Devil's Thirst. It will be on a pile of skulls in the trap room after the first skeleton room. These journals take place before the Tall Tale.

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