
  • Remove the exploits from the game.. please, mickey.. please. Or at least stop allowing you SOT partnered streamers to use these exploits and showcase them.

    Things I consider exploits:

    Loot Juggling
    X-canceling of any kind.. fast bucketing, fast digging, fast gun switch
    DPI switching
    Shroudbreaker activation mid-sailing... or activation at all to avoid conflict or to chase conflict.
    ladder F spamming (added) this may be more about hit reg and less about exploit.
    alliance servers (added for @glannigan )
    emmisary raising/lowering exploit (added for @galactic-geek)

    I'm sure there are more but these are the ones i've seen prominent Rare backed SOT streamers on twitch use on multiple occasions. Its bad PR... and what would Mickey think..

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  • Your game is great because it puts everyone at the same level gear wise... you don't get power ups.. but these have now been replace by broken game mechanics... I know I'm on a rant.. but these exploits have been in the game too long.

    Also... can we fix the forums so the submit button works... half the time it doesn't work...

  • @treefittymonsta I consider these exploits skill upgrades. You learn them, and then you use them. It's like angling the sails, you don't have to, but those who know how will sail faster.

    Why is it a problem? Anyone can do them, anyone can learn and utilise them? Minus maybe DPI switching, which I agree is more of a bug than anything.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Exploits...:

    @treefittymonsta I consider these exploits skill upgrades. You learn them, and then you use them. It's like angling the sails, you don't have to, but those who know how will sail faster.

    Why is it a problem? Anyone can do them, anyone can learn and utilise them? Minus maybe DPI switching, which I agree is more of a bug than anything.

    I just want to know if the devs are ok with these exploits being used. I know they've tried fixing a few of them to no avail.. I don't man. i feel dirty using stuff thats broken in the game to get a upper hand.

    i see prominent SOT partnered streamers using these exploits.. shrug maybe its ok.

    I've also seen prominent SOT partners that say they refuse to use them because they feel they are exploits. I agree with those particular few.

    I'm just confused on the whole premise.. and would prefer not to be an exploiter in any video game or in life in general. Maybe I'm old school, and can't keep up with basic exploiting zoomers that populate video games these days. shrug.

  • The first 2 can be performed by any player and don't affect gameplay that much, just make it easier or faster they aren't that important and don't take long to learn.

    Double gun quick swapping has basically been patched out already, or is extremely rare to come across, not that big an issue anymore.
    Shroudbreaker mid-sail isn't as bad as emissary lowering mid-sail, so mid-sail things should be patched, but shroudbreaker isn't the priority one.

  • dpi glitching and raising/lowering flags with the leave/return method are the two that I think should have been addressed asap as they significantly affect combat and the environment negatively

    I don't really care about the shores of gold thing as the whole point of a checkpoint is that people can activate them whenever they want. Not interested in negatively affecting tall tale people in order to serve people that are chasing ships.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Exploits...:

    @treefittymonsta I consider these exploits skill upgrades. You learn them, and then you use them. It's like angling the sails, you don't have to, but those who know how will sail faster.

    Why is it a problem? Anyone can do them, anyone can learn and utilise them? Minus maybe DPI switching, which I agree is more of a bug than anything.

    Anyone could could use the Double Gun Exploit, but it was still considered unfair, as well as game-breaking. If it goes against the developers' wishes or vision for their product, or creates an unhealthy environment, then it gets the


  • @galactic-geek And yet, we still have these things in the game, so clearly, the devs are a-ok with it! At least for now!

  • @klutchxking518 said in Exploits...:

    @galactic-geek And yet, we still have these things in the game, so clearly, the devs are a-ok with it! At least for now!

    I don't think that they're okay with it - I think they've been too busy dealing with Covid restrictions and working on releasing a bombshell update.

  • @galactic-geek Eh, they're ok enough to leave em in. Stomping yer feet and refusing to do em isnt gonna stop others from doing em. If it's not cheating/hacking, and the devs haven't called out against it, it's fair game.

    I say use em while we can, and if they get patched out, cool!

  • @klutchxking518 said in Exploits...:

    @galactic-geek If it's not cheating/hacking, and the devs haven't called out against it, it's fair game.

    This goes for alliance servers as well, surely?

  • I think the bailing glitch 100% needs to be fixed. Ive seen ships with max holes be saved by 2 people bailing. It's absurd.

    The juggling loot on land imo also should be fixed just based on it not making sense.

    The shroudbreaker on open water imo is fine.

