Sunken ship counter in the game interface / Contador de barcos hundidos en la interfaz del juego

  • English:

    Accessibility options update

    I wish there was an option to see the sunken ships that have been made during the same game session. Something similar to what many streamers have in their live shows.
    Attached screenshot to show exactly what I mean.

    Thank you very much! :)


    Actualización de Acesibilidad

    Me gustaría que hubiera una opción para poder ver los barcos hundidos que se han hecho durante una misma sesión de juego. Algo similar a lo que tienen muchos streamers en sus directos.
    Adjunto captura de pantalla para mostrar exactamente lo que me refiero.

    Muchas gracias! :)


  • This would tip the game balance towards PvP too much. The devs want to maintain a good PvPvE mix and, for the most part, don't really overemphasis fighting other crews. That's why the actual "ships sunk" stat on your profile includes Skelly Ships. Even the Reapers can be played through pure PvE, if the player chooses. It's a casual game with no skill-based matchmaking, best not to think of it as a competitive game in any sense.

  • @realstyli I totally agree with you, that's why I was thinking of an optional accessibility setting that is disabled by default. At the end all players can count the sunken ships external to the game, opening a notepad for example or writing it on a piece of paper. However, if this option is in an accessibility configuration, it saves me from always writing it down externally with my friends, it is also a counter that many streamers have on their live streams.

  • @x-jecker-x

    Those streamers update their counter manually as well. They usually have a hotkey on their Stream Deck (or similar) to add +1 to the various fields. Having it as an automatic option would still overly encourage PvP, regardless if it's optional.

    You give players a stat and they will do their best to max it. The seas would be a lot more aggressive, which would lead to even more calls for PvE servers than we already have. Those players would get annoyed because they are absolutely not getting PvE only servers and they'd leave.

    The PvPvE balance is a careful one to strike and, for the most part, I think Rare has done well in not skewing it too far in either direction.

  • How would the game measure that you sunk another ship?
    There are too many factors at play in Sea of Thieves for there to be an accurate automated "Sunken Ship counter".

    I get where you are coming from with this idea @x-Jecker-x, but, for the concerns @RealStyli brought up and from a technical point of view, i don't think it would work.

    Nothing speaks against grabbing a pen and paper (or other) and keeping a log of your piratical achievements yourself though.

  • Thank you for your answer @thor-von-blitz , I think that the game itself could have such a counter, since, although it is inaccurate, it is better than nothing. For example, when a skeleton ship sinks it always counts the crews around it as having sunk it, some similar action could be taken. Likewise, a manual counter could always be implemented in Accessibility that assigns a keyboard key for Galleon, Bergantin and Sloop and that the player adds it manually. It's just a suggestion that I think could be very interesting for many players and streamers :)

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