Hopes for Season 2

  • So since the first season of sea of thieves has finally been released and we have all gotten time to test it out and play with the new cosmetics, I think it’s fair to say that there is certainly room for improvement in season 2. Season one brought a whole new bunch of trials and cosmetics for us to work towards to hold us off for three months. As well as additional rewards for pirate legends and players who purchased the plunder pass. However, most of the rewards in the season were just gold or reskins of old cosmetics, and I hope next season there can be more new sets rather than heaps of gold. Because even the new frostbite set is essentially a recolor of the bone chiller costumes clothing. Heck, I’m fine with the majority of the pass being gold so long as we’re still getting a fair amount of new cosmetics. But the biggest thing I want to see in the season 2 pass is more rewards for pirate legends, and more never before seen times in the plunder pass. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how the next season pass can be improved please reply with your ideas!

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  • Not sure if it’s already in the works or if it’s even something that can be released as a season, but if the focus is on Adventure, maybe a new part of the map? With new bosses and a tall tale similar to the sea bound soul or heart of fire?

    With all of these frozen cosmetics coming out I’m really hoping for some sort of colder biome as a nice opposite to the roar. You can have a tall tale for the boss backstory, new world events with a ‘chilling’ new boss and tons of options for new kinds of loot and rewards.

    I’m assuming this is wayyyy more to ask for in season, but I think it would be a great addition at some point.

  • More ancient coins per season. They wanna restock the emporium every month, but only give us dedicated players who complete the season 250 ancient coins every 3 months... I find that ridiculously low

  • Well yeh everyone knew season 1 wouldn’t be that good it’s meant to take 3 months to make and rare did this one in 2, as well as it meant to be a test season to c wut worked and wut didn’t

  • @klutchxking518 a dit dans Hopes for Season 2 :

    More ancient coins per season. They wanna restock the emporium every month, but only give us dedicated players who complete the season 250 ancient coins every 3 months... I find that ridiculously low

    Well. Tbh the season pass isn't designed for the most dedicated part of their base. I reckon that anyone playing 1 or 2 sessions a week will be able to reach lvl 100 if they do the trials.

    I would say that 999 - 250 ancients coins for 11 emporium cosmetics are already a good deal. But given the nature of the pass (meant for most of the active playerbase to reach lvl 100) making it basically free for most of their players wouldn't make much sense from a business perspective.

    So without a revamp that will make harder to level up (which would go against giving casual players a sense of progression) I feel like 250 ancient coins are ok.

  • -more different sails and not just other styles per tier

    • complete shipset for premium pass, (seems its the least popular items they offer in the plunder pass)
  • But... we aren’t even a month into this season... you’re telling me you already did everything? Must be going to slow, then...

  • I just cant wait to see the new content they add rather than cosmetics. Love the new stuff tho

  • The introduction of seasons has left me scratching my head so far.

    There's been an event to kill lots of skeletons, followed up by some amazing incentives to go and dig for worms in the ground and go fishing???
    I can't wait to see the next event during season 1, catch 500 chickens?

    As for season 2, i don't want to think about it. Seems they already had no idea what to do with season 1. As far as i can tell, the whole reason for seasons is to get us to purchase more often from the emporium, be it plunder pass or cosmetics.

  • I honestly feel like the Season system works just fine as presented, in that it makes casual players get a sense of progression every time they play - even if they can't manage to sell a single piece of loot somehow (which a fair number of people seem to claim is the case for them based on some posts around here). Just doing very basic stuff and simply playing the game will ensure them not only the fulfillment of getting to see one of their progress bars in the game moving up, they'll even be able to get some Gold, Doubloons, and even some Ancient Coins (which, in practice, is real money and a nice gesture to those who can't invest funds into the game but might like to engage with the Emporium some still), and even some Cosmetics here and there. Those that have achieved Legend even get a few exclusive perks in there that they can unlock on top of all that, and if you happen to like the Emporium offerings and it could save you a bit getting them ala carte you can nab a Plunder Pass and score those as well.

    And that is what I see the Seasons being, something to help out the casual and new players have a source of progression that is ensured every single time they log on to the game, no matter how badly things pan out on their adventures.

  • @agent1217

    Season 1 was all themed around the Shroudbreaker, so maybe they can theme Season 2 all around Reaper's Bones.

    All through the Season you earn a proper Reaper's Outfit (that isn't a costume) and more pieces of the Seasoned Bone Crusher set (the orange recolor with the black bones).

    Level 100 provides a Reaper's Bones Scar, and the Pirate Legend tier is a Skeleton Curse and Captain Flameheart's Hat and Jacket.

  • Compared to other games with battle pass systems, the SoT plunder pass is already generous enough. They obviously aren’t gonna give away top-tier cosmetics or loads of ancient coins just for completing some easy tasks. I’d rather have the Plunder Pass stay kinda casual and have the best new cosmetics go into the outpost shops or legend hideout. That’s essentially what SOT is about. The plunder pass should always be secondary to the main function of the game: to get gold and buy stuff with it.

