Aimbot and ESP

  • A simple google search returns pages of easily downloaded and installed aimbot and ESP hacks. Some websites say theirs are undetectable. What is Rare doing to prevent people from cheating? It seems pretty easy for anyone to be able to use these and theres probably thousands of people using them. For anyone who doesn’t know ESP gives the location of loot, ships, players, etc. it will put a box around anything you want.

    It seems like someone who used the cheats would get away with it as long as they don’t blatantly use aimbot and get reported.

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  • they must do a good job, because i have never met a hacker in around 1k hours

  • @cornelius-ix What i know of, theres no program in the game that can "feel" a third party program (cheating sofware).
    Same goes with alot of other's a shame, the only way you can notice a cheater is if you suspect's him/her/it of cheating and report.
    Those reports doesn't really do much theres no way really to see if a cheater is really cheating. :P

  • I recommend not downloading those. Sounds very suspicious. Also, in my (estimated) 300 hours, I’ve not had a situation I can’t explain with skill/HiTrEG bROkeN, or just being mediocre myself. This isn’t Call of Duty, you know!

  • People that just download easy to find stuff off the internet like that typically face more consequences from doing a not smart thing for their own privacy and and information than they ever do on the game or whatever they are trying to cheat at

    People that seriously value their account and achievements aren't gonna touch that stuff it's people that either don't care or are in a situation where a ban doesn't stop them as a person it just stops one account.

    Pretty darn hard to crack down on people that already caused the harm and don't care about the consequences

    Best thing a person can do for themselves is get very efficient and combat the cheating that they think they are encountering with a style of gameplay that doesn't leave a lot of time in between sell times

    I think cheating is often exaggerated but I also think that it's not only server issues and sore losing going on out there sometimes.

    The people that spend the time and have the knowledge are always a step ahead on this so anti-cheat stuff is often just chasing ghosts and catching sloppy bandits that make very very very poor decisions on the internet

  • @soulflared Yeah I haven't met anyone who has claimed to use it, I just was curious and did a google search. I would never download any of those cheats, they could be full of malware. I was mostly wondering if Rare has some cheat detection capabilities. I have done some basic malware analysis in the past. I was thinking there might be some way of preventing code from being inserted into the game in memory but Im not really sure.

  • Honestly if I worked for Rare I would ban right at this spot, just for admitting to look for cheats.

    Even if 99% of them probably fake and filled with malware, I also never had problems with cheaters in this game.

  • I think I've encountered 1 player who was blatantly cheating since I started this game (been playing for the last 16 months consistently).

    I was attempting to tuck a FoTD...was tucked on a random rock beneath the water line, and the kid consistently sniped me from his ship no matter where I moved to. Deduced he was probably using hit-box hacks.

    I don't think I've ever encountered someone using 'aim-bot'.
    However, I have encountered players who can double-gun me almost as soon as I step foot on their ship, but I'm aware that that is probably just skill, not hacks.

    If you think you are encountering aim-bot hackers, I would ask that you really analyze their movements. Seasoned PvPers have a special way that they move around. The can sprint through the lower portion of a ship without getting caught on anything, sprint jump along the railing of the upper deck, and do a number of other interesting maneuvers while fighting. If a player is doing all of this while also never missing a shot, they aren't hacking, they've just practiced a lot.
    Now if you are fighting a pirate who just chases you around in a circle and suspiciously always has his head locked to the center of your chest, that could possibly be aim-bot.

    My guess though is that you've been encountering a lot of the first pirates I've described, in which case those players are not hacking, they've just spent more time practicing than you have.

  • I've definitely come across hackers, most obvious are the ones that can't take damage, unless you use a blunderbomb.

    Pretty rare occurrence I've found. Would like more counter measures if possible

  • @damotree said in Aimbot and ESP:

    I've definitely come across hackers, most obvious are the ones that can't take damage, unless you use a blunderbomb.

    Pretty rare occurrence I've found. Would like more counter measures if possible

    Why you confusing hackers with cheaters is beyond me, they entirely unrelated to one another.

    As for your claims, that is called server issues, which is something we been having for ages now.

