The Ashen Curse Visual bug

  • The eyes on the The Ashen Curse don't shine anymore since the update (Main game branch)

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  • Tbh it´s kinda cooler, also are you sure it´s not just you? I haven´t noticed anything

  • @anto217171 sagte in The Ashen Curse Visual bug:

    The eyes on the The Ashen Curse don't shine anymore since the update (Main game branch)

    Making a thread doesn't do a suppoet ticket

  • i opened a ticket, the bug is global (not just me, i can see it on other player, and other players see it too)

  • @anto217171 LITERALLY SAME. It’s so frustrating cause I love the look of this curse but it doesn’t look quite right anymore, it’s like the colors flipped or something

  • why arent we getting official confirmation of this being a bug or intentional?

  • @anto217171 I actually like the way it is now...I don't care if they change it back or not

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