  • @valor-omega Yeah, it does. I'm not a fan of em, but they are allowed!

  • how long before this post is deleted if I gave detailed instructions on how to do each of the actions I listed above? that's how I know they are exploits.

    tell me I'm wrong.

  • @ajm123 said in Exploits...:

    The juggling loot on land imo also should be fixed just based on it not making sense.

    "Loot juggling" is probably impossible to fix in a way that it doesn't affect the gameplay. If they just increase the time on picking up chests, it's going to affect the whole swiftness of the game. It's fine.
    X-canceling with shovel is fine in my opinion, but fast bucketing isn't.
    Fast bucketing should get fixed because it isn't as minor as the others. Fast bucketing gives 50% of speed increase if not more.
    X-canceling with shovel and weapons in otherhand gives probably a 10-15% speed increase, which is fine atm.
    DPI glitch in water definitely should get fixed.

  • The only issues I see is the DPI exploit, as it's unfair. The fast switching or x cancels can be done by everyone, it's really easy to do, and it makes solo runs that much faster. As for the Tall tale checkpoint, keep it in. As a PvPer you're prepared to sink others for gains. If your prey is smart enough to keep the shroud breaker as a tool to get away from you, then you deserve to lose that loot if you're not willing to do the same. Everyone has access to it, and it's not an unfair advantage. Because many of the PVPrs in this game are so aggressive, it's up to the PvErs to adapt, improvise, and survive.

  • @treefittymonsta let's find out, Do it 🥴

  • @beatyourownmeat said in Exploits...:

    @treefittymonsta let's find out, Do it 🥴

    I'd prefer not to. the mods have been very patient with me and I don't want to cross a line. but I also don't want to exploit.

    is it ok to post a topic about how to do these apparently not exploits? if it's not ok, then they're in fact exploits.

  • @treefittymonsta do you not sword lunge into water?

  • @beatyourownmeat said in Exploits...:

    @treefittymonsta do you not sword lunge into water?

    I do. and Joe neate on a stream publicly acknowledged it wasn't an exploit.

  • @treefittymonsta All of those BUT the Shroudbreaker are exploits. Do you also consider using the Shroudbreaker by those chasing someone actually doing the Tall Tale to steal it from them an exploit as well? Hmmmm? They aren't using it for its intended purpose either, yet I'd bet you'd give this a pass or even endorse that strategy. Nothing needs to be changed on the Shroudbreaker, other than your attitude towards it.

    You also conveniently left off the worst exploit nor mentioned it in any of your other rants - raising and lowering Emissary flags at sea by having a player quit out of the session. This is by far the worst offender and definitely needs addressing before anything else (well maybe DPI switching, but there might not be much that can be done on that front). Did you not think of this one...or is it one you use and are being hypocritical?

  • @klutchxking518 it's a problem because it is technically against the xbox TOS. Specifically it states that glitches being used to gain an advantage are listen under cheating. Even if they are something anyone can do, you are still breaking TOS.

  • @mysticshadowzx said in Exploits...:

    @klutchxking518 it's a problem because it is technically against the xbox TOS. Specifically it states that glitches being used to gain an advantage are listen under cheating. Even if they are something anyone can do, you are still breaking TOS.

    Zero tolerance is rarely positive for an environment and it's definitely not positive for a game like this. Rules exist so there is a foundation for discretionary enforcement and typically healthy discretion leads to punishments for the worst offenders and for the most significant negative effects for the community/environment as a whole.

    Getting involved in who shoveled/bucketed faster or who used a tale tale checkpoint to go where and when is a pretty pointless endeavor and doesn't improve the environment. People aren't entitled to them but there is no reason to make them a priority when there are so many other issues that significantly negatively affect us all on a regular basis

    Dpi glitching is a good example of something that nobody really wants to deal with and everyone doing it is intentionally doing it to ruin the combat experience. There is nothing positive by it existing. It's not something some random pvers can use by themselves to make their lives a little easier and aren't harming the gameplay of others like shoveling or tall tale convenience.

  • next few posts are transferred from another topic that was deemed this topic so relocating here, I've deemed that x cancelling, loot juggling, dpi switching, etc are exploits. during drops I watched multiple SOT partnered streams use these glitches. how can you support streamers that use exploits in your game? I watched prominent SOT Partners each one used the loot juggling, and x cancelling exploits to get advantages against your community.

    this exploitation needs to stop, please, especially by players that you sponser via twitch.