    Know issue with hit regs due to those same server issues, at least read the patch notes.

  • @ikobi-blade said in Aimbot and ESP:

    Honestly if I worked for Rare I would ban right at this spot, just for admitting to look for cheats.

    Even if 99% of them probably fake and filled with malware, I also never had problems with cheaters in this game.

    What? You think a game company to control what I look at on the internet? RARE will need more thank “you did a google search” to ban someone

  • @ikobi-blade said in Aimbot and ESP:

    @damotree said in Aimbot and ESP:

    I've definitely come across hackers, most obvious are the ones that can't take damage, unless you use a blunderbomb.

    Pretty rare occurrence I've found. Would like more counter measures if possible

    Why you confusing hackers with cheaters is beyond me, they entirely unrelated to one another.

    As for your claims, that is called server issues, which is something we been having for ages now.

    Know issue with hit regs due to those same server issues, at least read the patch notes.

    As an ethical hacker it bothers me when people call cheaters; or rather someone who download software a hacker. Hackers are very different.

  • @cornelius-ix

    Cheating generally describes various actions designed to subvert rules in order to obtain unfair advantages.


    so people in SoT cheat all day and Rare does not do anything about it, but to some degree even suppor that!

    Serverhopping subverts randomness of Worldevents and PvP in general , Alliance Servers, Animation Canceling to only name the most popular used by majority of players!

    Let everyone play like he /she want to, i dont see why people shouldnt cheat exploit if Rare support it even.

  • @stundorn
    so your saying server hopping (which is built into the game) is equivalent to an aimbot?

  • @stundorn said in Aimbot and ESP:


    Cheating generally describes various actions designed to subvert rules in order to obtain unfair advantages.


    so people in SoT cheat all day and Rare does not do anything about it, but to some degree even suppor that!

    Serverhopping subverts randomness of Worldevents and PvP in general , Alliance Servers, Animation Canceling to only name the most popular used by majority of players!

    Let everyone play like he /she want to, i dont see why people shouldnt cheat exploit if Rare support it even.

    Why do people that are always complaining about server hopping only focus on 1 reason people hop when there are many?

    Server hopping is the lifeblood of open crew. It allows people to find compatible crews and allows them to get away from crews they and servers they aren't compatible with.

    Open crew dies by penalizing server hopping. Without open crew and the ability for people to get away from situations they don't want to be in the game dies without server hopping.

  • @damotree Actually the 'not taking damage' hack is not a hack, but a known bug.

    Its been documented for a quite a while that the weapons (especially the pistol) have hit registration problems. Sometimes you can shoot someone several times, get hit markers, and they won't die. Let me repeat, THIS IS NOT HACKING. This is a bug with the game.

    Unless there is a player who is simply standing there while you repeatedly sword/blunder them and they actually will not die, you aren't encountering hacks.

  • @shifty189 WTH is an 'ethical hacker'?

  • Can you believe I was going to create a thread concerning the same subject? I've just being sinked by a ship that spoted my location 3 times. No, you didn't read it wrong, that ship managed to spot my location 3 times in a row. He wasn't flagged as a Reaper Emissary, so from the two one:

    1. He is a VERY lucky man.
    2. He was cheating.

    What's more disapointing: the game make thing really unbalanced. Rare should give Sloops ways to fight back the cowards that goes for an unfair fight. Because the way things are, even if you manage to escape with your tiny Sloop, they will spot your ship trough third party programs.

    At first I tought I was exagerating on my suspicions. But surprisingly the firt thread I read here is exactly about programs that allows players to spot ships.

    I think they should make all ships visible. Or at least make PvP more fair for those who play solo.

  • @nyr1n It’s someone who works to increase security of computer systems by finding vulnerabilities.

  • @auridenix Don't know what you mean by giving sloops ways to fight back.

    Fight back what? Sloop is a pretty powerful ship under the right hands, I easily sink Brigs and Galleons on a Sloop.

    The only disadvantage I can think off, is the crew sizes.

