Problem in TallTale (Quest for Guybrush)

  • I am trying to do the tall tale (Quest for Guybrush) and have stumbled upon this error: If I try to talk to Meathook it gives me 3 options and not four like seen in all the walktroughs...

    Can anyone relate or help?

  • Same Problem here

  • i sorted it, maybe a bit late but you need to ask stan about all his ships, then which one is cheapest, then ask him who bought the headless monkey.

  • @jake-h9678 said in Problem in TallTale (Quest for Guybrush):

    i sorted it, maybe a bit late but you need to ask stan about all his ships, then which one is cheapest, then ask him who bought the headless monkey.

    Yep that's it. I got stuck on that a couple months back, took a while to work it out.

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