  • allow us to go past 100, but every 50 tiers after 100 we get some ancient coins

    give actual rewards for arena wins

  • @agent1217
    I think that an added enemy army or a police of the sea of thieves would be awesome, such as an east India trading company or some type of British or Spanish military presence.

  • I hope for a revamp to the Hunter's Call, including additional land and sea-based animals to encounter. And it would be great if these animals were specific to the regions of the game.

    • Ancient Isles: wild boars that charge you and require multiple shots to take down. Large boa constrictors that swallow loot.
    • Shores of Plenty: Crocodiles?
    • The Wilds: Big land crabs that look like rocks, blending in with the harsh environment.

    The Hunter's Call introduces spears as throwables that are crafted with wood planks and shards of bones that skeletons drop. You can use the spear to slay these new animals for special meat to drop.

    Improved cooking of food with new recipes that when combined allow for different pirate effects. Maybe temporary night vision, or extended breathing time under water (I still think there should be a fish that when cooked and ate allows this). And Hunter's Call could start working with the Taverns to sell delicious meals at Outposts. More ways to make gold for your pirate.

    Hunter's Call Pirate Legend voyages that send you out on the hunt for specific Megs and other new sea beasts. You follow a trail of destruction to the "last known location" of the beast, where you have a battle similar to the Hungering Deep in terms of difficulty. Or perhaps you have to "summon" the boss animal with music, just like old times.

    And this update would bring about the fully-realized Kraken. A constantly-roaming entity on the seas, with a full body. Capable of attacking any ship at any time, whether a world event is up or not. Make the Kraken the threat she deserves to be, and the beast all sailors should fear the most!

  • Ahoy pirates!

    I loved every single thing that season 1 brought to us (fishing was... Meh). I think adventure mode should deserve more tall tales. It's a lot of fun especially with friends and yelling at each other to who is right and who's not (haha). I think krakens should get more attention. I mean it's annoying when they show up. But that's it! Just annoying... I think he deserves more power in seas and that everyone would be scared of him. Make them stronger, angrier and certainly more scarier (Water effect is cool... but smoke or smog could add more...) Ghost megs should be a LOT harder to kill too. But anyways what am i talking right? They surely don't exist (haha?).

    Whoever read this, i appreciate your time PIRATE!

  • Ive pretty much got my ship and pirate looking how i want so i dont even bother wuth any if it. I just log on to hunt ships now.

  • @vitreous8668 tbh. There's been 2 frozen sets, I think, or has there been more. There was the one is the season pass which is wintery and the full iced one, it may be hinting to map changes. I mean the ship in PL hideout is sinking slowly and that apparently means that your ship will be placed there. Maybe more customization to the boat for pirate legends, I hope so. This game has alot of potential and they are hinting to alot of fun things to be coming in the seasons to come, season 2 will be big but season 3-4 I think is when a big new update will come. I hope

  • @redeyesith I definitely think seasons is the best thing this game has added that's actually going to give a reason to play. It's more fun to play a game when there's a progression system, even if there were no rewards its cool to see a number rise and compete with your freinds on who got to level 100 first but I definitely think seasons is more important than people believe. Games like fortnite (don't like the game anymore) but taking seasons from that I believe sea of theives are going to use seasons to add a story which makes sense with Duke doing mysterious stuff and with the theory's and hints of the mermaids and the ancients becoming a big part of the game, boats sinking, and outposts are lining up to be adding a new building which personally I think the buildings being built is leading to something big.

  • Yes, that will be a part of it, but that has also been a thing for much of the games life without Seasons as well. Most updates see small changes that hint to the unfolding story. Thus I don't attribute those things to Seasons or adding to the value of Seasons. That said, with Seasons being here, I don't see that changing and so will remain a thing.

  • @captaindill2863 Why do people claim that that ship is slowly sinking? I mean it's not too hard to debunk something like that. I actually checked 2018 footage from my friend's stream and I can confirm that it's not true. However, i checked some prototyping videos and there was a planned feature of being able to purchase some sort of potion from the shipwright and pour it into the same location where that (placeholder?) ship is and a ship type of your choice emerges... So that might be coming at some point, but no, that ship is not sinking lol.