  • Rare can 100% detect anything third party if it is launched with the game. They are also aware of any cheats out there, and do testing against it. They get all kinds of statistical feed back and telemetry that our minds cannot even comprehend. I am sure anyone who uses it gets does get in trouble, Rare just doesn't do a ban hammer like Blizzard does with their games, just wipe out thousands of accounts at once. They just deal with it on a case to case basis.

    Just once in in all my hours in this game, there was only once I might have called someone a 'cheater.' I was on a full Galleon crew and the 4 of us were just unloading on this player, fire, sniper shots, blunders to the face point blank, blunder bombs, pistol shots, and true sword lunge strikes! This went on for 30 mins. And he just kept pulling pineapples from nowhere, and he never seemed to take damage and literally never ran out of ammo. He even started to sell our loot while we were actively shooting him It was hilarious and infuriating at the same time lol

    Other than that one incident, I don't think cheating is a problem on the high seas!

  • @nyr1n
    White hat hacking. It’s pen testing. Check it out on google

  • I once ran into a boat that had some sort of forcefield around it. The entire server allied together and we all blasted and shot those guys for the best part of ten minutes. Their ship didnt sink and they seemed able to respawn instantly, it was just crazy. In the end we all just gave up and logged off.

    Thankfully i have not seen anything like that since.

  • They investigate reports of cheating.

    Also your title was making me excited to see a thread about being accused of using an aimbot, but actually having ESP and predicting where people were going through powers.

  • @ikobi-blade said in Aimbot and ESP:

    @damotree said in Aimbot and ESP:

    I've definitely come across hackers, most obvious are the ones that can't take damage, unless you use a blunderbomb.

    Pretty rare occurrence I've found. Would like more counter measures if possible

    Why you confusing hackers with cheaters is beyond me, they entirely unrelated to one another.

    As for your claims, that is called server issues, which is something we been having for ages now.

    Know issue with hit regs due to those same server issues, at least read the patch notes.

    Nope not a server issue, he was a blatant cheater, even the way he was playing the game exposed this fact.
    Casually walking around our boat, taking our supplies, while our whole team attack him, nothing worked.
    Luckily I figured out that environmental damage worked, just not PVP, so blunderbombs managed to actually damage/kill him.

    Stop trying to disregard real incidents.
    "At least read the patch notes" I've read them all, I know what I'm talking about.

  • I remember watching one of those cheat videos on youtube where some guy was demonstrating esp, aimbot and so on for those that wanted to get it on some website or other. This guy was killing everyone easily, taking on whole crews of people at a fort and at the end of it he actually said he felt the cheat ruined his experience so badly that it wasnt fun anymore. He had made the game so easy for himself that it wasnt worth playing.

    Its not even hard to find these things, there are whole forums which openly discuss and offer them.

  • @arctroopachedda said in Aimbot and ESP:

    I recommend not downloading those. Sounds very suspicious. Also, in my (estimated) 300 hours, I’ve not had a situation I can’t explain with skill/HiTrEG bROkeN, or just being mediocre myself. This isn’t Call of Duty, you know!

    If you’re comparing the guns in this game to call of duty you’ve questionable knowledge about call of duty

  • @ikobi-blade said in Aimbot and ESP:

    Honestly if I worked for Rare I would ban right at this spot, just for admitting to look for cheats.

    Even if 99% of them probably fake and filled with malware, I also never had problems with cheaters in this game.

    Well, you’d be fired straight away because you want to ban the person without going into investigation. They’ve simply said they googled it and are concerned about how easy it seems. For all we know, they could even be on console which cannot used any software.

  • @illbushido305 It’s more just a comparison of cheaters in Call of Duty, which there seem to be plenty of. Can’t even seem to play a game without running into one.

  • @damotree you are incorrect, there are no hacks that can make you invincible. None, its not possible to modify server side information. However there are bugs in the game you can exploit to make you invulnerable to all but environmental damage.

  • @ikobi-blade Its called research bruh

  • @auridenix good players don’t struggle to find ships. You were simply being found be good players.

  • @soulflared I have 62 days played and have most certainly ran into ESP/aimbotters/ and people who can stay underwater without taking drowning damage. Consider yourself lucky.

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