    I can't be the only one who's getting tired of this. they're setting a bad example imo.

  • I've watched a sot partnered streamer loot juggle a mega keg in the water, catch a ship, that they would have otherwise missed if they didn't loot juggle.

    I'm tired of these guys 'representing' sea of thieves... and the majority exploit every stream.

  • now I'm starting to run into 'normal' people on the seas using these tactics.. and I just want to know is it ok to use these exploits.. that's all. I don't want an advantage because I can loot juggle a keg thru the water at an unintended speed. or that I can x cancel bucket to save my ship. or I can finish a quest faster to leave an island quicker because I used fast dig x cancelling..

  • I've seen competitive arenas where in the rule list it said no loot juggling, no fast dig, no dpi switching... they obviously see these glitches as unfair advantages.. why does the rest of the community not have this fairness...

  • I just want an even playing field. especially with an influx of players coming on the 22nd. is that so much to ask... note I had to break my post up, because the submit button doesn't work on longer posts.

  • @treefittymonsta all games have bugs and glitches. All tournaments where there is a prize at stake will also set their own rules to ensure equality for that prize. When you play the regular game the only thing at stake is your time.
    Most of the glitches you mention, as others have stated really are just a part of the game, even as annoying as they can be.

    Ideally they could be patched out, but you have to remember that sword lunging was talked about with the same disdain until Joe told us that it had gone from a simple glitch to an actual mechanic they kept on purpose.

    Just enjoy the game while you play and if a streamer annoys you - vote with your click matey.

  • @sshteeve said in Exploits...:

    @treefittymonsta all games have bugs and glitches. All tournaments where there is a prize at stake will also set their own rules to ensure equality for that prize. When you play the regular game the only thing at stake is your time.
    Most of the glitches you mention, as others have stated really are just a part of the game, even as annoying as they can be.

    Ideally they could be patched out, but you have to remember that sword lunging was talked about with the same disdain until Joe told us that it had gone from a simple glitch to an actual mechanic they kept on purpose.

    Just enjoy the game while you play and if a streamer annoys you - vote with your click matey.

    I disagree. these are exploits that impact the game and provide advantage to the few that use them. they should be removed from the game. and SOT partners should stop showcasing in their sponsored streams as valid game play.

  • @treefittymonsta sword dashing is a technique used by the few matey and you admit to using yourself.
    Unless you're happy to have ALL glitches and exploits removed, then the argument is a little moot.

    You've raised the point however and see what happens. It's been a while since I sailed the forums, so I know not of how often this topic of thread appears on the horizon.

    Ta'ra for now!

  • There is only ONE Exploit is SOT’s and that’s Alliance Servers!

    Where the meek and weak sniveling cowards conglomerate and take advantage of the Game Mechanics in a way that is NOT commonly available and accessible to everyone!

  • @sshteeve said in Exploits...:

    @treefittymonsta sword dashing is a technique used by the few matey and you admit to using yourself.
    Unless you're happy to have ALL glitches and exploits removed, then the argument is a little moot.

    You've raised the point however and see what happens. It's been a while since I sailed the forums, so I know not of how often this topic of thread appears on the horizon.

    Ta'ra for now!

    I would happily lose the ability to sword lunge (which rare said was not an exploit) if the loot juggling, x cancelling, dpi switching went with it.

    I just want a level playing field, which is why I've enjoyed SOT since launch.

    I'm just now seeing all these exploits being broadcasted out via sot sponsored streams as valid gameplay.. and that is why I'm voicing my concerns. ignore it if u like or continue to think that exploiting/glitching is ok in a multiplayer game

    thanks for ur post.

  • @treefittymonsta it was originally an exploit that they decided to keep in the game because people both utilize and enjoy it. Also I'm pretty sure Joe Neat never said it wasn't an exploit? If I'm wrong I'd love to see the source!

  • @beatyourownmeat said in Exploits...:

    @treefittymonsta it was originally an exploit that they decided to keep in the game because people both utilize and enjoy it. Also I'm pretty sure Joe Neat never said it wasn't an exploit? If I'm wrong I'd love to see the source!

    he called it a happy accident in a interview. unfortunately I don't have a link, or recall the exact instance he said it. that's when I learned about sword lunging.

    I would have definitely labeled sword lunging an exploit until they approved the use.

    that's really what I'm after, is validating the use of these actions. I remember being taught how to silent repair... and I thought nah this is definitely an exploit. and it was removed recently by the devs.

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