No sold messages nor info on how much gold/doubloons earned

  • Yesterday, I noticed that I didn't get any messages more on what I sold, additionally it also does not show how much money was earned. Thought this was just a minor / rare occurrence and will be gone after a restart, but today I had the same problem again.

  • @gladiusmetal I got the same issue yesterday. My friend could see but not me. It happens often now and then...not that critical as you can see in your total that it has gone up ! Same for your experience !

  • @gladiusmetal had that yesterday too...but I realized it already at the start of the session (it didn't show that we started a voyage)...
    So I just left and joined again, then it worked fine...
    Anyway, better raise a support ticket, so devs will look into that issue

  • Happens to mě all the time lately. Sometimes i spam esc menu and it starts popping up. Gonna try turning off And on ui next time.

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