    By the way, I'm actually kinda on a break from SoT and been reflecting quite some time why i even play the game. And I play it for content... something to do. And I don't mean the typical "do this 1000x to get a commendation".. or grind out 8 million gold to get a cool looking thing so you can get bored with it after a few days and grind more for another. No. I'm also not that kind of person who enjoys pvp and spawncamping... You know, I'm not easily amused.... ; I don't laugh when someone makes goofy wind from their rear end... etc

    That being said, I'm really hoping that Season 2 makes a way bigger splash and implements a new way to approach the game. Like, you can put in new types of voyage or a new threat or something, but that really doesn't change anything. You just to do the same thing in a different way. Tall tales are much much appreciated because it really makes adventure an adventure, but it only really has an impact the first time. Arena was/is a good example how you can change up things and get to appeal to other type of players. I'm kinda talking about a game-mode but it doesn't really have to be a separated from Adventure. Like how fishing is a mini-game inside the game, other more-thoughtful activities with their own progression kinda thing would keep the playerbase engaged. On the top of that, maybe something that encourages other type of player interaction than just being aggressive. Because right now, other players on the seas are just annoying. Very rarely they are fun.... and honestly it makes stories boring cuz they are all the same... "I got attacked we sank it, we steal a fotd..." yada yada.... all the same.

    Hungering Deep was still my personal favourite of all time because of the actual fun interaction with player and cooperation and that we could experience something together. Then these kinda events stopped, and cooperation felt unnecessary and alliance became a joke and always meets the same fate over and over.

    Make other players fun to play with again! I get it's a pirate game and pvp is something that could and will happen, but this game offers more... more aspect of a pirates life and that is where it's lacking right now. The reason why the game gets toxic because it's 90% grind and it gives you less and less things to do everytime you play...

    Make Sea of Thieves great again by adding in activites you can do in various places and aspects that lets you have a completely and brand new experience with players other than killing them or "i need you for this commendation... now, thx, bye"

    In that poll from years ago, there was great ideas about in-game mini games like dice or cards or whatever.... trading system.... clan system... so much stuff that got voted on.. Top six got into the game, now it's time to consider the second top six!

    TL;DR Season 2 has to hit harder by adding new ways to play (not for the same goal) and interact with other players.

    EDIT: I really hope that Rare is not passing the hat to custom server creators in the future and expect them to fill the hole of lacking content with custom game modes or something...

  • @dlnosaurus-rex wow this sounds really awesome actually, I just started a week and a half ago and all this sounds so amazing

  • @uzugijin I also looked back at 2018 footage and you can see that the ship is quite a bit closer to the dock. This may be part of the reason be believe it’s sinking more than it is. I also believe that it hasn’t seen an update to its “sinking” in over a year now, so not much of a difference.

    But I agree with everything else you said. I personally really want more expansive ship customization for Pirate Legends and I hope that the captaincy update (if it’s still coming) comes this year.

  • @john-arkham it took me about a week of casual solo play to get to 100 renown. Will I pay for Plunder Pass next season? Probably not without good reason. In a cosmetic game, rewards that anybody can get are pointless imo.

  • As long as the game maintains being fun, I will be contributing each season...

  • @klutchxking518 it is a business. They’ve always been up front about that. Ancient coins are designed to bring in revenue so they can continue improving the game and making a profit which keeps executives happy (and thus supporting the game).
    To give us much more would break the entire system they’ve built up. Those ancient coins seem clearly meant as a taste tester. To get people into the emporium.

    If you want emporium items, ultimately you’re gonna have to pay up.
    Sea of Thieves is the only game where I don’t feel dirty paying for in-game items.
    They’ve been entirely transparent about this, and I feel like I’ve gained tonnes of value from this game already, so I’m happy to waste real money that I would’ve blown on coffee and beer anyway.

  • @mostexpendable I feel dirty because I supported the emporium at it's launch at the promise of it not becoming a shameless cash grab. I have bought probably a couple hundred dollars worth of cash on the emporium and they STILL are adding more and more emporium stuff, more than last update each update. It seems the amount of stuff they add to the emporium each month grows... It used to be a shipset and a few emotes each month, now it's a shipset, a costume set, a weapon set, collector's pets, multiple emote packs, and equipment items EVERY MONTH.

    You do you, but the emporium is NO perfect little angel. It was when they added it, but now it seems every month they update it, the content in it in each month alone costs more than the price of the game. If that's fine to you, then good for you. But as a person who has heavily backed the emporium only for them to just restock it over and over and over at a higher price each time, I see it to be heavily overpriced and overfrequently restocked.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Hopes for Season 2:

    @mostexpendable I feel dirty because I supported the emporium at it's launch at the promise of it not becoming a shameless cash grab. I have bought probably a couple hundred dollars worth of cash on the emporium and they STILL are adding more and more emporium stuff, more than last update each update. It seems the amount of stuff they add to the emporium each month grows... It used to be a shipset and a few emotes each month, now it's a shipset, a costume set, a weapon set, collector's pets, multiple emote packs, and equipment items EVERY MONTH.

    You do you, but the emporium is NO perfect little angel. It was when they added it, but now it seems every month they update it, the content in it in each month alone costs more than the price of the game. If that's fine to you, then good for you. But as a person who has heavily backed the emporium only for them to just restock it over and over and over at a higher price each time, I see it to be heavily overpriced and overfrequently restocked.

    The quality is still there so I don't think shameless cash grab is fair. Flooding it to where the monthly cost is going up and up for long time supporters of the game is a valid criticism imo

    People that really enjoy the game enjoy supporting the game by buying the monthly content. Do they need to keep this in mind? nope but does it keep morale higher with a loyal base? yup. Going ham with the monthly emporium updates while the bugs get more and more obvious during even casual play and during a trying time for a significant amount of people seems like something that'll turn a lot of people off. It's all optional nobody is saying otherwise and it is a business but it's also a community and a significant amount of the growth is due to the loyalty of the community.

  • @wolfmanbush I'd be a lot happier if they gave discounts to players for spending certain amounts of ancient coins. The more you spent, the more a discount you could get. Not sure how they would work it, but it would at least show they recognise those who spend a lot only for there to be a lot more to spend.

  • @klutchxking518 fair enough dude. I don’t really see how restocking it often is an issue though.
    What’s wrong with them going nuts and offering a wide selection? We don’t have to buy anything. Making those art assets doesn’t automatically detract from working on the main adventure mode. In fact, I’d wager it’s probably different teams (but yes, I have no idea if it is or not). They’re updating the emporium monthly and the game itself at the start of every season. I think we have to accept that and not resent it.
    I agree that some stuff is overpriced though. The costumes are a bit crazy. Especially considering that you can’t break them down into individual pieces of clothing (which is on my wish list).
    I only dip in when something really strikes my fancy. And lately that’s just been emotes.
    Honestly I would like more to choose from because I’m a little underwhelmed by the rate of new pet costumes.

  • @mostexpendable It just feels icky... The game gets one update every 3 months, the MTX gets one every 1 month. I'd rather there only be two, or even one per 3 months

  • @wavestalker a dit dans Hopes for Season 2 :

    @john-arkham it took me about a week of casual solo play to get to 100 renown. Will I pay for Plunder Pass next season? Probably not without good reason. In a cosmetic game, rewards that anybody can get are pointless imo.

    Yeah it's reaally fast to lvl up if you play more than 1 session a week.

    Buying the plunder pass or not is really a matter of finding the items it proposes enticing. If you would buy some of them from the emporium, then it's cheaper using the plunder pass.

    But if you're not the type of player to buy cosmetics from the emporium anyway, then it's just not for you I guess. ^^

  • @uzugijin I very much agree on that. The things that you may not want tho I would still like to see but I would also like to see all the things you mentioned you would like aswell. The boat in athenas hideout is actually sinking, only recently. Well, captain falcore said so and he is a insider. I've only recently started playing again. I've took a break tho until this weekend for the smallish update and increased rep then I'll stop playing till season 2. I wouldn't say season 2 is gonna be massive. I think season 3+ will be when it gets interesting. I mean. I'm happy with the game how it is since I really love pvp, even if I die or if there's toxic players I find it fun to go in game chat and argue back. But that's probably why I don't play the game much. I play alot of other games aswell like COD, Fortnite (ik, I play fortnite lol) and also play other shooters but sea of theives for me is a game I play every now and again so I'm still on the grind for stuff that came in the game ages ago. But definitely, the hungering deep was great. Brings back so many memories. Tall tales was fun for a bit and cursed sails was my favourite untill I got annoyed when the ships would third part me when I'm in a fight with a real player. Deviils roar is amazing but what I want is something like that again. A BIG update where there's something intirely new and interesting. Maybe and hopefully a new area or because the map is bigger enough replace islands with new ones which I've heard islands are going to be replaced with new ones. So I'm guessing that's what there doing. But I'd love to see what you mentioned implemented aswell. Rare have stated this will be the biggest year yet and I doubt they can make room for more bosses or fleets so it will most likely be islands and new customization aswell as hopefully small things you can do like fishing in future time or a monthly update.

  • @captaindill2863 Duh! Fair enough... Before, i tried to eyeball it... now i did a more precise comparison...
    alt text
    (red is from 2018 March, blue is current) I hope y'all happy now.. it's sinking yaaay...🙄 :P

  • I am very excited for Season 2!!!!!! I think they've done a tremendous job so far with Season 1 and congratulations to Rare on this. As a player with 1300hrs+ I am happy.

    I would say that you touched on a good point that they should NOT reintroduce old cosmetics as rewards. Even if they were emporium items.

    I can tell you that I owned every single one of the cosmetics, that I purchased previously. So I only got maybe less than half of the season rewards. I expected to get dubloons or coins or gold for the extra items I previously had as compensation. But I'm not too sure if that ever happened.

    Going forward I would love to see completely brand new rewards all together for fresh seasons. Or the limited-time hard to get stuff now, like the St. Pattys Grog ;)

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